Anders literally 9/11'd The Chantry, fuck that fag
welp.. rip church. Never liked the chantry anyway.
Fuck you Anders you make fun of merril
Shit, It hurts seeing what they did after DAO with Dragon Age.
>The fun loving mage from Dragon Age Origins: Awakening will always be overridden by fanficy DA 2 Anders in the lore and in everybody's minds
I will never not hate 2 and I will never not hate Inquisition. And I will hate what comes next for the series too.
>dude let's make a mage close to you betray you in the sequel too
Anders in Awakening was just a shit version of Alistair though.
don't forget they also ruined Justice at the same time
now that's a problem
I think not
I'll summon a demon, if you know what I mean
>looks like that
>Wants to blow up churches
He is Breivik and Varg combined.
Mages are literally David Gayer's husbandos
Does having high approval with him change anything?
While DA2 Anders should have been an new character. He was actually a pretty good character. A character you like to hate, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
No, Cisquisition isn't Origins.
You seriously expect that shit to matter at all?
The Chantry did nothing wrong.
He's a poorly written character in general and an even worse continuation of Anders you retarded 2fag
NOTHING is well written in 2. Fuck off.
It changes a few lines of dialogue, that's it.
A perfect thread to spam Leliana.
>mfw I dont have opinions this terrible
feels good
if romanced you can ask to join him, but he refuses to "doom you to being part of the horror he's going to do"
>Leliana waifufag
>Post Cisquisition abomination
user pls...
Reminder DA2 was so bad Breivik went on a killing spree out of shame of sharing the same name with a leftist propaganda character after playing it
I can't remember, was he actually possessed by Justice in 2 or did he just get infused by its energy or someshit?
>tfw he came to his senses right before impregnating your fresh womb with superior elf god seed
how unfortunate, i would've used his kid to coax him into being together
Reminder Inquisition was so bad ISIS was founded.
>cutest creature in the game
That's easy
Tell me to do something hard
Kiss your selves.
He was possessed by Justice and they merged into one being
Where the hell was he? Everyone always says he was in the first but I don't remember him at all.
She's meant to look like that right?
It was a collaboration, not possesion.
He was in Awakenings, the expansion to Origins.
I disagree. Apart from the fact that he shouldn't have been Anders. In what way was he badly written?
Oh. Still haven't played that or the other DLC yet because i'm too lazy to mod DA:O
t. Never played Awakening
GO PLAY AWAKENING. It's arguably better than Origins in many regards.
Improved combat and talent trees. Next to no throwaway encounters. Literally every choice and sidequest (that isn't on a job board) plays out in some way shape or form in game.
That sounds like fucking corporate talk.
Are you a suit, user?
>dude not all mages are blood mages lmao
>half of us are going to go crazy and summon demons in the finale to prove this
>It's arguably better than Origins in many regards.
Was this intentional or was it just inconsistent writing?
It kind of comes off like that scene in South Park where it turns out every jew actually does have jewgold on them at all times.
Nah, It was in the game
>I save my spirit friend
>Letting him rapemind me
More like 9/10. I always choose Templar, even when playing a mage. Fuck mages.
The awakening dlc. He's one of the first companions you get, the others being Oghren and Nathaniel Howe.
>alright so we accidentally made the mages evil, how do we ensure people will actually join them
>Lets make the templars just as evil, when everyone is evil no-one is
>people will love it
and here I'm left wondering why the fuck I couldn't just let the Arishok burn the place to the ground.
He was a good friend
He took me to a walk in the fade
Oh and the artstyle. Massively improved. Lots of unique assets.
Better villain and plot than the Darkspawn side of Origins (enhances the Origins story as well).
Nice argument retard
It makes sense at that point, It was his last option to save the mages, so he goes full necromancer.
worst part is they just reused a boss from the first game's dlc in a way that doesn't actually make any sense.
And all of the other mages in the city that had pride demons on speed-dial?
Will he ever return?
What the fuck is wrong with his face?
well he will bring you and your whole family to his communist utopia for starter.
>It's arguably better than Origins in many regards.
Yeah let's not get too silly. Much smaller scale and lacks that grand adventure feeling. The plot is also mad convoluted too, like there's talking Darkspawn now? I never wrapped my head around that.
They merged and anders fucked up mind turned justice into vengeance
I'm leaning on latter. It was just supposed to be another DLC for Origins but EA wanted them to make fullblown standalone sequel and only a year to do that.
because he was definitely innocent before when he was providing help to the serial killer mage
Worse than that is that they make fun of you for thinking about it too hard if you ask Varric about it in Inquisition.
>I couldn't just let the Arishok burn the place to the ground.
So true, Its a shame what they did with the Qun in Cisquisition.
>too dumb to live
>all character there is to her is being an elf
>human MC abuses the fuck out of her (well, can anyway) but in a decade she doesn't find better life goals/better people to have in her life
>still throws away the one thing that matters to her to be your human breeding sow
>STILL summons a demon at the end of it all
Is Merrill the most realistic portrayal of modern women?
>he never got to have a scene with Cory
what the fuck were they thinking?
No, because he's dead in most people's games.
Shame it was so short and small scale where it didn't really feel like your actions doesn't really matter too much. I mean, in the sense of a game that is like 60 hours everything you do will be "if I do X will it benefit me in the future?" Where in Awakening it's more "I might as well do X since the game will be over in a few hours anyways".
The only good thing about Merrill is bringing along Fenris to constantly mock her for her stupid decisions during her quest
and that was the only good thing about Fenris, too
Playing a not shit deeproads segment is one of the better reasons
>The plot is also mad convoluted too, like there's talking Darkspawn now? I never wrapped my head around that.
You're literally retarded if you cant understand the plot of Awakening.
Yes it's smaller scale. It's a fucking expansion pack you retard on two accounts.
And the plot is a mystery instead of an epic. Switching gears on Origins style of story was the best decision they could have made and it kept a smaller scale game much more interesting.
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening has
>Better combat
>Better encounters
>Better dungeon design
But just less of all of those things. It's more than worth the roughly 20 hours of your time to play the final good Bioware product if you love Origins.
You can stop the mirror shit if you rival romance
If not for Merrill, you could have pulled off the same angry mage/spirit mix with the angry elf mage lady from Awakening. If you set aside the time inconsistency between Awakening and DA2.
Kirkwall's Tempars were lobotomizing mages left and right just for fun. No surprise mages retaliate how they can.
Go on
Oh it's definitely worth playing, it just aint shit next to the magic of Origins.
There's no need to get emotional about the plot being convoluted though.
what happened to velanna?
Tell me more senpai, I never romanced her because she looks like an ayylmao, like most elves after Origins.
Getting railed by Wardens daily.
awakening is good but its not as good as Origins. the fun part is seeing you already over-powered character go super sayian and stomp everything to death without trying.
>Why was an expansion pack short
Side content matters infinitely more in Awakening than Origins. Sidequests outside of job boards have consequences ranging from unlocking the true good ending where Wardens Keep, Amaranthine, and all of your companions live, to accidentally creating an order of knights that lasts for a 1000 years in the epilogue based on a single interaction early in the game. (This is one of many tiny sidequest details in Awakenings epilogue)
>There's no need to get emotional about the plot being convoluted though.
It's not a complicated plot user, you're actually mentally challenged if you walked out of Awakening confused after you beat the game.
she was going to be the host of justice/vengeance in dragon age 2 but everybody fucking hated her so they used Anders instead.
I might have forgotten about that, actually. Does she actually give up on it, then, or does it somehow still happen?
So what's with the talking darkspawn then?
I didn't go around reading every lore piece.
sucking my human penis and giving birth to our half-breed children.
>Not exploring Cory's background in Inquisition
>A fucking survivor of the assault to the Golden City
Yeah, they weren't thinking at all
Literally explained perfectly clearly during the finale of the game at dragons rest. Literally explained perfectly clearly to you in dialogue. In no uncertain terms that anybody should be able to understand.
Darkspawn either gain sentience or go insane when they are cut off from the sound of the old gods "Song".
was Witch Hunt the most pointless DLC in origins?
Got a feeling you googled that but alright user.
No, that's Golems of whatever
They're basically reverse grey wardens, except for the architect. He used the blood of the grey wardens to convert the darkspawn.
I didn't, Dragon Age doesn't have complicated lore. But if that helps you feel like you aren't retarded then whatever.
Eh, it gave the MC a good exit point if you romanced Morrigan.
Kind of a shame you could not get her to come back to Amaranthine (the whole dutchy was called that, right?) with you to be the keep's bitchy Lady, but what can you do.
Maybe don't make a fucking expansion like then if it doesn't fit the game? Or better yet, make it a part of the main campaign so it actually has some weight to it and the stuff you do actually feels like it has an effect on the game at large outside of some cutscenes a few hours later.
>Side content matters infinitely more in Awakening than Origins.
It does, but it doesn't really feel like it matters since it's just a little short side story is my point.
Nah man it's gotta be that rehashed Denerim one where you play as the darkspawn.
I think there were literally zero new assets. Total cashgrab.