Is this the biggest joke of E3?

Is this the biggest joke of E3?

They literally show nothing

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Mark my words

>AMD Presents

Oh so the room is going to catch on fire

Mc Cucklets?

>just got a news that tw won't be attending pcgs
Yes, it is.


>We got it done

They're showing Insurgency: Sandstorm on it, literally the only reason to watch.


ON PC with KB&M
Excluding halo 4, don't even package it.

They unironically had the best show last year.
>E3 2017: PC Gaming Show Returns, Promising "Announcements" And Trailers
>The PC Gaming Show is powered by Intel and supported by partners Bohemia Interactive, Xbox, Cygames, Nexon, and Tripwire Interactive.


What are you talking about? They usually show actual gameplay or games announced like last year they showed real actual Doom gameplay not in the main show

Fucking dropped.

It always is. I don't even bother watching the PC conferences since it's just AMD shilling with some VRmeme shit on the side.

Who is this beautiful girl?

Piss off AMDrone no one is buying your fucking shitty Cuckzen processors

>hype up the new Klei game
>gets a 23 second trailer and no one knows what the fuck it is for a year
As a PCfag, I know I'll be seeing more games relevant to me in literally every other conference.


Their format is absolutely awful

It has more talking than showing, you really don't want that in a presentation that is not called TED

>Still pushin the amd while it's powered by Intel this year

It's Intel this time, OP used an outdated image.
The event is hosted by PC Gamer, they probably just have sponsors bid every year.

>4 foot Asian woman with problem glasses walks on stage with an armored suitcase to present a fucking processor for an hour

Thanks AMD.

That's not true. I bought one and so did 5 people I know. Intel seems to think so too since they pushed Kaby Lake onto X299 in a desperate attempt to hold the high clock speed record on every single platform as a PR stunt, and seriously screwed manufacturers over in the process.

>Intel time
Oh boy it's gonna get hot.

Most boring presentation always, and too long.
I do not understand why it is exists.
Also, shitty games always too.

And i'm PC Gamer.

I stopped watching when they started having a steam buying competition

I love it, easily the comfiest part of E3 assuming they do it like last time, where it's just a room of like 50 people and the "stage" is two lazy boy recliners and the interviewer and presenter just have a nice conversation.

Why don't they make a normal presentation like other companies? Why do they have to make that shitty talk show like presentation? It's so god damned boring and gives no hype at all!

>Boring interviews about the games instead of actually showing shit
>All the big releases get announced elsewhere

Yeah, its quite pointless

LITERALLY, since Skylake X and Kaby Lake went back to NOT SOLDERING THE LID. It's going to be haslel all over again where a 4.5GHz overclock turns your office into a sauna during the winter

Casual trash

Who cares that it's hosted by Intel now? They have no good games to show, just same Indie garbage

>muuhhhh Arma
>muuuhhh Mount & Blade

fucking boring ass shit

>at PC gaming show
I will pass this conference.

I cannot fucking wait to listen to an Intel rep talk about a $1200 i9 for 45 minutes instead of seeing games. I only use a PC and I'm considering skipping this shitshow. Around the 15 minutes of AssCreed, Call of Doody, and Sports games, EA, Microsoft, and Sony might actually show off decent multiplat games.

>Not playing in a server room tier air conditioned office

You're a fool if you think intel won't try to capitalize on where AMD fucked up with those long show-off-y bits, by making them short with just a "played on an intel i9" or something to that effect. That's my hope anyway.

No Blizzard this year?

Fuck they could at least show off a new HOTS hero or something

I hope you're right and I hope I'm a fool.

Ah, I get it. So now that Intel is no longer relevant in the gaming CPU market, they'll try to up their reputation by hosting the PC gaming show at E3.

>Broken, shit game
Big whoop

That's pretty delusional my man. No one bought any GPUs shown off at AMD's things, I don't even remember the names of them.

>They show finally off a game
>It's just a game that's been out for a while
>They're using it to show off the gwaphix cawd
Every time. Why do they call it PC Gaming show? It should just be called PC show.

I don't think so tim

I didn't say it would be a successful stunt, it's just that AMD hosted the last 2 when they were trailing in the wake of intel and nvidia before ryzen and x299 happened.

They show low tier stuff only marketed at budget builds for counter strike and league of legends players

Well when 95% of the games that get announced at everyone else's keynotes are
> *Also Available on PC
who gives a shit

>Talkshow format
This is why it sucks


I think it's just a bidding war for hosting the show. Happens with everyone else. FOX, CBS, or NBC win the Super Bowl broadcast not really related to their ratings or anything. Same with Coke/Pepsi for NASCAR.

>They literally show nothing

a nice representation of pc gaming

They're going to show XCOM 2 expansion/sequel. Really hyped for that.

Here you the complete version.

They're going to show Bannerlord, you tool.

What's the point when the 7700k will outperform i9s in games though




Sega and 2k firaxis are there too but not as partners.

Intel went for moar coarz maymay, but they have shitty bingbus design. Its pointless.


get this fucking cancerous company the fuck out of here.

For the fourth year?



You're in luck because it's actually being hosted by Intel this time.

>dudes that made x86-64 and IMCs

Sponsored, I mean. PC Gamer is still host

>2k firaxis
Xcom 2

yea pc gamers are a joke

Or Civ6 addon.

They're going to talk about a new expansion that's just going to be inferior to LW2 anyway. Perhaps LW2 will be updated with it though.

It's going to be playable on the floor this time, and they're going to announce a release date.

Your company is going to be sold soon enough

Four years from now?

Already confirmed.

Yeah, I'd much rather have detached CEOs walk around on stage attempting to relate to me and hype up generic trash

I wonder what Sega is there to talk about? Certainly not football manager, right?

Total War Warhammer 2.

E3 is about hype you moron. Why else would you fucking watch E3?

The PC didnĀ“t have a single excusive game worth shit in more than a decade. What do people expect?

Is this game still a buggy mess?

Nice meme

When even Square Enix had better presentation you are clearly doing something wrong.
The last two were total shitshows with no interesting announcenments, no interesting games and it was fucking boring.

Why the fuck cannot the best platform have actually good presentation?


To learn about new releases. Don't want to watch 2 minute cinematic trailers followed by business men who don't know shit about games.

>To learn about new releases
Which can happen anytime. If i want to fall asleep I won't watch E3.

As a former PCfag I have to say that he/she is not wrong.

Bit early imo, the first one was released just a year ago and half the game is dlc. It's gonna be a reskin if true no major changes, hopefully they put some effort into siege battles..

Windows 10 shilling incoming

yes, it's been untouched for the most part. They added some DLC cosmetic stuff.

>putting effort into siege battles since Med2

Lisa is based, unlike you you pathetic worm

>still using Windows 7
Did you still use Windows 98 when Windows 7 came out?

Just in case anyone needs a refresher on how bad last year's show was



Are they seriously gonna shill Weebstone at E3?


More like nevereverpcfag clinging to his 3 triple AAA exclusives made for the lowest common denominator

Gwent will kill weebstone on west anyway.

>he still stays on W7

atleast use W8, faggot

cygames have an RPG collab with Platinum also


> shilling for the nsa
you do it to yourself, I bet you were also shilling for the always online xBone active microphone. Only brainlet murrifats do this.

you hate gaming?