Can you please post the E3 schedule?
Can you please post the E3 schedule?
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EA's conference is today at 1 PM PT
Here you go friendo
>EA first up
God what a lame way to get the ball rolling
Who's titties are these.
Look at it this way, they are getting it out of the way. Like when you don't procrastinate on something. You just get it done and enjoy the rest of the show.
>EA's conference is today
Shit. I thought E3 started in a few days.
Guess I'm staying up late today.
Could be worse.
Could be Ubisoft. Remember the year they had that stupid light gun game?
While we're asking about times, does anyone know how long the first day of Treehouse Live @ E3 is supposed to be? I've seen a possible two hours but not entirely sure.
activision doesnt have a show?
what is it in American time?
That is American time you Neanderthal
The worst shit is that we get EA and then nothing for like 24 hours.
It's just shite.
Hold the fuck up E3 is today?
Just EA.
not really, just EA going a day early. the show floor opens tomorrow.
>there will never be a year where all the conferences run back to back for 10 hours straight
Whats the point in buying snacks if there is only 2 conferences a day?
Can you please post sauce?
If you're too retarded to reverse image search then fuck off, newfag
That's pacific time, user. West coast time, basically.
This link will have the answear for all your difficulties regarding timezones: lmgtfy.com
PST is Pacific Standard Time, so states like California and Washington, for example, would be 3 hours behind in time as opposed to a state like New York or Florida which are three hours ahead of them (Eastern Standard Time).
Pretty much this: 12pm PST 3PM EST
Basically EA is 5 hours from now. With that info you can convert the time to whatever fuckistan you live in
so basically if you're in california you'll be 3 our behind and if you're in new york you will watch 3 hours earlier
really gets the almonds going desu
time dilation is fun
If the show floor opens tomorrow, will nintendo's stuff all be covered up? How do they hide the new stuff that's getting revealed tuesday?
>tfw exams all next week
better get to studying then
have fun lads
What kind?
Leaving Cert here
Werent all E3 conferences usually on Monday? Why did they decide to go even earlier?
>results "anime"
The SJW at Google fucked up the algorithm when they learned people was using it to google anime porn.
Where is Florida?
I highlighted BST time for my own reference
Florida is ET, isn't it?
Remember last year when they danced on stage?
Where is Ohio?
that's every year
The image is from Sekirei.
I found it using the Saucenao app, which you can find here.
Hope it helps.
excuse me, i wasn't thinking. floor opens the 13th.
Not the panhandle.
Actually 12PM PT
Yes. EA Conference is 3pm EST
If you're too* retarded to google search what the e3 times are then fuck off, newfag.
Sorry, I no longer consider anything west of the 13 colonies America.
I like you user
This is the least hyped I've ever been for E3.
I think I've just accepted that video games are shit now and that nothing is going to change.
sometimes i feel like the stupidest person in the world and feel really down on myself,
then i see anons like this
When is SE ?
Get ready for
>some famous sportsman you dont know or care about
Sekirei I'm guessing from the bit of hair.
No skin off my back, I'm from Pittsburgh.