Mfw I missed out on Gold and Silver in my childhood because only had Gameboy Brick

And I just learned that Nintendo is putting them on 3DS in September.

Gold and Silver played on the original gameboy.

And they are already out on the DS.

You didnt miss much

HGSS was better

You could play them on the brick, you nigger.

OP missed out on how great the games were at the time. HGSS didn't exist in 99-2000~

>tfw OP is probably retarded

Wasn't GS playable on the original GB?

Only Crystal was GBC-only.

I like gold and sliver color pallet than hgss

You didn't miss anything. The Johto region was terrible back then the HGSS remakes didn't fix most of the problems the games had.

>when you find out heart gold and soul silver sells for a shit load of money on ebay for some reason

>battling the same trainer multiple times
your fault. could have at least emulated.

Are people actually buying it for that price though? There's a difference between what is listed, and what is sold for.

>Platinum is only 30 bucks
What the fuck happened?

Firstly, only Crystal required the new GB model.
Secondly, you could play those games on a million emulators just months after they released and the number of good emulators and platform covered increased.
Thirdly, it's fucking pokemon. It's the same game with less features but a little less handholdy. You aren't missing much in 2017.

The beauty of gen 2 was how much of an improvement it was from gen 1, and pokemon was still new back then, at just its first sequel. It's pointless to play it today, you're just going to play an outdated, exhausted franchise.

>306 product ratings

>Gameboy Brick
God I feel your pain. It was purple for me.
I had a working Pocket, but no G2 games.

HGSS comes with collectible Pokewalker, assuming those are the values for the set and not just cart only.

Emulated on PC makes your Pokemon illegitimate.

Do you honestly believe people purchased 306 copies of HGSS for 130 dollars? You realize those product ratings are just for HGSS itself. It could have been sold at any price.

I had to pay $50 something for a copy with a case and manual. No pokewalker, though.

>you're just going to play an outdated, exhausted franchise.

Not OP, but I don't see that as good reasoning to not play the classic versions of games in their rawest form.

Maybe if it was unplayable before it was reworked sure, but Silver and Gold were pretty well made for their time.

>mfw always wanted a gba in my childhood
>my parents wouldn't buy me one because I already had the gameboy pocket, a broken dreamcast and a ps2
>nintendo ds comes out
>cry to get the handheld
>my father brings me a fucking PSP

In the end I learned about no$gba and I could enjoy my pokemon adventures, but god, did I get angry at my father back then. Wish he was be able to gift me something now..

A kid at school had the ROM for Gold and shared it + no$gmb on a disk around school before the western release back in the day.

CFW PSP > DS+R4 anyway.

Why do you dirty PC gamers always miss the forest for the trees. No one cares if you took out a mortgage on your house to build a two story high tower so you can run Breath of the Wild perfectly while I run it on my $150 Wii U. No one cares if you could run Gold and Silver on your $400 PC in 2000. Emulation doesn't make something less cutting edge. Technology is identified by some level of restriction. Imagine if you had to buy a new Blu-Ray player for every new movie that just came out.

>back in pre-2000
You all had computers? Best I got was sharing Counter-Strike and Halo CE in school computer labs for LAN parties.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. GSC on the GBC screen just has a much "darker" atmosphere that's missing from the full colour HGSS release.

You idiot. Go hug your dad right now and stop pretending.

>wish he was able to gift me something now...
What if he's dead, you presumptuous insensitive prick?

He died of lung cancer last month

Everything on Sup Forums is a work of fiction, almost assuredly if that post starts with a pepe, wojack, or both. Where in the hell do you think you are?

I'm sorry for your loss if this is true. But next time, realize where you are before sharing personal details like that.

HGSS is expensive because quality comes at a price

Used to emulate jap gold and even a partially translated on back in the day.

Damn user I really don´t remember much of my pokeymen time (and I am addicted to this shit series) pre GBA. But fuck playing Silver was so fucking great.

My dad bought it to me and I think he even didn´t wanted to, because I played to much games. I had a GBC, which was later stolen with the game, but man these games were the shit. The improved graphics, beating the E4 and then my friend saying me here dude you can go to kanto like this. Finishing Kanto going to the fucking silver mountain and then getting my ass handed to red. I fucking beat this motherfucker with only my starter and legendaries.

Fuck that was awesome.

>my starter and legendaries
truly the master trainer way

I was like 6 and hated grinding. I think DP was the first game I actually cared about my team.

Just don't go crazy and leave the Sup Forumsillage bro.