Would you play a JRPG with cartoony art style?

Would you play a JRPG with cartoony art style?

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why is western art always overly cartoony?

Yeah, it might be a good change of pace.

The west does anime worse, so be thankful it's not that.

Only if the characters were ghosts.

easier to animate

Potentially, but not if it looked like that.

All the girls in DP were hot as fuck.

fuckton of former art students with no skill

They're all cartoony.

Yes. I would also like a WRPG in anime style.

Of course.

Loudfags need to an hero

I wanna fuck that loli.

No, because the only appeal of Japanese trash is the art style. It would be the worst of both worlds.


Is Chibi not a cartoony style?

I actually really like the Kanna and Tohru there, but the Kobayashi seems really off. It feels like something is missing because the "dead fish eyes" look she has is lost in translation to that style.

are we gonna fuck in that van?

She has some rock CDs to sell you

Is it rush cds? Some dickwad stole all the rush I had from my car.

I'd love a switcheroo and see how both sides handle their opposite genres.
Anime artstyle for a WRPG
Western cartoon artstyle for a JRPG.
Hilarity and mind building experience would ensue.

Now I'm curious how the rest of the cast would look like in this style.

Yeah, just go in the van with her

I already did

wish my luck user, im gonna fugg that little slut


I always wondered how would they sell a Dorohedoro animation.

As a horror? SoL? Adventure?
The manga touches and does so many different things it's hard to guess which one is the main.


Imagine all the satanic imagery and the gore with a cute cartoony style

Considering Japan doesn't give two craps about Doro, Netflix would probably pick up it now that they're into some "anime crazy" shit. So, Horror focus.


Only good character

The main girl was ugly.

oh shit it's so true. They produced that Blame! movie. Haven't seen it but it's such a weird idea. How do you market Blame? it's so niche and weird that the vast majority of audience would lose interest in it quickly.

We can only hope for a good adaptation of Dorohedoro someday, I guess.

This isn't going away anytime soon, is it?

>cartoony art style
it wouldn't be a jrpg then as the "genre" is defined by style and cliches/tropes

They are doing the Castlevania anime series too. Maybe there is hope in the west for anime adaptations of good mangas, now that Japan is stuck in FOTM for a quick-cash.

>get out of never-ending shounen/sports anime at every corner with mediocre animation
>start making just FotM animes focused on moeshit, waifus and lens flare

The worst part is that good animation makes everything better (AoT, OPM or even Dragon maid) but they do it so few times and usually for something that wasn't wort the time. At least we can enjoy the visuals, I guess.

There is one being made for the Switch


Yes but not if looked like your picture op.

Jesus fuck, we're reaching critical levels of tumblr with this one

They might be producing it, but the animation studio behind the Castlevania series is Frederator Studios - better known for stuff like The Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom.

Sup Forums partyvan

>Battle Chasers

Talk about back from the grave.

>Le shitty pedophile cartoon
Worse than bronies

Toriyama's style is the right level of cartoony.

I hope so. Fuck Japan and it's shit taste.

These kinds of posts are always a good means to spot the people that were shitposting with ponies to begin with.

anime is cartoons

I already did and it was great.

Would still fap to that Lucoa even if she looks retarded

Anime is overplayed anyway

Reminder that classic Looney Tunes kicks the shit out of Anime in animation, and comedy.


Finding bronies disgusting is a natural reaction retard, off yourself

i'm pretty excited for this game desu.
any word on when it's gonna release?

Looks cute.

i just hope Lapis is a possible party member, else 0/10

Fuck it the thread's shit anyways


I want to hate this, but it looks pretty fun

why are you posting Bob?

Only if they get the amount of fingers on the characters right!

Steven "deeeeh wats model sheet uuuuuuhhhhh" Universe

>we gotta find something about this popular show that everyone loves to try to prove it's bad
>i know let's cherrypick scenes where his body is off scale, as if not every single cartoon show ever animated does the same thing
the desperation of Sup Forums spergs is tangible

Anons here will play anything with a sexy girl, so yeah.

>body is off scale, as if not every single cartoon show ever animated does the same thing
This delusion, kek.

And how do you excuse the piss poor writing.

Have they announced the price yet?

>establish that every cartoon animated fucks up body scale at times
>post more scaling fuck ups to try to prove otherwise????
the show is about character relationships and lore development anyways, just enjoy things nigga


but Dorohedoro is also strangely comfy and heartwarming.

>it's SUPPOSED to be shit

Yes Im so sick of generic anime sameface

That's not what he's saying, you sperg.

and shame on you for using shantae to shitpost.

No, I wouldn't play a JRPG at all.

Are there tags for comfy?
Also are girls are good.

Yeah, sure.

I'm with you family
She got to keep dem titties

Should I buy Atelier Sophie on PC?


>said its not supposed to look like shit
>"lets top my post off with a picture from the show that looks like garbage. That'll show him!"

I'd play any game that was good.

I mean, the gore's pretty heavy for standard slice of life or adventure. But the tone's pretty upbeat and goofy for genuine horror.

Kind of a adult fantasy dark humor. Don't know how I'd market it.

what's wrong with the establishment of characters height and body proportion not being as important as writing strong, realistic relationships and addressing everyday social issues?

>when Greg strums his guitar, it changes the way the battle song sounds
>when steven's shield dash targets an enemy, any other enemy in the way gets hit too

It's got some good detail.

As long as they don't have tumblr noses

He said off model shit happens, not that it's supposed to be off model.

ur a faget

That's what I meant. It looks like it's all horror and dark humor but then there's a lot of comfiness. En's pictured like this big boss but he never screams, shouts or hits any of his subordinates, not even Fujita or Ebisu. Kaiman and Nikaido kill a lot of people but then they have chill times eating gyozas or just screwing around.

Even the cross-eyed group are just some guys doing what they believe to be the correct way to live and help each other.

I guess because they live in a world where wounds can be wuickly healed and people ressurrected death loses fear in it.

>Tumblr universe, instead of a Regular Show RPG game

>"G-g-g-guys its not bad you just ch-ch-cherry picked those off model pictures"
>posts off model picture on his own

The classic Looney Tunes kicks the shit out of most animations out there PERIOD. It was a different time where animators had much more time and power. The only thing that really comes close are other shows like Animaniacs or early disney cartoons (or very high-budget 2d animated movies... sometimes). But you must remember that comparing Looney Tunes to One-punch man isn't really a fair comparison as they cater to different audiences.

anatomy is hard

you would also get a 5 minute short finished out of a year of work

No-one wants to do things they've already done a bunch. A lot of western comic artists are actually fantastic, but they draw in a stylised way because they want their work to stand out. It's beyond me, but some people prefer it that way.

More like simple shapes and lines are easier to animate.

You're not enjoying the forest for because of a few dead trees
it's a great show written with some really complex character relationships, and i think if you gave it a shot you'd really enjoy it