What is the Jojo of vidya?

What is the Jojo of vidya?

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jojo's venture

Dio did nothing wrong


Eyes of Heaven

metal gear

Who did nothing wrong more Dio or Griffith? Who wuz more of a good boy?

>Undeniably evil vampire with limitless ambition who tried to sacrifice the person closest to him to transcend his own humanity
>Undeniably evil faggot with limitless ambition who tried to sacrifice the person closest to him to transcend his own humanity
>Evil vampire was planning to consume all of humanity
>Evil faggot is planning to consume all of humanity


Dio is hilarious and I've never read Beserk so I'll go with him



Vampires are less evil than faggots, right?

DMC actually

dark souls


Vampires give you immortality
Fags just give you AIDS

The Pillar Men did nothing wrong

>wanting to overcome their weakness to the sun
>Kars gets shunned and forced to kill his people

But isn't Dio gay?

>e.g part 6

the megaten series as a whole

>"What you need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone capable of controlling his own desires. He must be someone who is not interested in political power, fame, wealth, or sexual desire, and who chooses the will of God before the law of humans"
>not interested
>sexual desire
he's just lonely after spending a century in a fucking coffin at the bottom of the ocean and wants a bro, nothing more. Sadly, the closest he's got is Vanilla Ice or Pucci, and between them, only one can hold a conversation without spamming "HAI DIO-SAMA"

Dio fucked so many women that they made a team of Dio kids in part 6. And then there's Giorno.

Kinda wish we had more of the philosopher Dio than the power hungry Dio we all know.

Persona and Castlevania.

Diavolo did nothing wrong and Giorno is a faggot.


>nowhere near as good as people say it is
>fans of it always have to tell people they're fans of it
>everything ever is a reference to it
>literal aspies will use characters on Facebook as display pics and will post memes of it on their wall to their 28 friends
>the people you meet in real life who like it are disgusting, annoying and can never pick up on the fact that no one wants them around

Hm, probably Overwatch.

at least we got childish prankster Dio

Consider suicide



Everyone's gay
Shit artstyle

the capcom one