Am I the only one here who's excited for this game? I never see any threads about it.
Psychonauts 2
thats because no one trusts snake oil salesmen more then once
Schafer is making it so it'll be bad
>crowdfunded modern Doublefine game
I'm glad it got funded and I hope it turns out great, but I don't think people are very optimistic about this one. Looks good so far though.
I have 0 faith in Tim Schafer's ability to make a good game anymore. He has completely vanished inside his own ass.
I have no interest in ever playing a video game by Mr. Shitface ever again.
Aw, he's like a mini-Sasha now.
Is it being made in Unity? Looks like Unity
I genuinely hope something good comes of it, but I'm tempering expectations.
Just because Psychonauts feels like a game where the charm of the humor and novelty of the ideas would be incredibly hard to replicate.
>Schafer This
>Schafer That
This thread was doomed before it started. I'm optimistic because most of the original staff are back, including Erik Wolpaw who also wrote Half-Life 2 and Portal.
I'm hype
>90% of the staff is white, overweight, hairy nu-males
you wanted niggers and women?
As others have said I'm purposefully trying to keep my expectations low. Schafer or not, games getting a sequel years after their initial release don't have a perfect track record. But I look forward to it coming out, you never know.
How can you tell a game is made in Unity?
It's being made in Unreal, you dipshit idiot retard. You can see the icon on the taskbar.
I want to fuck Lili
Rhombus of Ruin turned out good, so I have faith.
While I've disliked a lot of what Double Fine has been putting out recently, I still have a little bit of faith in this.
One thing I hope they're wary of is map size. The updated style looks great, but one of the strengths of the first game was that the different areas felt big enough to explore, but small enough that they remained detailed and dense with content.
So it was worth exploring the hub every time you got back to it to see what all the different characters were up to.
>yfw Meat Circus 2
I just don't trust DF
Psychonauts is one of the most overrated videogames of the last 20 years prove me wrong
Schafer is an idiot and will fuck it up.
Probably because Schafer has fucked up so many times
>$3.3 million
I hope Tim Schafer chokes.
Fucking kike.
I wonder just how much easier or more frustrating it is to build off things as a sequel rather than starting from scratch.
When you already have established character designs for the main cast and a clear concept of the gameplay you're improving, but have to change enough things to make it feel updated without recycling old ideas for writing and level design, and dealing with the decade of nostalgia that people have for your first work.
I wasn't overly fond of the first one desu.
People aren't excited before it because they were "tricked" by Broken Age, despite Broken Age being exactly what Shafer said it would be.
I played it for the first time this year.
The overworld is extremely comfy.
The first game did a good job of world building and since your inside people's minds they can do virtually anything
Its a pretty versatile world
I wonder if the other characters will get updated as well. I always liked the idea of different mental worlds having alternate appearances.
And a huge cuck
I started replaying the original for the first time since I played it at launch and I'm falling in love all over again. The platforming is still annoying as fuck in parts, but there's so much else about it I dig.
Also my mind is being blown by how many dialog possibilities there are that I never even noticed before. I've put several hours into it now and I'm still only at Floyd's world because of how much I'm dicking around
One thing I liked about the first game was how straight-faced it could be about how weird the world was.
You could fight psychic bears and become Godzilla to a city of talking fish, but still have a semi-grounded explanation behind a lot of it that only makes sense in context.
The music helps. Glad they're apparently bringing back the same composer.
only thing I find weird is how much time they seem to "waste". Don't know if that's a common luxury that larger videogame companies have to make years worth of content just to scrap it or if that's just how Schaffer works
People this stupid still exist.
If Tim didn't have the worst possible track record with crowdfunding I would have probably donated for it. I'm going to probably buy it if it releases, but that's a big if. I still haven't forgotten about his faggotry with GG either
That's one of the finer details that makes the game for me. The idea that every item or power you get can basically be used on every character with different resulting dialogue.
I replayed the game for years and found new jokes and interactions that I missed every time.
Schafer likes to party and hang out with staff
His work ethic is amazingly Italian
The only thing I feel like they're legitimately throwing away was the art test for the old campsite. Which is a shame, because it looks genuinely nice.
But I guess they still have the assets. And a scripted surface area look at the new graphics doesn't mean that they did all the actual bug and gameplay testing for the area.
Schafer has gone out of his way over the past few years to make sure everyone knows he is a fraud and a charlatan, he is terrible at managing money and he has complete contempt for the people he's selling his games to.
He has LONG since used up all the good will he ever had left over from the original Psychonauts and his days at Lucasarts.
That is why.
>Meat Circus 2
I actually hope there's another world that's similar in tone.
Just without the timed escort quest. That bit could get bent.
>that lungfish bubble level
I wish it were a person so I could stab them
I hope they don't make it too easy after you get 90% of the collectibles. Having regeneration and a xbox hueg health bar after delivering all the brains a few worlds before the last one breaks the game a lot.
The first Psychonauts went way over budget and cost 15 million to make. Since then games have gotten exponentially more expensive to make and they're going to make this one for a fifth the cost? I wouldn't trust Nintendo to deliver on that, let alone a company that has repeatedly shown themselves to be completely fucking retarded with money.
The money from the crowdfunding is only part of the budget. Starbreeze studios is apparently helping fund things as well.
>Oops, we spent all the kickstarter funds on Starbucks so we can't finish the game! Sorry!
Ten bucks says this will happen.
>He wants his videogame company to hire niggers and women
I like the scavenger hunts giving genuinely useful bonuses. But hope they touch-up the powers a bit.
Some of them could trivialize boss fights, like invisibility. While others were never really useful in combat unless they were mandatory for progressing. Like telekinesis.
God, listening to Tim is pure pain. But it definitely sounds like they're making good progress.
Shitty games using it aside why does everyone have such a stick up their ass about unity?
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the engine.
I want to see the janitor again.
no you aren't user
I'm also excited for Rhombus of Ruin, in fact it's the first VR game I'm actually looking forward to
well apparently it already came out
guess I look stupid
I can't afford this game to be bad.
As much as I love the first game, I trust Tim Schafer about as much as I trust the President.
The puzzles were pretty simple. But I liked it.
>the twist is user unironically posts on /r/the_donald
someone post some millas or something
I don't think I'd trust a video game team comprised of entirely fit men.
Like. It suggests they don't spend much time at the computer, which is where games are made.
I was the same tier. I feel like that Hall of Brains section is going to be pretty bloated with the other 2,000 or so people signing up for it.
I can't prove you wrong, but I don't know that you're right, either.
A lot of game critics lauded Psychonauts, but it still seemed to fly under most gamer's radar. I remember Game Informer magazine doing two or three praise articles for the game, and at one point they pretty much shamed their readers for not buying it, since I guess it sold kind of poorly.
I think it's one of those games that flew under the radar at first and then was over-inflated by fans later so it became overrated.
You know, like EarthBound.
I dont know man, i hate Mr. Shitface
Also why is it kid Raz, what happened to Raz at the end of the game or when he became an actual psychonaut?
This just looks like a nostelgia grab thats going to repeat the gameplay of the original and not advance the story at all.
The last game worked because of all the characters and the environments, but most importantly the mind jumping element of the story where you learned about all these characters.
the one game i hoped they wouldn't make
this, adam wests death and richard hammond's accident has made this the worst time to be alive ever
>that post-game dialog where he asks for a drink of drain cleaner while the weirdo kids keep cheering for him
Wasn't expecting that desu
it'd be fine if it's just a HD remake
singles and it's cancelled before the year is over
>what happened to Raz at the end of the game or when he became an actual psychonaut?
He was still a kid then though? There haven't been any big timeskips.
This is my exact thoughts on this as well. I found Broken Age under whelming enough that I decided to pass on crowdfunding this. Hopefully this comes out good.
jesus i forgot this
what happened again?
She didn't help them.
Orphanage she worked at burned down and she couldn't save the children trapped inside.
Psychonauts was amazing, but you can tell this one is gonna be fucked and spit on what the original game was
Prepare the DLC train
You can be guaranteed at least one obnoxious feminism/gamergate joke will be shoved in the game.
>Am I the only one here who's excited for [Psychonauts 2]?
Interested in?
Genuinely excited for?
Possibly, but statistically unlikely.
But schaefer also made the first one, which was very good, so how does that work?
Tim has also said that he feels like that's the moment where Milla's powers awakened.
So her first experience with her powers was telepathically hearing and feeling everything that the kids were thinking and feeling at the end.
Wait, Adam West died? Yesterday?? Damn.
>Guy is having a neurotic breakdown
>Come on Stevie, it's not like they're taking away your video games!
I feel like it's going to be fun exploring HQ, but I'll miss the camp. And campers.
I can't wait for it to come out so I can pirate it. Fuck Mr. Shitface, Psychonauts is a fantastic game, but he doesn't deserve a single penny for anything he does.
Tim Schafer falls into the same trap that George Lucas did.
Early on they both had their ideas that were unique and interesting but they always had their team questioning those ideas that refined and brought them into line.
When Schaefer and Lucas started becoming well known and powerful, no one questioned their ideas and it just became a team of one man that everyone agreed with.
I liked invisible girl and the manic depressive cheerleaders.
>Raz is still a kid
Give 1 reason to hate Tim Schaefer that doesn't out you as a retard or Sup Forumsfag
At least the art style looks spot on, but that's expected considering Doublefine is like 85% animation artists.
>You can be guaranteed at least one obnoxious feminism/gamergate joke will be shoved in the game.
has he done this before or are you pulling this from your ass?
Cause it's probably like, a week after the first game.
Older more experienced Raz could have been interesting, but I don't mind seeing the actual introduction of psychonauts HQ.
He has ruined games before.