Why is he the only Redguard who sounds remotely black?

Why is he the only Redguard who sounds remotely black?

That guy sounded black as fuck too.

> sounds black

>not getting to the cloud district often

Smh senpai


Wow... Dude, like... *sigh*

Could you, like, NOT?...

What an unfortunate disaster it would be if someone were to somehow rip my clothes and ravage the area

Because most black people sound like everyone else.

redguard =/= IRL negros
its a fantasy setting and they're mostly arab inspired anyway

Orcs are the negro-equivalents

i thank christ everyday that i didn't buy into the TES:O meme and have no idea who this fag is

no the orcs are palestinians

no there is no negro equivalent. maybe khajiit but its a stretch

>got triggered
lmao get out nig this aint tumblr

I read somewhere that Michael Mack has voiced the vast majority of Redugard characters ever since Elder Scrolls Redguard was released in 1998. Sounds fair enough since I always associate his voice with any male Redguard NPC I see.


khajiit are very obviously gypsies

the closest i can think of are nords

I thought Dark Elves were.



Yeah now I know you're talking out your ass. Nords are the only white people in the game.

I wouldn't argue...

Because Todd got his cousin, Toddretheus, to voice the character instead of doing it himself

They are the niggers, just look at windhelm