choose your poison
Choose your poison
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Left, obviously.
Is this supposed to be hard? Or even a question at all? No one in their right mind would choose right.
>superiority complex Nigress who is balding or white blonde hair chill woman who goes through hoops just to be with you
Man tough choice.
Think I would rather choose actual poison.
If choose right if she had a cuter hair style.
I have a fantasy of being dominated by a strong black amazonian woman. She doesn't necessarily need to be black though
The Arab girl.
Nate or no buy.
Honestly - both are ugly, but the nigress seems like the angry tumbrina type, so I will go with the blonde.
Why are white women inherently superior to black women? Am I the product of a culture that prefers white > black or is it biologically natural to find white features more attractive than black ones?
Real talk: There's no reason to render that much of the chest if all you're showing off is a simple bust.
Stop fucking teasing us.
>both ugly
The blonde is hardly ugly.
White is right
she looks like someone's mom
>exposed area above forehead
First signs of it
Left is really cute desu. Right looks like a grumpy old hag.
Blacks have all these round ass faces with overly thick lips and generally just look more cro-magnon and apeish.
It's just an objective fact that they just look more closer to the uncivilized caveman look.
>he isn't a motherfucker
A nice and attractive white girl or a literal nigger?
Geez, that's a really tough question.
There's a little bit of social conditioning, but european caucasians have more progressive features on average.
Southern european men ("mediterraneans") are more attractive than northern european men, though. South and North euro girls are more or less on the same level of attractiveness.
Different strokes yada yada
>man jaw vs ayo hol up
I chose death.
Human ofcourse.
>No one in their right mind would choose right.
Nahh I'd choose both,I get down with the swirl user.
I'd rather take the poison.
Fuck niggers.
is that way
The human, you fucking zoophiles.
Are these age marks or freckles?
I'd take the nigger any day over the generic cumskin woman
FUCK ALL Cumskins
Great taste.
>this mad that barely anyone chose the monkey
the white one
both too old
MILF has been a fetish for a long, long time, user.
Fuck poison.
I'll take something better.
Can I choose Nathan instead?
>Fuck poison.
I would, gladly.
Oh geez, you sure showed me. Kill yourself nigger.
that's a beauty. what's her name?
the way he caress her stock and inserting the clip is tooo lewd
You already take the poison by playing something made by N(a)u-ghty Dog.
Mazur LDR
>tfw been in that situation
>tfw all I could think of was "What was that doujin with I'm going to jail"
>N(a)u-ghty Dog.
Niggers are just subhuman
Nu-Naughty Dog doesn't sound catchy.
>Not Sully
Sully makes the entire series, he deserves his own game and yet they keep ignoring it.
It's biological, white women are seen as more feminine and fair skinned. Same way darker men are more attractive to women because they're seen as more masculine.
you're little sis had a friend over who looked like a boy?
Not a nigger lover, so I'll choose the one that would give me children.
that's obviously her hairline from birth
>Southern european men ("mediterraneans") are more attractive than northern european men, though
too bad they are all manlets
Patrician taste.
is it though?
oh i see, it was just hard to decipher what you meant.
i think last of us was a pretty good game despite having 0 replay value due to the stupid puzzles and all the walk and talk segments.
god i want to fug her bussy
*white children.
best to have white children, so they too can be on the top of the world in this white man's world.
I always thought Uncharted 1-3 were the last great naughty dog "video games" before the oscar bait that was tlou. The rest goes downhill from there.
U4 did have more gameplay than tlou ever did tho
I'm sure the children of Sup Forums will see the light some day, friend.
You have to be 18 to post here you know. Finish high school then get back to me.
Nate will THE husbando of vidya.
>white man's world
>whites are the minorty in reality
Too bad the mexicans will takeover shortly in the US and Europe is in transformation in to the new middle east.
But whatever helps you sleep at night cumskin.
i somewhat disagree.
i really loved the gameplay of the last of us and i thought the game was really fucking long, way longer than i expected.
as far as uncharted 4 goes, it did have a lot of gameplay and the combat was great, but there was WAAAY too much climbing and the pacing was complete garbage.
that madagascar chase scene is fucking amazing though
oh and uncharted 1-3 are cool too.
whites make up majority of race it's only counted as they are the minority in reality they are one of the major races counting probably over a billion also they are in all continenet all over the world
it really is a white mans world controlled by the juden
>Majority in reality
>Being this FUCKING delusional
Man Sup Forums really does warp reality user
I'm more pissed about the fact that it got all those 10/10s for doing nothing original, not even doing something different with the cliché it used and doing despicable storytelling choices like using Joel's daughter at the beginning like a cheap tool for emotional manipulation later on; that alone should not make you earn a 10/10 score.
Keep in mind, i don't consider it a bad game, something among 7.5/10 and better than most of the Uncharted titles, but every time i try speaking about this i get crucified and accused of being a Microsoft drone or some shit.
Seeing Naughty Dog changing so drastically over the years and then since the advent of the PS3 pretending its past didn't existed like an angsty teenager ashamed of its childhood makes me mad. I'm almost convinced the J&D and Crash easter eggs were almost mandated by Sony.
Black girl looks a little too battle hardened for me. But the white girl looks really boring.
>blonde histeric drama whore
>transexual female thing
>i don't consider it a bad game, something among 7.5/10 and better than most of the Uncharted titles,
so we completly agree, you're alright user.
I'm white, but this is an east asian world controlled by jews.
East Asia:
>105 IQ on average
>up to 2 billion people
>homogeneous countries
>immigration isn't a thing
>emmigration on the other hand is huge (there are fucktons of overseas chinese in Canada, Australia, USA, U.K, France)
>they're right now making Africa their colony
I'm Spaniard and i'm 1.83m.
i am not white but it's true there are more whites in the world then anyother race and more are in position of power other then jews whites rule the planet
in the future they will be majority in the world there are lots of programs being run to get rid of brownies it's true
They are making Africa their colony because if they keep being the factory of the planet they'll all die from their own polution.
China is at the brink of collapse, and Japan will be with it's fast aging population.
I'd do everyone tbqh.
I'm so lonely.
fuck off dayo, no one belives you
Damn, I have more ass than her.
Not him,but...
>i am not white
It's funny because in my class during high school we were clearly divided in two sides.
Half of the boys in it we were tall, all about the same, at 1.80 and higher, and then the rest of the dudes, who were 1.65-1.70m
Then we had a fucking 1.95 lanklet who played basketball
>white girl
1,93 here canario
Arab girls are weird, either they are ugly as fuck, or they are absolute 10/10s.
>le pretending to be triggered leftist meme
Fitting in yet, kid?
memes on you
>imigration isnt'a thing
well have you heared of ropongiee or chinas chocolate city or the nigerians injapaense jails or blacks in singapore
the drug traficing in s ingaporen was so bad they made a psa about trusting blacks cos girls were being dooped into being drug mules or being traffiked into sex slavery it made the news
the jews are pushing hard for multi cultaralism in aisa as well
remmber when they say minority they only mean blacks asians are not counted hell they took out sat points from asians and gave it to latinos and blacks and no one said aword .
i japan they won't arrest blacks cos they get called racist every time it happen in china blacks get sent to jail all the time for drugs and they get called racist just google it you will see fucking jews want to push imigration into other countries but there own
you know in israel they have riots and marches where they tell blacks to go back home
>there are more whites in the world then anyother race
there are more chinese in this world than all white ethnicities combined, you don't even need to include other east asians like japanese or koreans.
there's also more south asians (indians, pakis) and more blacks than white people
How many blacks live in China? I'd guess 50.000 tops in a country with over 1 billion people.
There are over 3 million blacks in France alone, a country of 60 million people. I'm not even counting sand-niggers.
Western Europe is a complete different beast from East Asia, white people are already around 50% of the population of cities like Paris or London.
>Zero Suit Jill
>Jungle Nigress Sheva
I'm not pretending to be triggered. I'm calling everyone who refers to black people as niggers, monkeys, etc. children because that's what they are
Looks normal. You are too used to the crazy unrealistic proportions from weebshit.
Eh, could just be that I hate stealth based games. The 70% walking and talking pretentious story sections didn't help either. If I was given a choice to play a game for the rest of my life, without the option to kill myself, I would choose U4 since it has more stuff going on with it imo.
this nigga never heard of a weave???
I U2/3 a hole lot better than tlou since those actual had you do stuff. tlou story felt too pretentious and edgy, with very little gameplay to justify the title of a "video game". Felt like a longer version of The Order.