Dragon's Dogma thread

Are you excited about the reveal of Dragon's Dogma II at E3?

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why do you tease me so?

As a PCfag, I was pleasantly surprised numerous times on my playthrough. It has that sword&sorcery feel of old RPGs, did not expect that from a console title.

Honestly, it's absolutely gonna happen, right? The port to the current consoles an GoG pretty much solidifies that it's gonna be DD2, not DMC5.

>expecting a DD2 reveal
>when a DD port was just announced for PS4
>when DDO hasn't even been localized yet

fucking lel

DD2 with cat masks on the E3 reveal!

So it's another Sup Forums meme game right? Like meme hand and vanquish?

>when a DD port was just announced for PS4
If anything, that just makes it more likely that it's gonna be DD2. It shows that they have interest in continuing the IP

no because the first game is so buggy on my machine that I haven't been able to play it

It's one of those weird cases of a game that's really good and really bad at the same time.

>really bad

What about DD makes it "really bad"?

DD2 with cute witches on the E3 reveal!

Two more seasons, then we'll tell you the date!

>love game
>ask for sequel
>sequel turns as a bad game
what the point

I want to believe too, but I think they're not working on anything and PS4 version is just a cheap cashgrab

I would love it if that happened but I'm confident that the game that Itsuno's team is working on is DMC5. I don't know if ti will be announced at E3 or not though. A new DMC is fine too, even if I'd rather DD2.

Yes, but it's not getting announced this year that's for sure. Best case, is they're testing the waters and trying to scrounge some jew money real quick.

who cares about that shitty mmo

>Continuing the IP
>By putting the PC port on PS4
It only shows that they want a quick buck and nothing more.

But I want to play it on my PS4 with japanese girls.

Is this a jape thread?

Capcom, you fucking dummy. Why would they announce DD2 when it would compete directly with DDO and before they could make mass profit?

Nah, senpai. They tested the waters when they ported it to Steam, and that did better than they expected. They even said that they would be interested in a sequel if the port sold well, which it did. I'd honestly be way more surprised if they didn't announce a sequel.

The boring overworld, the lack of enemy variety, the poorly implemented RPG elements and the atrocious balance.

>DD2 comes out together with a Dark Souls like summon system

There is a 70% chance that it will be DMC5, and if it is DD, it's about a 5% chance that it will be a good sequel, so I'm not that excited.

God I just want a DD: Finished Game Edition

I hope they refine the pawn AI system instead of taking the easy way out and adding co-op.

>Game announced for PS4/Xbone
>Have PC/Switch

What am I doing with my life.

I've been wishing for it every year since I played DD

No, it's a jest thread.

Fuck that. Not every games need co-op. I'll take a well balanced single player game over a messy co-op but not really game.

Explain to me how it's DD2 when clearly Itsuno has been working on DMC5? Look, I want both but DMC was put on the end of Capcom's pipeline. Seeing how Capcom said the same thing about DMC4SE back in 2015, DD2 is less likely this year, not to mention DDO.

Hugely disappointed in the game after finally playing it.

Game was soulless MMO-tier boring with awful writing for the most part and the story is basically an opening, and ending, and nothing but generic quests of no consequence inbetween.

And I don't know why they insisted on making the combat so bullshit. You're fighting appropriately leveled enemies and suddenly you come up against a monster where you're literally doing 0 damage even with proper buffs. So you return later after leveling up a bit and it's suddenly a cakewalk instead.

Friendly reminder Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is now available on gog.com :)

>clearly Itsuno has been working on DMC5
How so? Honestly asking, I haven't heard anything about this.

>Capcom presentation
>Letters "DD" in red shows up on black screen
>Dragon roars mightily in the background
>It's Deep Down.

>dragon's dogma
>well balanced

It would come out on PC no question. Pretty much all their big releases are.

God Hand is not a meme game. Dragon's Dogma is a game that's fun but has a lot of wasted potential. I mostly just want a sequel so it can have the chance to become the game it should have been.

Any updates on DDO? IIRC some Anons said it was playable. Anyone got some info?

it is playable via proxy and stuff

if you put in the legwork you can get it to run

Now imagine how bad it would be if they slapped a co-op system on top of that.

It is with the language patch and a VPN:


>And I don't know why they insisted on making the combat so bullshit. You're fighting appropriately leveled enemies and suddenly you come up against a monster where you're literally doing 0 damage even with proper buffs. So you return later after leveling up a bit and it's suddenly a cakewalk instead.

The way that damage works in Dragon's Dogma is maybe the worst thing about the game because it means that the action elements are held back by the RPG elements at all times.

>Any updates on DDO?
Two variations of existing skills!

It's all hopeful delusion. Only concrete thing is Itsuno announcing a new game this year, and this.

Thanks Anons.


I don't see how it would be any different

DD is already a "make your own difficulty" kind of game because it breaks in a myriad of ways.

It wouldn't even be so bad if you could mod it out.

There isn't a rebalance mods of the sorts because its literally impossible to change the resistance values of a single enemy in the game.

The best you can do is spawn enemies in different part of the map, but its completely useless because you'll only do 1 damage to them until you are BBI-levels of upgraded

It would be at least "fun with friends".

So what's stopping someone from starting a private DDO server? Kind of like how there's like 200 Lineage 2 Private servers.

It's all speculations, but
>Itsuno directly working on DMC4:SE
>said to come out with new ideas for DMC when working on DD
>said that he wanted to make DMC4:SE to test some things and to quickly give something to the fans
>Capcom's 2015 plan mention Devil May Cry series to be released "Fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 and beyond"
>Capcom has one unannounced major title to be released this fiscal year (ending 31st March 2018)
>Capcom implements 2.5 years development cycle, considering that DMC4:SE was released July 2015, new DMC would fit perfectly for early 2018
>Itsuno has a game to announce this year
>since last year, Capcom announces a game less than a year before release, such as RE7 (7 months after announcement) or Dead Rising 4 (only 6 months)
I swear, DMC5 fits perfectly, but that Monster Hunter World trademark is a little worrisome. If not E3, it would be either TGS or PSX.

if you play solo, do you still have to deal with lag? Or are the skills handled client side?

>DMC4:SE was released July 2015
It's June, fuck me.

It's a decent fantasy adventure that is great if you're into that kind of things Also you can fuck the kings wife get thrown in the dungeon for it then sneak out and all the NPCs act like nothing happened

Anyone got a working Cheat Engine table for DD:A?

I wanna try some things out.

>Tfw Dragon's Dogma doesn't have an Explosion spell

I have no idea why they decided to do things like that, it turns what should be a skill based action game into something almost entirely based around stats and gear.

So many cool little nuances to the combat system that end up being totally worthless because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is having bigger numbers.

several fire spells fit that bill plenty well

Enjoy your 5 seconds lag.

>Dragon's Dogma II
Was released like two years ago.

Its only for the subscription part.
You can play the entire game without needing VPN once you moron.

Learn how to read.

DD2 is DDO dumbass

Yeah and so was the Elder Scrolls 6.

I guess Bolide is close enough. I wish the game had multiple save files so I could make a Megumeme pawn equipped with only one spell.

Oh, it's you again

What if Monster Hunter World is Monster Hunter-themed Dragon's Dogma with DMC combat and coop?

>The best you can do is spawn enemies in different part of the map, but its completely useless because you'll only do 1 damage to them until you are BBI-levels of upgraded

Modders are doing exactly that right now and calling it "world difficulty", while still only doing 1 hp damage:


Much difficult. wow


Isn't it cancelled?

I liked how you could customize your toon
Didn't like how the game bugged out at the end and I was invisible without being able to do anything or complete the game

>I wish the game had multiple save files
there is a save file manager for the PC version

Just download dinput8.


you did beat the game, but you didnt get the credits because you didnt kill yourself with godsbane

It's a meme game, but closer to GTA4 or La Mulana.

that looks really shit to be honest

Does this game have any mods worth downloading?

Nexus is only showing cheat and ENB ones.


>black screen
>crowd goes wild
>Dragon Dogma Mobile
>now YOU can be the chosen for FREE!

Nice try.

>This encounter will NOT be in the version update. This is meant to show the progress of the mods capability.

It's an incredibly generic, repetitive fantasy MMO for the most part, with no unique style, little atmosphere, like three-four actual characters in the whole game (the rest being thowaway NPCs), occasionally decent combat, and a few profound sparks of story.

Overall it feels like a committee of Japanese devs tried to make a game that would appeal to the west, and the end result is just amazingly bland. I admit the Dragon parts are great, but that's pretty much the intro and outro, you could cut out 90% of the actual game and lose nothing of particular interest.

That might be cool.

Are you are really so fucking stupid? the normal shitty boring enemies were one of the main flaw of the game, if a mod can fix that it's infinitely better.

gotta gear up in BBI first however to deal with this

>repetitive fantasy MMO for the most part, with no unique style, little atmosphere
did you even play the game?

>doing 1 damage per attack on enemies that have healthbars of 120000 hp

I'm And I agree with you, I guess I should have been more clear with my post in that I was mocking for not reading the video description

I don't get how you people can call Dragon's Dogma generic. Maybe if you don't play fantasy RPGs I can kind of understand you looking at it and going "lol, swords and sworcery!".

that sorcerer spell is spoopy

Not this shit again. In this game the main problem is the opposite of what you are saying, getting overlevelled and melting everything with a sneeze. If you are doing 1 damage it means that you are in area you aren't supposed to be at that point of the game. For BBI it depends more on the gears but, guess what, even in the worst case scenario directly getting the gears you need is already a mod feature.


It does absolutely nothing interesting until the last 5 minutes of the normal game and postgame is also not handing out anything interesting until the final encounter for that

Besides that only BBI does anything interesting when it comes to lore and setting

So for most of the game it is generic as fuck with story and presentation.

The interesting hook just comes in too late

Yes. It has everything that is expected to be in a fantasy setting, but without the effort to make it unique, interesting or good above "serviceable".

Cities/towns are boring and bland, the wilderness environments are boring and bland, NPCs spout generic one-liners of no consequence (same for most quests). The huge monster fights are the best parts of the game but even those they managed to make them annoying through damage calculations and broken climbing.

B-but loli pawns

I've played a lot of fantasy RPGs, that's precisely why I see it doesn't have much to offer. (In terms of story/presentation, I don't care about grinding and collecting herbs and other MMO stuff.)

In comparison to games like Dragon Age Origins and The Witcher 3, Dragon's Dogma plays like a bargain bin East-European fantasy game from 2001, until the very end where it suddenly turn interesting (of course too late.)

The Witcher 3 combat did nothing but annoy me though the whole game

>I don't care about grinding and collecting herbs and other MMO stuff.
what grinding? In the main storyline there's no reason to be grinding for levels or materials at all really.

Why are you even comparing it to mmo's, DAO, or W3? The only thing it has in common is the medieval fantasy theme, they play nothing alike.
>praising DAO story; while shitting on DD story

>too stupid to finish the story
Game bugged out guys!
What is this, world of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?