who would win Sup Forums
and why
Who would win Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dante beats War because CUHRAZEE
>Kratos literally skullfucks Link
>Kain beats generic edgy tryhard #1342
>Bayonetta beats literally who
>Kratos literally skullfucks Dante
>Bayonetta beats Kain, though barely through witchtime bullshit
>Kratos literally skullfucks Bayonetta
wow what a mary sue
>generic edgy tryhard #1342
not knowing about the Demifiend
not knowing how he kills gods and devils
Kain because he's the coolest
vae victis
last time we had this thread there were Linkfags left and right screaming how strong he is
where are they now?
The demifiend can literally null everything right?
I haven't played SMT but that sounds like an ez win.
Kratos is kinda a meme tbqh
The last fight specifically is 100%
yeah. Hard to be beaten if literally nothing can harm you.
dante was fucking with demi-fiend the entire time in nocturne. after every time they fight, dante shrugs it off like it is nothing and shows he could have killed him if he felt like it. and he never even used his devil trigger once.
>beating everyone
He won't even beat Akira.
Depends entirely on how pissed off Kratos is.
If he's "Just watched his wife and daughter turn to ash" pissed off, they're all fucked.
Demi Fiend killed multiple gods.
He's the undisputed winner.
What the fuck was Kratos doing? Knitting?
Kratos killed an entire pantheon of gods and was so angry he climbed out of hell on at least three occasions to continue skull fucking people.
Demi-fiend can only null Physical (not including gun), Fire, Ice, Wind, Electrical damage and every ailments. You can hit him with Earth in DDS
His attacks can pierce everything though
>Putting Kratos on this list
There's your fucking answer OP.
Nigga literally crushes Poseidons head with his bare hands.
Well, maybe Kain wouldn't be able to defeat some of those in the list, but none of those would be able to kill Kain either.
The only one that can kill Kain is his Raziel, it's his very fate.
>multiple gods
He can't even beat Satan properly, not talking about YHVH.
And even Bayo beats creator god in her own universe.
Dante, obviously.
Assuming TP Link obviously Kratos wins. 'Great Hero' Link (LttP, LA, Oracles) at max power would probably win but it'd be close still. If he got past Kratos he'd handily take out Dante and go to the finale.
Demifiend would probably beat Kain. I'm not too familiar with either, but am assuming Demifiend is ridiculously OP based on what I know of SMT.
LDB is an enigma. If we assume max power, he wins, period. Even beating Demifiend or Great Hero Link, much less Dante. But it's possible Bayonetta could win against some other version of him, in which case she loses to Demifiend.
Most likely it's Dante vs Demifiend, Demifiend wins.
>Kratos literally skullfucks Bayonetta
*blocks your path*
*casts freikugel*
This sounds like some fan-fiction level bullshit
Why do people like SMT again?
>not Aleph
It's very context sensitive, like most power-level bs. And fits gameplay where it's all about exploiting the weaknesses
demi-fiend. Nigga can 1HKO you with Pierce and Freikugel
Dante beats easy. He doesn't null gun.
Demi-fiend vs Dante
And Dante wins.
I haven't even played DMC but based off of smt3 it was clear Dante could've killed Demi fiend if he really wanted to