Game has stats

>Game has stats

This is one thing I hate about Overwatch. I already suffer from extreme anxiety, and having my entire career laid bare before the eyes of the world is not something I find particularly comforting.

>having my entire career laid bare before the eyes of the world
What the fuck are you even talking about

>I already suffer from extreme anxiety
>having my entire career laid bare before the eyes of the world is not something I find particularly comforting
>keeps playing overwatch anyways
>with extreme anxiety

are you pretending to have extreme anxiety as an excuse to why you fail in life, or are you just a moron?

>game has stats and skill trees

Technically all games has stats tho

>Game has numbers
>Everything else about the game can be discarded, only my calculator and formulas matter anymore.

You highly overestimate the number of people who will look at your profile.

That number is 0.

>never been above average at multiplayer any game

>% of game completed
Please stop this devs. I don't like knowing how much time I've got left.

what the fuck? is your username your job title or something?

>beat game
>15% complete

Is that autism? I'm genuinely curious.

>game has easily calculated damage formula that can be used to plan every move you make


>game lets you manipulate roaches

Well he is a retard

>game doesn't have stats

>Has a well defined meta stat investment you can exploit

The stats are not what I care about

>Game has a bajilliion percentage-based stats.

Now that's some autistic hardcore shit.

I pity a person who unironically enjoys MMO games with so many variables in them, it's like..... so counterintuitive because that makes the game more predictable since you can just min/max the only good stats.

>that recent matches row in tekken ranked

I like FF14 because of how pointless the stats are. Bonuses from your race/birthsign thingy/and minor stat points from leveling add up to maybe not even 10% of your total. Min-maxing on FF14 is like min-maxing on Dragon Dogma. At the end of the day you are just wasting your own time.