Heard of this before ?
I'm pretry hyped desu.
Heard of this before ?
I'm pretry hyped desu.
Please don't let me get sick of hearing about this game already. Don't let shills fuck this up for me.
I literally heard about this 3-4 days ago, no one mentions it here...
>inb4 soulsbabbies ruin the thread again with muh ripoff
I want shills to fuck off.
I'm looking forward to it as a good hc Castlevania.
There was literally a thread about it yesterday. I don't care if you wanna discuss the game, but don't act like a faggot with your "LMAO EVER SEE THIS GAME BEFORE!?" posts.
fuck off you retarded shill
you cucks always make 300 threads after any game is announced and when it's released you all leave
Buy a fucking banner ad, faggot.
Well obviously I missed it. My bad, don't have to act like a frustrated dipshit.
Kickstarter? Yeah, it's that site people use to goad normal people into investing in a game with no return, when they can't sell their pitch to an actual company or proper investors.
How could you be hyped for this game when the trailer reveals it only has 3 generic enemies and apparently 3 levels?
You got shirtless red hood guy, flying bell thing, and candelabra man.
Call me when they actually release (a demo of) the game shill. Until then it's just pretty sprite-work.
>That god awful artstyle
>Game pauses on hit mechanic
>Those samey boring looking enemies
I would say this is 2d Dark souls but thats Salt and Sanctuary. This is pixelshit Dark Souls
The only thing I know is that it has edgy death animations so it's a pass from me
lmao, you may not like pixel art, but this is definitely one of the prettier ones.
3/10 not edgi enough
It looks fucking good. Sup Forums is full of faggots.
It doesn't matter how pretty it is if the gameplay is garbage.
Looks a million times better than Bloodstained.
>My unfinished game looks better than your unfinished game.
Looks cool.
I''l throw some money at it, I've enjoyed kickstarters that had less promise than this.