Please help me

Please help me.

I've hit Legend after 650 Hours and I'm officially burnt out. I need a new addicting as fuck game that '''''isn't an FPS''''' and probably no MMORPGs.

Suggest and I'll check it out, thanks.

>Keep playing RL



Dota? Tons of people (mostly girls) have told me about that but it looks kinda shit. Also, I think it might be too late.

I'll check it out though, just in case.


>(mostly girls)
that is surprising.

dungeon crawl stone soup

Is it?

>dungeon crawl stone soup
Checking it out

girls tend to prefer league.

Paradox Grand Strategy games, CK2 or EU4 or something
Dwarf Fortress
Civ games

Path of Exile, 3.0 is bringing a ton of new content - different acts for every difficulty, i.e. you won't need to grind the same acts on 3 difficulties like in Diablo

I played Factorio and 2 or 3 CIV games. Couldn't get into them. I did enjoy Rimworld quite a lot so I'd probably kinda enjoy DF but I doubt it could be an obsessions.

I need something that takes up hundreds of hours of my time.

Examples from my past:
RL, Melee, Diablo 2+Ex and Diablo 3+Ex, Torchlight 2, Don't Starve, Rimworld, Overgrowth, Kerbal, Armadillo Run

Don't judge me.
Tried it, just shitty D3

>that image name
>that watermark
>Tried it, just shitty D3

Dota2 is your best bet. It's great wasting time, I feel like I barely played it, since I mostly played HoN (basically a clone) and still have 300 hours clocked.

Just a random image on my PC to bump with and keep the thread a bit more interesting. You put a lot of emphasis on the 9gag picture. I don't think I've gone there in 3 or 4 years, stop being a faggot.

>b-but we have to hate d3
think for yourself

>I've hit Legend

lol play ranked you fucking scrub

2 votes for dota, fuck. I may actually need to try it.

Nah, it annoys me needing to wait for a new match every time. I don't understand why they did that but unranked doesn't have that bullshit.


tfw to intelligent too enjoy path of exile
i concur fellow reddit spacer d3 is the superior title

I know it's not for alot of people but I have been putting a fuck ton of hours into total warhammer. Put alot of time into single player just using all the armies, then played a lot of multilayer campaigns, and now putting effort into multilayer battles (which has a ranking system, if that's what your looking for).

I'm a huge fan of the WHFB table tops and hate age of smegmar, so this might be a bit biased. I also really enjoy goofy army comps like nothing but 40 units of zombies and a bunch of necromancers kind of shit

I hope you're packing an unholy amount of autism, because you'll need it if you want to get good at it

Smash 4 is unironically the game I've put the most amount of hours into playing online, I'd suggest that or Melee netplay(if you don't have a Wii U)

I've literally never used reddit. Clearly you have.

Checking both out. TW might make the cut desu.

probably not all that autistic no.

I've logged a lot into all the smash games (except brawl kinda). I mostly play it on my 3DS on train rides. Pretty awesome.

why are you upset fellow redditor i am agreeing with you path of exile is a diablo 3 clone for the less intelligent

Play hots.

neck yourself

Why is that? Where did HS touch you?

On the list

I first spent hundreds of hours on DF, and then did the same thing with RW, so you might want to give it a whirl

What rank are you in RL OP? Can't be too high if you aren't even Rocketeer yet

I never really tried D3, but to each his own,
for me PoE is the only rightful successor to D2

you could check out Dominions 4 which is a really deep game which can take up hundreds of hours, a major downside is the horrific UI though

I don't play ranked. I've explained this already. I have no interest in showing off my epeen and I disabled chat hundreds of hours ago. "Legend" is high enough, I've ran out of autism.

>check out Dominions 4
Ok, on it. UI doesn't matter.

>played 650 hours of casual

Jesus Christ that sounds terrible. Ranked with a decent teammate is the only good way to play the game

Go for Kekken 7

Fighting games never cease to be boring and there's very high skill cap.

Anno games are decent for a while, probably not hundreds of hours tier though
1404 venice a best

look up Laser League

this except league :^)

I don't like waiting for a new match every time. It's pointless time wasting. I had team mates consistently because I'm fucking ace at RL. To each their own.

Just bought MKX, but thinking of buying T7. Probably will, thanks.

Can't get into them, maybe too complex or something. I think for a living, I like to shut down for games a bit. RW is about my limit of thought.

casual has its own MMR

yeah but it's way looser than the ranked MMR

>650 hours
Yeah, nah

I learned that the easy way when I finally tried rank and was a master playing all legit rookies.

Was kinda fun but then pretty quickly made boring.

lol, whatever mate. I'm not trying to be the best. Most people aren't legends in RL. Compared to great RL players of course I'm not that great. How many hours do you have?

you are seriously the most retarded person to ever be alive if you're sincerely calling PoE "just a shitty D3"
Sure, the game is a serious casual filter, and it just filtered your ADHD ass

Go play call of duty, that's a game right up your alley

cool man

Good suggestions and hardly any cunts in this thread. Thanks all. Keep it up I'm here for a few hours.

Terraria is decent too