Where the FUCK are my preliminary patch notes Yoshi P??!!
FFXIV: Stormblood (6 days to go)
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why the FUCK are you still paying for a shitty mmo in 2017??!!
will Stormblood run on 32 bit?
Those eyes look so fucking uguu.
Got some juicy info from Prelim Patch notes from E3 kids. Enjoy!
Weakness and brink of death has been changed.
Previously all main attributes were reduced by 15% and 30%.
Str Dex Int and Mnd all go down 25% and 50% Instead.
(Better not die bros.)
Skill speed now also affects auto attacks.
100% exp bonus applies to every job below lvl 60.
Upon completing a dungeon 51+ you'll receive a piece of gear for your current class in your inventory. (Will never be an item you already possess.)
New Ixion Mega FATE will reward you with an Ixion mount.
There are new special mobs that spawn during FATEs (its random.) Anyone who participates beating them gains the "Twist of Fate" buff that boost your exp gains for an hour.
Susano EX gives 320 Weapons.
Lakshmi EX gives 320 Accessories. (I love this change.)
Palace of the dead is now cross world.
They're reading them at e3 on tuesday.
Which job has the CUTEST AoE?
Some of these sound too good to be true.
>There are new special mobs that spawn during FATEs (its random.) Anyone who participates beating them gains the "Twist of Fate" buff that boost your exp gains for an hour.
Fake. They'd never try and improve FATEs.
Assize is definitely the cutest.
They wouldnt make brink of death worse since babs would cry. You messed up. The rest of that shit is literally stuff he has publicly said in interviews or shown during the press event.
>still no dog girl race when they have cats
>almost halfway through anima lights
>30 on ninja
Will I make it bros ?
Let's talk Red Mage, Sup Forums.
You forgot the best part of the patch notes.
Samurai when they die have an animation where they commit sepukku
I'm glad they added a class more brain dead than monk.
>Upon completing a dungeon 51+ you'll receive a piece of gear for your current class in your inventory. (Will never be an item you already possess.)
I want this to be true but as far as we know which is confirmed that only loot that can be equipped by someone in the party can drop.
Samurai should commit harakiri automatically if they're not top DPS by the end of duty.
Hey, it's Kirito Uchiha in the bottom left corner!
Why is Lakshmi so perfect?
Not if you have a life. I wouldn't bother with NIN if you plan to level SAM and RDM early on. That much potd will kill you.
People will somehow still fuck it up.
>Susano EX gives 320 Weapons.
>Lakshmi EX gives 320 Accessories.
Sounds too good to be true.
What is so surprising about this?
Ravana weapons are i190 and Dreadwrym weapons are i135.
Some of these ideas sound great. You gotta work on your bait to make it sound believable. However, if your intent was to give me false hope and crippling disappointment when Stormblood actually drops, then you may have succeeded.
>New Ixion Mega FATE will reward you with an Ixion mount.
I know this was PAINFULLY obvious for everyone with a brain, but I just want to take a second to gloat and say yes, it WAS Ixion you stupid fuck. Not some random electro horse. Take that retard from like two days ago
The fact that he stated the other primal is dropping accessories instead of weapons
Because Bismarck was a fucking mistake.
No need for doges, chump
especially when those doges don't have screentime.
Yoshi P never lies user-kun
New Grade VI Materia is so strong you can only meld one per item slot. (You can no longer meld on that item if you affix a grade VI.)
Carbonized Matter is no longer needed to meld.
Collectible stations being added to every major city.
Player inventory is being increased from 100 > 140.
New Kloe minion and doll
Contacts will now show not only the job they were on, but also what duty you were in.
Allagan Tombstone of Verity. (uncapped.)
Allagan Tombstone of Creation (Capped, comes out with raid tier.)
Scriptures and Lore are being removed and all old content will only give poetics.
Plants ready to be harvested will no longer wither.
Many old recipes are being changed to have less items needed.
Two new hairstyles
Two new emotes (/puckerup is one.)
Nah, Ixion Minion.
Mount is Cash Shop only
>tfw Susanoo Ex and Lakshmi Ex will be my first primals that I'm able to try when they are relevant
I'm legit a bit excited. I've never been caught up with content in any game before.
Is it just grinding the moment I hit 70 or do you need to gear up first?
I can see some fucking aerola someone call the mods
ARR primals dropped accessories. They probably saw how irrelevant Bismark was and decided to bring it back.
>Scriptures and Lore are being removed and all old content will only give poetics.
Then how do you get level 60 stuff?
>new 'dog/wolf' race as enemies only
>Viera NPC in 4.2
>Kloe minion and doll
You reach level 70, get your AF3 set for completing the 70 job quest, and depending on your current item level you may need to grind for accessories from dungeons, hunts, etc.
How big is SB gonna be? Will it be 30gb?
Use Poeitc, duh.
You get a set of 290 from your job quest. After that you'll need to spam the level 70 dungeons for tomestone gear, then grind the ex primals.
DRK at level 30 is insanely fucking boring
Is it any more fun at higher levels?
Buy with poetics. It's the currency for old content
Thats because it isnt. user is just an idiot. Most likely what will happen is esoteric gets deleted, lore becomes exchangeable for scripture, and scripture is used for everything level 60.
Gear up first. If we go by Heavensward, the initial Tome-set will be super easy to farm (i180) so don't worry.
Any info on classes leaker bro. I know he's fake but i can dream
They just cost Poetics now and are being allocated to different prices.
every single job is boring at 30, especially if you've just gone from a lv 60 job to leveling a lv 30.
Some of the stuff went to using hunt currencies.
If you're not a casul you jut waltz straight into the nearest primal extreme and clear it with the other poopsockers.
All tanks are boring pre-50/60
If you don't clear them within the first week, expect to never get parties because no one wants you if you aren't "experienced" Good thing everyone will be same ilvl with the uncapped tomestones, unless of course uncapped tomestones then have an upgraded version with HUNTS.
White Mage is being removed.
Unlikely, ARR/HW aren't even that together.
How long does 30-60 take?
>> Weakness and brink of death has been changed.
>Previously all main attributes were reduced by 15% and 30%.
>Str Dex Int and Mnd all go down 25% and 50% Instead.
>(Better not die bros.)
>release day 24 mans will become even more of a shitshow
>job without all of its fun tools is boring
What a surprise
Finally. I assume astro gets benediction,asylum,assize. Sch of course gets repose
So if the gear has 2 slots you can either meld 2 grade V materia or just one grade VI and then the other slot is unusable?
>If you don't clear them within the first week, expect to never get parties because no one wants you if you aren't "experienced"
This literally doesn't apply anymore since cross server PF was implemented. There will always be learning and clear groups for months. This isn't like HW and ARR where PF was only for your dead server and if you didn't play on Gilgamesh then you were left out.
Those can't be true. He's not that much of a madman!
I never knew that I wanted this.
I'm between it and BRD for the job I'll do the MSQ with.
Don't you remember Zurvan?
I know you can make what is basically a scrollable menu through macros but that is more effort than I care to put into this.
All my friends don't want to play ffxiv because of "paid subscription"
Time for another expansion of party finder and loneliness.
>release day 24 mans will become even more of a shitshow
God, I hope so. That's the only reason to be interested in them.
One last leak.
You will be level synced in instanced content however you will now have access to all your skills.
Tell them to get jobs.
>Good people clear it within 2 weeks
>Shitters clear it within 2 patch cycles
I still see Zurvan learning and clear groups up and he's almost 5 months old. I've helped clear people in those groups.
If this was before cross server PF, nobody would be doing Zurvan unless you were on Gilgamesh or a JP server.
Too poor for a couple bucks per month? Time to get friends that are not destitute.
Wouldn't happen either. Would create too much drama.
>People leaving because their tank/healer isn't a downleveled one with all their skills making the run 2x as fast
nah sorry user, thats too good to believe. you'll have to try harder.
You haven't forgotten about your chocobo pal have you user?
You're ready to level alongside him come Stormblood, right user?
I know it's bullshit but I want it to happen.
I have a friend who gives me this excuse even though he regularly buys games costing far more on steam every month, and then proceeds to play them for 2-4 hours if at all. It boggles my mind.
you know earlier I had this crazy idea, probably from fatigue, about how once SB comes out they should make all leveling below 60 be like 50-100% increase in exp just to help make it faster, especially 50-60
My boco is my constant companion. He shall be at my side the whole expansion.
They did it before.
This is fucking dumb. you'd have warrriors fell cleaving Sastasha apart and other dumb shit like that.
I'd never.
They'd be some kind of scaling of course.
>A Hagane/Treasure of the Rudras looking Wiegraf will wipe raids until disband for the first month.
My body is ready.
I wonder how much shit will Keita Akemiya will design, I wouldn't mind if he designed the armor for a tier or two of Omega or Ivalice.
>If I add info that has already been confirmed that will surely fool them!
Nice try
It's ok, you can stop now.
Anyone pre-ordered SB from PSN store? does it register the early access automatically or do i have to wait until early access starts?
I really wish the legacy chocobo was a barding instead at this point.
Poor guy.
>One level until I can get the Dragoon Armor.
I hope Stormblood adds more simplistic chocobo bardings.
Doesnt matter if it was scaled or not. Having all the skills would trivialize earlier content into nothingness and cause people to bitch when they got new people even more.
These are all too good to be true. But one must believe.
Alright, here's the population variation data by race and gender.
tl;dr: RIP Male Roes
I'll go check how server figures add up.