Describe the current state of video games with one image

Describe the current state of video games with one image.




This's more accurate t.b.h. desu.


Remember when the most we worried about were normies and Call of Duty casualizing FPS games?
Sad times indeed..


Why would pc gamers be mad? It's the best time right now to be one.


>winning anything

My sides


>It's the best time right now to be one.
Why? It's literally dead system.

And yet, all the top games on twitch are pc games.




Nice achievement user. Totally rekt.


he's right though

Think about every TRULY popular game. About 50 percent are multiplats, 40 percent are PC exclusives and 10 percent are nintendo.

Last relevant exclusive was an indie game a toaster can run with no problem

>buying five sets of ten jump tokens is cheaper than the fifty dollar pack


Yeah, the only times I see console games on twitch is if they're speed running Super Mario 64. It's like consoles are a dead platform.


>consoles are dead because of twich

Only PC idiot could come up with such dumb argument.

According to Sup Forums anyway

he's right though, how many normies do you think care about a game which isn't a multiplat or pc exclusive?


>And yet, all the top games on twitch are pc games.
Think about what you're saying user



Console games sells better, consoles also gets exclusives. PC basically indie shit you can play on toaster.

Shit's bananas

>no one bothers going on twitch to watch console games unless it's some speedrun of a 15+ year old game
>but large amounts of people go on twitch to watch PC games

Hmmmm, it's like there's massive amount of public interest in a specific platform.

It's a convenience fee to save you from having to make five different purchases, go-guy.


this isnt about consoles but i like how it became about that. as for video games.....shits fucked. most games suck and have no fuckin depth anymore.


And yet the top sellers are all multiplats.

>watching esports on twich is measure how platform is alive

Not really. It's actually sales and amount of good new games.

I think the guy at the till is going bananas because of that monkey business.



And yet they are not, and yet you are moving goalposts.


>yet another console war thread
We did it, Reddit

So McDonalds makes the best hamburgers then? Kek

Also most of the viewers are watching people playing the game casually, not a competitive match.


You can very clearly see they are, at least for sony/microsoft.

> PC basically indie shit you can play on toaster.
If this is the moving goalpost, battlegrounds requires a supercomputer


>several games on the sony side are available on pc, a fact which is intentionally distorted
>many others are so shitty only a drone would buy them in the first place
>several of the remainder are just ports of older games anyway, some of which pc can still emulate the original version of
You're right, this does describe how retarded the average Sonyfag is.


>So McDonalds makes the best hamburgers then? Kek

According to you yes.

>9/10 topsellers on the PS4 are multiplats

Man = Developers
Mudshark = Publishers
Baby= Game
Dog = players

>watching games instead of playing them

More dead than ever.

>mullet discount
I'm in.

You said sales are a measure of quality.

>And yet they are no
>they clearly are in the picture



So what? It only shows that games sells better on consoles.

I think what's happening is his friend told the dude he's unwittingly making out with a tranny. I studied a lot of Sherlock Holmes as a young adult so I have good perception of these things.


idk I watched my brother play games when I was younger. Never gave the fucker money to do it but watching other people play video games doesnt mean games are dead

>And yet they are not,

Do sonybros ACTUALLY believe this?


you said watching games are measure of quality
But picture also has exclusives. Are you dumb?


Ah, so you were trolling

So you think McDonald's hamburger eating is the most popular TV show right now? I think you may be retarded user. It's ok though, that's exactly who consoles are made for.

Most impressive user.


You can clearly see 9/10 are multiplats you idiot.

It even gets btfo by the xbone, and PC/nintendo are on a completely different level

>multiplats sells better so games don't sell

You what?

I know the feel of going full autismo for a fetish. Feels pretty good to be honest, to love a fetish THAT much.


Screencaps count, right?



>multiplats are the topsellers
>n-no they aren't
>yes they are
>s-so what, that p-proves nothing
The absolute state of sonegroes



>So you think McDonald's hamburger eating is the most popular TV show right now?

This is not what I said you idiot. I was just laughing at you because you used twich as argument. Stop using strawman because you said something dumb.

9/10 is not all you cretin. How's you eductaion level?. Also we are talking about all consoles.

>btfo by the xbone and PC and Nintendo

PC gets btfo by PC? My god


Nice image, got it in an even worse resolution?
I can almost make out details

Sounds like you're just backing out now that you realize how retarded you are for thinking eating McDonald's hamburgers was the most popular spectator sport.

lol ok lets rephrase it. In proportion of exclusives anyone actually gives a fuck about (e.g. they buy/play/watch(check twitch or youtube) them), ps4/xbone

>>n-no they aren't

Why everytime PC idiot lose argument he's using strawman? Or is it complete lack of reading comperhension because of you age.

>that p-proves nothing

What does it prove actually? I don't get it.

not even true my fellow tipper

Top fucking kek.

But seriously, fucking four kids?


And? Your point?

>And yet they are not
What did he mean by this?

Not really PC exclusives sells like shit compared to console ones.

Seems to contradict this
>Why? It's literally dead system.

I unironically want my funeral to be like this.
