I cant even beat the prologue

I cant even beat the prologue.
Please tell me how to get gud at Total War.

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play Warhammer instead.

I could never get the hang of Total war stuff, looking at youtube vids of people who are good at it just confirms it's an autism simulator

Waiting for a sale.
I only have Rome 2, Shogun 2 and Attila right now

Don't be afraid to pause the game in single player.
Pretty much every Total War and a fair bit of actual war in history was centered around Hammer and Anvil
A blob of your troops (the anvil), and something (typically cavalry or elites) you use to smack enemies from behind or the side "into" the anvil.
To this end, don't let your troops get smacked by an enemy's "hammer" if you see them trying to do something fancy. Other than that, try not to change your mind during combat and commit to the fights you engage until that local enemy force is destroyed, even if they're costly.
This isn't that bad of a suggestion, Rome II campaign was an ordeal, and I'm enjoying my Ungrim Ironfist campaign.

Always flank really thats it always flank

Flank sideways flank at the back flank at the front


Are you implying that Warhammer is babby's first TW?

Shogun 2 is the best out of those.

Don't lose food reserves, don't make too many enemies, start by playing on easy.

Easiest strategy on anything but hard+ difficulties is just hammer and anvil. Run your infantry in and flank with cavalry to make them rout. Bow ashigaru are worthless, never have more than 3 in an army, as a pointer, generals are amazing early game as they're your only access to high quality cavalry quick.

Probably, as it's the only TW I've ever played and I haven't had any big trouble with it yet. Great game.

Should've gotten it at Humble Monthly.

How the fuck are you this retarded? Illiterate morons who probably didn't own 3 pages of written text between them all killed thousands of other men using tactics that weren't written anywhere and were passed on verbally.
You were born in an age where the sum total of human knowledge is at your fingertips and you can't beat a prologue to a bonebare simulation of what those men did.
Fucking idiots.

Oh, and if you go with Shogun 2, play as Date and don't convert to a different religion on your first playthrough.

You can experiment after a first playthrough, but you need the basics down pat to understand what you're doing to tackle higher difficulties, and navigate playing other clans optimally.


If you are outnumbered hide in the corner of the map, that way you cannot be flanked and force them to walk into your archer spam.

I'm sure they tried cringing at Attila too.

it is now desu

Attack a unit from the front with your units with high defense, flank engaged unit with high attack units or cavalry.

Are there specifics you don't understand or make it challenging for you?


Your post confirms that you are mentally incapable of accepting that there might be things that are above your intellectual paygrade.

No, fuck Date, play as Oda and spam cheap spearmen, get Tokugawa to be your bro and protect your northern flank.

In my Oda campaign, I turned Kyoto into a vassal, bought them outright.

>Bow ashigaru are worthless
The are point for koku more effective than yumi samurai when fielding sub 20 unit armies, once you have buildings that improve units built and researched boni, the advantage increases.

Bow samurai are very expensive, and less numerous, and their inherent armour piercing value is lost on many enemies since the AI likes to field quick, cheap heaps of ashigaru as well.

Of course, once you can do so you will prefer bow samurai or better, but calling ashigaru worthless is just foolish.

if it is your first game, Oda is a huge challenge, you can be attacked from everywhere and you have dont have rich provinces in your vicinity that you will not have to fight very hard for sooner or later.

>Your post confirms that you are mentally incapable of accepting that there might be things that are above your intellectual paygrade.

Push your religion and farm. And as far as battles go just don't be an idiot.

No, they're fine as a couple of free initial units, but their reload rate is totally worthless. They keel over to literally anything in melee, rout to a strong wind, and have higher recruitment than a yari ashigaru unit. The fact their reload rate and accuracy is so fucking pathetic is what kills them. They're fine if you protect the ones you get initially, but that extra 100 you save from getting spears over bows gets you closer to a farm upgrade, which is obviously the most economically important thing in the game.

The only use they have in single player is in your early turns, using them to snipe over walls. That's the problem, bow ashigaru are only good early game, but early game is the most important part to be efficient, you can't waste gold on them on harder difficulties or you'll get ran over. The only normal unit worse than them is probably yari samurai.

>Don't be afraid to pause the game in single player.

thats cheating, might as well play turn based combat

Another good example.

Oda can instantly conquer Mino and the province west of Mino which has the most money making potential of any city in the entire game.
Oda is piss easy, if you want go the fucking Otomo and have everyone start fights with you at the start because you are Christian.

>I'm too stupid to get it
>must be autistic

It doesn't even need much micro. Pretty simple game until you play multiplayer

once you git gud at any total war game, you're good at them all. It's not really learning how get git gud as much as it is exploiting the shitty AI. the guys who can complete a campaign on hardest difficulty are the ones whom calcuate every turn for maximized gain, and already know where and how most the AI will respond by certain turns.

To win TW games in general requires constant and aggressive expansion.

You cant do that in Attila because the game will fuck you with everything and hordes.
Attila is the hardest because it punishes you and only you with expansions.

I said start with Date because it's the path of least resistance. You're a babby katana clan with only one direction to move, and a smith to start with.

Oda is the easiest clan if you know what you're doing, but it's also easy for a new player to get swamped and fuck their economy in a bunch of different ways. Date isn't the easiest to win overall, Date is the most one dimensional. He doesn't need to win the campaign, he needs to not lose in the first 30 turns.

Should've gotten those Free-LC.
You should be glad anyway, CA is giving them for free you know.

>Another good example.

I still say Oda is easy as hell but if he want ultra beginner then he is better off with Chosokabe since he just needs the island and then he can work out the economy then move onto Kyushu.
Date have to deal with rebels and can get surrounded if they dont deal with them asap.

Actually I prefer Attila, though I think newcomers will enjoy Warhammer more

attila is trash, I uninstalled it pretty quick
>general dies by arrows in 1 second, wohle army of upgraded units route

Hammer and Anvil
That's it.

The same thing would happen in Shogun 2 buddy

Sorry this isn't your fantasy world

>failing at one of the most casual strategy games

Jesus Christ how can you be this retarded?
I was beating games 10 times this hard when I was 10 years old.

I still say you have to be a fucking nutcase to enjoy attila since it is brutally hard even on easy.
The game rapes you with food, damaged land, raiders out the ass, burning shit down to perma ruin the land, the fucking infinite doom stacks Atilla will throw at you 6 at a time of the best units, the fact you have to kill him at least 3 times to perma kill him, the fucking buildings that you have to plan 10 turns in advance as to not fuck up happiness, food or anything else.
The game is spinning plates while an angry midget Attila slaps your balls with a fucking horse hair whip.

why the fuck are you quoting me, autist?

That's all Total War except those without 1 hp per unit. Which is Attila, R2 and Warhammer. You must just be bad.

If you can't win in Total War you are a fucking brainlet

Rome 2 is literally impossible to lose. How can anyone be this bad? I was playing on hard difficult and conquering everything with a single army.

It´s cheating agianst a cheating AI that can execute commands literally simultaneaously while you need to scroll and adjust viewing angles.

Sure, it makes you a scrub, but there is no moral disgrace in it.

I am curious how far you are willing to ridicule yourself over this, and by all means, show me.

>plaing any total war after Rome 1

It is really easy if you have no idea how to even control the game, much less play it adequately.

Have experienced men, champions can train infantry in your armies passively and give them much needed XP outside of battles.

Have a diverse set of soldiers to work with. Slingers got the range, archers have fire arrows to lower morale, and skirmishers have fantastic range damage. If you use a lot of pikes, slingers will be useful to outgun the enemy ranged troops. If you use a lot of sword and spear infantry archers can hold the back line while flanking with cavalry and skirmishers. Online you encounter all kinds of crazy things. Met a guy who just fielded cavalry. It was pretty dumb but he still slaughtered what sword infantry I had and proved that hammer and hammer tactics have some merit

I ran out of fedora pictures but you get the point

>there are """people""" on Sup Forums that actually struggle with a fucking Total War game

Put all your research points into economy. Spam multiple stacks of your cheapest unit. Zerg rush and autoresolve.

Total War's AI favors quantity over quality - even if half those units would immediately route the minute a mouse farted in their direction on the actual battle map.


Yeah... I love the game at times, but then you get craziness like this

>2331642 treasury
>2514 food
>only 415
really makes u think

>what is the twelve turns per year mod

Im still in the Prologue. Trying to take back Salernum.

Ive never played any Total War before.

>Playing Empire at Hard campaign difficulty
>immediately regret my decision as the only way to end a war is to annihilate your enemies, which only leads to your new neighbors (extremely weak ones who can still field 1.5 stacks with a single non-capital province) declaring war on you for no goddamn reason
>until you've conquered the whole world without ever declaring war on anyone, you will not know peace

No, I'm not going to make peace with my neighbor whose last city I'm besieging when he demands three regions so I wouldn't whoop his ass.

So I guess "cringe" is a term adopted by literal retards to mumble as they shuffle away from anything vaguely difficult or manly now. Huh!

Is your point that you're a casual baby and who is "too good" for effort because that would be "autistic"?