Who did you side with on your first playthrough, vee?

Who did you side with on your first playthrough, vee?

Personally, I chose the NCR.

Independent Vegas and House were non-options for me because I had a grander vision for the wasteland, whereas these two would've ended up secluding Vegas from the rest of the West Coast. In both cases, Vegas would effectually be a wealth bubble that sealed itself off from the outside world, which was still in steady decline. On top of that, the Vegas culture never struck me as particularly great.

So, the only two options left for me were Caesar and the NCR. While the NCR is inefficient (Powder Gangers, officials are corrupt and inept, deficient protection of traders, spread too thinly), Caesar's Legion commits and legitimizes atrocities (slavery, treatment of women). It is true that similar atrocities are committed in NCR territory, but the NCR doesn't approve of them, which is a big difference, and the NCR could make a genuine effort to stop them from occuring. Now, Caesar wants the Legion to change in that regard, too. But his plan won't work out. Instead of preparing for the cultural shift he wants The Legion to undergo, he relies on dialectics to solve things for him. His men are way too opposed to the values of the "profligates" to accept any of them. The cultural clash between regional populations and The Legion will provoke riots and end in atrocities. On top of that, there seems to be no one suited to succeed Caesar. The Legion will be unable to embrace old structures because of cultural differences (thereby losing power) all the while in-fighting ensues between factions inside The Legion after Caesar's death. If such a disastrous state of affairs came to be, tribals would start eating up territory again because the only centralized force still left, Caesar's Legion, would be busy with crushing riots and figuring out issues of leadership.

In comparision to the cultural and leadership problems Caesar's Legion faces, the corruption problems of the NCR appear managable.

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I honestly can't remember my first play through that much because it was years ago. Also nice text.

I killed the casino guy and took over New Vegas for myself



NCR, because despite how corrupt they were, they were still the plain better option.
The devs did their best to negate that with negativity, but it felt kinda forced. No wonder Avelone claimed, that if he had another chance to work on a Fallout game, he'd nuke the NCR, because they simply don't fit.

i chose the uninstall wizard

NCR are the best option because they have some semblance of organisation

>duh but muh taxes r evil

House makes it clear he only really gives a shit about caps and that'd be clear if you looked into it.

NCR will most likely become a military dictatorship by the looks of it.

Wouldn't be that bad. Maybe that'd allow for purges both in the NCR and, after that, in the wasteland in general.

House always wins baby

House first time because
>legion seemed stereo typically evil
>NCR seemed like incompetent dumbasses trying to rebuild an already failed government model
>independent seemed like just trying to do what House already had planned, minus the immortal machine man controlling it all with a dedicated plan

Honestly, he still seems like the best choice til the DLCs came out. Than independent is better as the courier has so much tech in him and available to him, he is also an immortal machine man.

>NCR is organized
>House just cares about caps
did you play the same game as me or...?

I went NCR because the beginning of the game implies that they're the good guys and I didn't see the Powder Gangers as the demonstration of ineptitude that they are.

After a few playthroughs I actually feel like with all the pros and cons of each faction NCR is the worst, short and long term

I was friendly to the NCR but went Independent. I let Benny live and killed Caesar, then talked Lanius down but killed him anyway.

House cares about neither caps nor being a good leader. All he cares about is his Vegas fetish. House is obessed with Vegas. He's always had a creepy attachment to objects, as one can gather by looking at his biography. One time he had a starlet play dress up for him, neglecting her as a person, then he got obsessed with snow globes (because they're easier to control than actual towns inhabited by actual humans), last but not least he basically turned himself into a robot and built an army of robots around him (some of which resemble people from his earlier life, but with exaggerated reverence for House). Honestly, House is fucked in the head and just wants to keep his little Vegas alive, well and secluded. Being a genius doesn't exempt you from being a maniac. Quite to the contrary.

None of the major factions are in the Mojave for charity. House wants caps and he seems to only really care about Vegas. The NCR wants electricity and the top brass wants to soothe their bruised egos. Caesar has a war machine to feed and his delusion about dialectics.


He clearly states he wants to bring the high tech industries back to the world. Caps are a means to do this and keep people in line, economies are very important to any nation. Sure all he cares about is vegas, but as he rebuilds, "vegas" will become less of just a couple casinos on the stripe and expand. Odds are, the entire land from the stripe to the dam would become one big mega city. It could go even further past that if House kept building unopposed.

House does solely care about new vegas, but honestly, why wouldn't? Primm is just not-vegas, worthless shithole. Everywhere else is equally worthless save hidden valley and the vaults. Shanty towns with little to offer. Why would you bother controlling them and caring for them? If people choose to live there free of House and the perks of living under him, so be it. House has no plans to expand that far, he just wants to secure the strip, the dam, and the land right around it.

Cultures change over time, user.

The real Roman Kingdom, Republic, late Republic, Principate, Empire, late Empire, early Byzantine, post-Islam Byzantine, and post-Fourth Crusade Byzantine Empires are all vastly different.

Caesar is a necessary evil in a wasteland. Enforcing brutal law and order to ensure a stable society, allowing for the gradual shift in culture and sensibility to create a new civilization better suited for the post-nuclear war world they inhabit.


The government forms of both NCR and Legion are both from the old world, have been tried and both failed at some point. Suppotting an independant hub ruled by nothing but robots who enforce only the most basic laws is atleast the birth of something new. I did not try to support House yet, because I am unsure of what his drift is, but he may also be a solution.
Also I am a BoS fanboy and would rather see the enclave rule the Mojave than LARPers or wannabe Burgers.

First play through I was generally doing a mercenary for hire deal where I tried to get a bit of work in for everyone without throwing my lot in to deep with a side, ultimately supporting House cause he liked to throw around the most Caps and I liked the city state plan more than NCR or Legion. Also I really liked lodging in the Lucky 38.

NCR cause they're the good guys

>Who did you side with on your first playthrough, vee?

With myself.

No ruling bodies, only freedom now.

Where my House niggas at?
And also the people who picked House.

The problem with Caesar is that he really has more in common with Alexander than Caesar. He has a hugely successful military that is going to eat itself when he isn't around anymore.

Refer to the OP. Wealth and protection for as many as possible, not for the few. House wants to keep his little bubble alive. He'd remove the people from it and replace them with stand-ins if he could. That's not what I want, I want to build a society for man, with ruling structures, laws and culture.

So you're saying House is a turbo-autist?
Truly the best choice

I think I did NCR for my first, House for my most, and I just started a Caesar run for the first time.
Their pronunciation of Caesar rustles my feathers.

>credit checks at the door
>securitrons take half of all what the street vendors earn
>first thing house does after accepting ncr's surrender is put astronomical prices on water and electricity for ncr citizens

I don't know, did you?

If House didn't give order to destroy brotherhood, I'd probably pick him.

I just picked house because he gave me crazy amounts of caps and all I needed was a NCR disguise to go buy ammo at the dam.

Even if you're not doing a House run, just kill House and claim the 38 as your own

>Not choosing The legion.

Even that has the potential to bring some stability to the wastes.
Remember that even though the diadochi were constantly at war with one another after Alexander's death they were still each able to maintain stability obviously to varying degrees over their respective realms. The death of Caesar would give Lanius reigns, but could also lead to the fragmentation of the Legion and the establishment of some equivalents of the Seleucids, Ptolemys, Pontus, etc.

A fallout game set in a post-Caesar world filled with multiple kingdoms, republics,
tribes, etc. is my ideal sequel to NV

He doesn't care about the caps themselves though. He just needs money to fund his schemes

SEESAR or Kaisar?

Well then how am I going to get paid?

Going to space was just bullshittery, I'm sorry you have to learn this way.

Kaisar is the correct pronounciation
Seesar is just another bastardised English word.

>Kaisar is the correct pronunciation
Is it really? Never knew that

>NCR will protect Vegas
they're going to get zerg rushed by the inevitable Tunneler invasion. At least the Legion and House can handle them

I know, I wanted to know which one was annoying him


Well, it's the Latin pronunciation if anything. A lot of people are going to give you funny looks if you say it that way, but it's more appropriate than "seeser."

Because you don't use latin anymore. In English it's SEESAR.

NCR, they're "the good guys"
it would have been an actual tough choice if they had the time to finish everything they had planned for the game

Avelone is a hack

forgot pic

On my first playthrough I sided with house as Vegas is rightfully his property. Helping the NCR win Vegas is theft which makes you just as bad as the legion.

>Don't thread on me

Caesars Legion needs an Augustus. Someone who can live for a long time, consolidate power and actually build what he conquers into something built to last.

He just needs to set up a better system for de-centralising power after he dies to prevent something like the string of crap emperors rome had

>tfw they didn't get to flesh out the east side of the River
>tfw no real Legion settlements to explore
>tfw lack of content makes Legion runs suck

not because they were good, but because the legion was so comically evil that I couldn't get behind it
my overriding thought after 40-odd hours of trudging around in the desert was "I want to get the fuck out of this place and as long as they're not getting massacred I don't really care what happens to these people," but maybe if I was american the issues would have been felt more deeply

I don't understand why people think Legion is Rome when it's explicitly stated over and over that Roman emblems and other cultural aspects were just plucked out because of their alien nature. They're not like Rome in the slightest.

>NCR designated "good guys"
>Legion designated "bad guys
>House/BoS Neutral?

Gaius' death resulted in destabilization and another civil war. He has plenty in common with him

Yep, they resemble barbarians who destroyed Rome more.

All of the rights that the NCR claims to support mean nothing if the right to private property is not respected.
>you are free to say what you want, but if we (the government) do not like what you are saying, we will take your livelihood and everything you have worked for.
This is not freedom, this is slavery.

How can you still talk about this shit? Who fucking cares.

They resemble Rome in the way they assimilated tribes like the Romans did in Western Europe

It's where the German word for emperor, Kaiser, came from, so you can bet it is.

The ruler of Russia was called the Tsar which also comes from Caesar.

NCR: Neoliberal democracy
Legion: NatSoc dictatorship
House: Authoritian with libertarian economic policies
The Followers: Anarcho-communists
The Kings: Anarcho-capitalists
BoS: Technocratic fascists

Is this accurate?

I can see House as neutral 'just want to get paid' path, but the BOS? Those guys are just idiots.

Best mods to expand Legion gameplay?

Tsar is just the last syllable of Caesar, not the whole name. Also, Greeks living in the Roman Empire translitterated Caesar as being pronunced Kaiser.

They reffered to him as Καίσαρας (Kesaras) so yes you are correct

Friendly reminder that the true title for the Emperor is Basileus.

Legion isn't Natsoc as it's not based in ethnic nationalism just civic nationalism. I would just consider the Kings a powerful gang, not really of any political affiliation. House is better phrased as a benevolent autocracy/dictatorship. Everything else is accurate.

Wrong. Legion isn't natsoc, there isn't an ethnic element. More a standard pre democratic imperialst style of government.

Kings aren't really an-cap either. I wouldn't attach any idealogy to them at all desu.

The Kings are ancap because they want freedom for everyone but at the same time do whatever they want in Freeside because of their manpower, like charging for the water.

It'd take a shitty fucking mercenary to kill his employer.

Legion quests expanded is a must.
Vulpes Inculta companion is very good too.
Increased Legion presence is also ok.

The Legion is just straight up Spartan style stratocracy that forces the agoge on the whole of society instead of just the citizen class.

>House is the only faction leader who you lose karma for killing.
>Playtesters kept picking House too much, so Obsidian had to make you wipe out the Brotherhood of Shit to balance it out.