Subtle gamer clothing thread? Subtle gamer clothing thread

Subtle gamer clothing thread? Subtle gamer clothing thread.

bing bing wahoo itsa me

i posted it again xp


>I don't care what people think! I just wear my own thing and do my own thing!

Is this subtle enough?

Fuck Drumpf!

Why are Splatoon fans so weird?

And fuck white people!


It's a game marketed toward pedophiles.


Post discarded

That looks pretty cool actually

Why do repressed children tend to negatively react to other people's self expression?

As a fan of Splatoon I want to beat the fucking shit out of this fag

Wait a minute.



by no means is it subtle, but it is clever and licensed.

What game is this

mfw I know that person IRL.

His name is Nill, despite his autistic clothing, the guy is pretty chill. He hangs out with furries, but isn't a fur? He's a neko or some shit.

this is a girl

i'd buy that

He's a faggot, and so are you.

Reminds me of that "Tiny Rick" degeneracy.

>I posted it again lol

>Subtle gamer clothing thread? Subtle gamer clothing thread.

The joke being that there is no such thing as subtle gamer clothing, right?

I've been watchihg this guy's youtube channel for years now, ever since I found the monsquaz music video he did. He's lost a ton of weight in the past two years.

If you are disgusting then people will be disgusted when you "express yourself".


gimme a link to this faggots vid so i can laugh at him

There is, it is just so subtle that you haven't noticed it yet. There's probably gamer cloth around you right now!