Last hopes ?
Last dreams ?
Final expectations.
It was a fun 100 days Sup Forums .
Last hopes ?
Last dreams ?
Final expectations.
It was a fun 100 days Sup Forums .
Other urls found in this thread:
There's nothing good on Saturday so no hopes
>five hours until EA
it will be literally nothing but sports and rooty tooty shooty games.
The real e3 starts tomorrow
Skate 4
DeadSpace 4
Titalfall 3
Come on senpai
>It was a fun 100 days Sup Forums .
was it really tho
I'm looking forward to Mic playing Eurobeat really fucking loud over half of EAs stream
Ape Escape 4.
There are actual Xbots in this thread RIGHT NOW!
Doing their annual E3 resurface.
Say something nice to an xboner ITT
All in all it was.
E3 has been trash for at least 5 years now.
>5 hours left!
It's fucking nothing
Nintendo should get a F- to begin with
You know they're dedicating 10 minutes to Amiibo shit seeing how the last of the Smash series comes out next month
I assume the spotlight is going to be a quick rundown of games they'll be showing on the treehouse. If anything the amiibos will be shown there.
Armored Core
Don't fuck up, Sony.
PSQuadra is good for another for years.
I'll miss seeing this startled squidward.
Darn my depressive attachment to this place.
Dead Space is literally dead
Anri Okita before anyone asks
>5 hours left til "e3"
>It's a fucking EA conference
Yeah, might aswell just say it starts tomorrow.
>It was a fun 100 days Sup Forums .
was it really?
all e3 posts in a nutshell:
>Hopes: Old franchise I loved comes back, new IPs everywhere, good pricepoints and service for the consumer, based e3!!
>What you'll get: overproduced shit, a 5 minute montage of indie and mobile games, dancing on stage, useless developers telling their life story, staged multiplayer, maybe one IP comes back as a cashgrab, another Cuphead trailer
Why would they announce Titanfall 3 after the under performance of 2?
>skate 4
Yes pls
Where can I watch it live on the net?
It's just hopes and dreams user. All in good fun
They give the rest of us something to laugh at.
That's gotta count for something.
Twitch, IGN, stuff like that.
Vidya related streams
As a guy who's been posting 1 squillium thread every day for the past 30ish days I want to wish you all a great E3, I hope you get that game you've been waiting for.
One last time until next year
>0 days until E3
I assume it's too early to expect a D44M 2 announcement, no?
>official schedule shows from the 13th
>people say its today
b.r.b. gonna go f.a.p. if you know what.I.mean.
I really, really hope they keep Politics out of this e3. But I just know we'll get some shoehorned Trump shit in a conference.
Is there gonna be a Sup Forums stream again like the last?
well glad I won't be missing anything today while I'm at work
NFS will never be good ever again ;_;
comfy theater
Actually E3 doesn't start until tomorrow. There's nothing today.
thanks user
I expect this e3 to be kinda lame all around, but I'm still a bit optimistic that MAYBE Nintendo won't go full retard and will actually announce something big.
I have very little hope for anyone else.
What is better there than watching a raw stream and having the Sup Forums thread open?
Is there any other conferences besides EA today?
I believe Nintendo will have a really good press conference, since the switch is doing so well, and has so much potential
well fuck me sideways
Capcom's E3 reserved slot is for Monter Hunter World. Sorry OP, but it's not happening, at least during the SONY conference it's not. Maybe they'll reveal it on the E3 Floor during the live streams?
Can someone give me a visually pleasing quick rundown of the UK times? Everywhere I get info looks different.
>only EA conference today
sports, sports sports
We need more bingo cards.
because its Sup Forums you watch it with, so you dont need to monitor the thread, because Sup Forums is already there with you. Also, because its fucking comfy theater. Like wtf?
My wishlist is big, but my expectations are sadly low.
>Switched to evening shifts this month so I'll be able to watch every e3 conference
Feels good
>what I wanted
>god of war gameplay
Hey post a new discord invite
I just want No More Heroes
At least announce remasters for 1 & 2 to keep me going
Hey, I just want to see if it's actually shit or not.
We already know it's TLOU with a GoW skin so yes it's bad
please see the image, spam filter is a cuck
I'm giving it chance.
Sup Forums threads during e3 don't even have discussion in them, it's rapidfire reactions in a thread that moves too fast and then needs to be remade immediately
>not watching in a dedicated comfy thread at the very least
Starting in 5 minuets
>people saying they want Aisha Tyler to fuck around in Ubisoft's conference again
You know it's already confirmed they didn't bring her back, right?
so same as a Sup Forums stream?
>implying those streams don't also explode into a bomb of "X CONFIRMED" whatever happens
Sorry boys but you will have to update your E3 cards
Capcom please don't announce a monster hunter game on ps4. I want dmc5 :'(
Fuck off Todd, No one likes you
>skate 4
Don't do this user
How about SK4TE?
Its not. Its cross platform mmo . Trademark is gone its just frontier localisation
Ninja Gaiden
Command and Conquer back to its former glory
Legacy of Kain finale
Halo MCC fix and also on PC with a custom games browser
Banjo Threeie
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Jet Set Radio Forever
I could go on, but thats my list
dat pic
Hoping for ME dlc. More info on battlefront 2 as well, I'm pretty excited for that. A tease for the next dragon agr would be nice too.
Come watch E3 in official Sup Forums comfy stream room and chat with other Sup Forumsirgins
No need to register
Link in pic
Thanks user.
forgot pic
>BB2 in the future where clockwork mechanisms are used to heal people instead of blood and oil vials replace blood vials
is there a delay in comfy theatre? wondering if twitch is more real-time
Literal monkey's paw.
Don't open this, it's a virus.
why are the conferences so early this year?
guys what if burnout 3 and revenge were ported to PC
Self shilling the E3 hub page
Is there a stream?
are you fucking retarded? look one post up
Any links to streams?