>wake up without an alarm
>brew a cup of coffee
>start playing vidya immediately
Is there any greater feeling? Work is hell, but at least the weekend is comfy.
Wake up without an alarm
>wake up without an alarm
>brew a cup of coffee
>immediately log on to Sup Forums and shitpost with Sup Forums wasting your day off
why live
>wake up without an alarm
>realize it's 6pm
>realize you have to go to sleep in 3-4 hours or be tired as shit at work tomorrow
Being a wagecuck is suffering. That's all it is.
>waking up at 6pm
what the fuck
It's likely to happen when you get home from work at 11pm and have a ton of stuff to do and you also want to have at least a resemblance of free time so you go to bed at noon.
>wake up without an alarm
>fall back asleep because why live
mfw i work at a videogame shop so i made my hobby my work and im hapy with my life.
Being at home, play games, being at work sell games.
Fucking walmart is bleeding the overnight people dry to force us to work that cancerous shift.
>ease up without an alarm
>drink a couple cups of water
>go for a run
fuck this is literally me
What is wrong with my life
>wife made breakfast already and is playing Breath of the Wild while she waits for you
>wake up
>clean house
>remember dog dies yesterday
living the dream.
>Wake up without an alarm
>It's past noon already because you have no job and your sleep schedule is fucked
>Can't ge to eat anything
>There's coffee from breakfast but it's cold
>Hop on the PC to shitpost on Sup Forums with my gaming PC and don't play anything all day
>Go to sleep at 5 AM
>stay up for 2 days straight
>play games and browse Sup Forums
>wake up
>see this
>go back to sleep
>no alarm
>wake up
>don't feel like leaving the bed
>spend a few good hours lying there
>wake up in afternoon
>check my portfolio
>Im 2k richer than yesterday
>order some delivery food
>get on PC and shitpost on Sup Forums
couldn't be happier with my life
>wake up without an alarm
>start playing vidya immediately
>Is there any greater feeling?
Not really. I love doing this. Haven't been for quite some time though. My hype for playing games have died down a bit since BotW but it will be back.
Absolute plebs
This guy knows what's up
>hating on coffee
Guess it's time to unionize, you have to do it.
Woke up with a throbbing boner after dreaming about this woman who is craving my dick at the moment. Only problem is she's about 30 years older than me, is it a sign?
>wake up without an alarm
>brew a cup of coffee
>start playing vidya immediately with a friend
video games are a lot more enjoyable when played with someone else
>wake up
>start play MK8
>way off my game today
>contemplate buying BOTW for the second time but on my switch this time
>rainy morning
>Wake up at 0500
>take a quick shower and leave for work
>work starts at 0600
>get home from work at around 2300
>immediately go to sleep
>repeat this through the whole week
>wake up at 0600 on Saturday
>work till 1530
>Sit down on the computer
>internet is dead and the ISP doesn't answer phone calls during saturdays
What if you've burned every bridge with e every relationship you've ever had?
I would have the same feeling my man but I've been having a little bit of problems when it comes to my social life that can't escape my head right now. Can't really fix any of it left to myself to just ponder it and it's killing me.
I know that feel, bro
>17 hour shift
uh-huh. sure.
I do 17 hour shifts too, they fucking kill me
>le coffee
Yeah, they're called double shifts, been doing that shit the past 2 weeks with only sundays being completely free.
Last Thursday I did a 19 hour day.
>wake up without an alarm
>sweep room
>dust off desk
>wipe down monitor
>pick up subway and chocolate shake
>take adhd meds to get hype
>sitback on Sup Forums waiting for e3 to begin
I hope Mr Shekelstein is happy with you, these hours sound fucking soulcrushing
>wake up without an alarm
>find out you slept for 10 hours
>still feel tired
>drink 3 cups of coffee
>now still tired but also feel restless
>can't focus on video games like that
>just end up browsing the internet the whole day
>hate yourself for wasting another day and like 3000 days before that as you lie in bed alone with your thoughts with no funny meme images and shitposts to keep them out
>feel anxious over future since you have no college degree or job experience
Sure is /comfy/.
>Wake up today
>It's my day off
>My own day off
At least I'll be plenty free after this month
Mr Shekelstein probably doesn't give two shits about me as long as I don't make a commotion or some other stupid shit.
If I ain't doing those hours, some other poor sod will have to do them. I for one enjoy my job and with no internet at home, might as well work all day.
The Japanese work longer days than the robots they build.
>wake up to alarm
>no coffee because can't afford the extra expense when I wasted too much money drinking last night
>no vidya because have to work at my arcade/bar job in anew hour
Stay in school, kids. Being a wage slave sucks. At least I get to watch people play games.
>set alarm for 6 AM but sleep in until 9
>get up and have coffee that mom already brewed
>get back to programming my own vidya
>If I ain't doing those hours, some other poor sod will have to do them
I appreciate that user, you are a good man
>Is there any greater feeling?
Not waking up.
what do you do for work user?
Am I the only girl around here with a final due next Monday?
>Wake up at 4pm
>Don't actually feel a sensation of hunger these days but force myself to eat some fruit
>Feel exhausted all evening while browsing Sup Forums and fall back asleep at 10pm
>Wake up again at 2am
>Decide to make myself what is probaby dinner? If I'm too tired to cook I just make tea
>Continue spending time online and at 5am exhausted again
>Fall asleep, wake up at 4pm the next day
I'm worried I have some kind of medical condition.
I work for Mercedes Benz as a "replacer" of sorts. meaning if someone calls in sick or fails to show up at work for some reason, I go and do their stuff.
>post on Sup Forums all day
>never actually play video games
this has been me this year
Most of us are done with school, post feet though.
Sleep & eating disorders + internet addiction suggest clinical depression.
That's depression user
Depression can affect you that physically? I'm not even sad though. I'm just sort of switched off. Nobody wants to hire me but I can't afford study so I'm just sort of existing. I have a long history of anxiety but nobody ever suggested depression to me.
smok a bowl
that will help
>wake up early
>plenty of time to work out, eat, maybe a bit of vidya before work
>work in office most days, a few days out in the field
>get back, plenty of time for vidya
Wagecuckin' it ain't too bad. Only thing that sucks is that my bros are all a couple of states/countries away from me, so we gotta time our vacations out to chill together.
smok a bowl
that will help
congratulations user, you gained +100 depression.
I'm sorry
>I'm just sort of switched off
Anhedonia is yet another symptom that confirms the diagnosis of depression.
>I have a long history of anxiety
Anxiety and depression are so highly comorbid that they are often grouped up as "mixed anxiety-depressive disorder"
>wake up without an arm
>immediately go to work killing apostles
>wake up no alarm around 10 am
>relax with some music, browse the net a bit
>do some vacuuming, had friends over for my birthday
>about to shower and play some vidya until I go out later
Work can be hell, but the time after work and weekends are fun enough to keep me from going insane.
Why industry do you work in? My company has a strict fatigue policy, if you work 14 hours straight you can't operate vehicles, if you work a week of 12s you need a week off on fatigue leave, etc.
Oh boy. Guess I should get back in touch with my therapist. They always just pat me on the back for being brave and don't offer me any solutions. I'm usually too tired to make it in open hours anyway. Depression is just such a commonly self diagnosed thing these days that I've been ignoring the idea mostly.
Jesus, you work in a hospital or some shit? That's the only place I've ever heard of people pulling shifts like that.
Hope you get overtime.
Truly the thing that makes everything else bearable, it'll be over eventually.
>wake up because of my mother's screams
>drink a cup of cum
>become an OP of this thread
Automotive industry.
Used to be a BMW tech, now work for Benz at a factory, I pull off long days working as a substitute on different stations at the factory when people fail to show up at work.
There is a policy of sorts that one can do only 3 days worth of overtime in one week before needing a day off, I've worked up a deal with my boss that I can do overtime as much as I want.
The pay is also quite decent and I get 2x wages when doing overtime and then there's all sorts of bonuses that pile up.
>Sony ponies really are niggers
You might also associate low self-esteem, inability to concentrate, and the queen symptom of depression: suicidal thoughts.
>Depression is just such a commonly self diagnosed thing these days that I've been ignoring the idea mostly
Exactly my thoughts but I'm actually having the exact same "symptoms" as you only I force myself to work a 4 hour shift plus a 2-3 hour one monday to friday. I've thought about seeing a therapist but I figure it's just general unhappiness/desensitization with life and there isn't much one can do.
>morning blunt
>fap to some degenerate shit like traps
>can't even feel afterfap guilt anymore
>shitpost all day about videogames but never play
>get drunk because my existance is miserable
>black out and make it late on monday
my personal hell
>wake up to the sounds of my own screams
>another day, another day
Racism isn't appreciated on our board. Please refrain from using the N word here, or you might have to consider posting on another board.
my past weeks has been this 7 days a week
i still work
>Wake up at 3 am
>Leave at 4
>Get to job by 5
>Work until 1 pm
>Get to uni by 2 pm
>Remember I'm not doing that anymore
>Sleeping in until 6 feels amazing
>No longer working 12 hour shifts then going to class
How do I get a portfolio
Fuck off tumblr negroid
Sorry about your doggo user.
Sorry about your doggo user.
start investing
bitcoin is easy place to start
>wake up without an alarm
>realize the alarm didn't work
>it's fucking late
>I fucked up my day again.
>all these plebs not using 24h - Military Time System
Are as backwards as retards using the Imperial System.
Fucking kys you degenerates.
>Fucking kys you degenerates.
Says the incest-loving weeaboo faggot
>projecting this hard
Did I hit a nerve you troglodyte?
>wake up when I feel like I'm refreshed
>brew a nice cup of my favorite espresso and a cup of gween tea
>play vidya, read book, study up on interests and keep up with events around the world
>feeling the neetlife
>wake up and go to work
>suffer through the 8 hours
>come home and shitpost until it's time to sleep
I miss being a neet so fucking much.
>remember dog dies yesterday
>dog is dying yesterday
>wake up
>remember I'm a full-time wageslave with two kids and a girlfriend
>wish I didn't wake up
> go to bed at 4:30
> have work at 9:30
> say fuck it and just call out of work
>be the only person who shows up everyday and everyone else calls out every week so they cant get mad at you
Fuck I love having my cards all played in my favor. and who the fuck cares about money when i hit enough to pay rent at the first week of the month and still have some cash left over i deserve a day off fuck it
Friendly reminder that Schierke is going to be traumatized for life soon.
Having money is nice, but neetlife is really something special. Having a job kills something inside you I think.
>uni on weekdays
>work on weekends
i only got a job and it's already fucking overwhelming, too many responsibiblities
i won't try to get a family ever
>wake up
>take a sip of Ace of Spade like it's water
>being a wageslave
>finally, finals are fucking done. 10 finals and a 12 page paper in 14 just days
>haven't slept in 45ish hours
>come home, see that new Tomb Raider is on sale again
>buy it this time
>3 minutes left to download
>cracked open a bear 10 seconds ago
>will probably play it for 2-3 hours and go to sleep