What happened to them?

What happened to them?

Other urls found in this thread:


You really need to ask?

They let women work there

Do you think the straight people in Bioware are forced to become homos?

The submissive cucks stay. The proper men either leave or get fired for not being cucks.

man Im gay and even I think this pandering bullshit is annoying as fuck Im not going to like your shitty games just because you put in "gay" characters

Karl Marx

>tfw I know a chick this happened to
she was just a cute nerdy chick and then took one feminism class in college and did a complete 180. shaved her head, became an ass to everyone. it was pretty sad.

Reminder that next to no one who ever worked on Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights/KotOR still work at Bioware. It's now primarily run by a bunch of millennial chucklefucks who weren't spanked enough as children.

They're Canadian.


they havent always been like this?

I don't understand gardener talk, did someone claim a cobra bite causes the gay?

>Hyper Liberal to the point that their next villain is probably going to be called 'Bonald Bumf'

They deserve to crash and burn, but they have just enough of an audience to stay afloat.

yeah man youre totes gay

They were. Jade Empire had full gay romance options, and before that they had implied gay options.

as a gay man I enjoy it when games portray homosexuality in a good way and can bother to include gay romances if it has romances in the first place.

however, the way bioware insists on being the poster-child of gay-inclusive company is pretty obnoxious. not to mention that their games are shit so none of it matters anyway.

>before that they had implied gay options.
Have you got a single fact to back that up?

Hard mode: No Juhani

>Original founders left after ME2
>Most of their team went with them

>Sup Forums still thinks Company = the same creators year after year

Agenda pushers invade the gaps left by the exodus of talent, because they get the most financial backing. The bigger question is why are they leaving?
It's pretty simple. The game industry has gone to shit. Enjoy your E3.

Didn't Andromeda sell like ass? Why are they still a thing?

videogames have always been gay

Bioware Montreal did Andromeda. Bioware Edmonton went completely unscathed.

Wasn't Andromeda made by one of the subdivisions?

French people are degenerate and canadians have the eternal anglo blood
French degeneracy + anglo blood = the most degenerate people on earth

believe what you want, what I said is the truth I dont know why you're even being a faggot about it

That is disturbing.
Like, I hate using bible references, but that sort of shit is how Gomorragh starts. Kids have no business being in an adult entertainment industry like that.

but without the Bible this is normal and acceptable, that's exactly why this things like this are happening in the most anti-Christian place in the world (Quebec, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Paris, Sweden, etc)
The next step is raping babies and then only God knows what they will do to them

>but without the Bible this is normal and acceptable
Yeah, just look how all the African and Asian countries are full of 8yo drag queens.

overrun by SJWs and faggots

Serious question:

Why is Bioware promoting man on man anal sex? That doesn't have anything to do with video games.

Except all those African countries that slaughter goats and murder each other in the name of the bible. Look at the Congo, you had Christians slaughter over 100,000 muslims.

The problem isn't religion or no religion, it's liberals. Bullshift leftism that says "No, everything is okay, there are no standards. Fuck kids, it's natural!"

>Join OkCupid
>It's filled with """""women""""" like this
I'm unironically considering falling for the 2D meme.

They sure as hell did with Anet. Those of these "woman" were guys when they start working for Neo Anet

>lesbian trans-woman
So, he's a guy that thinks he's a girl and likes women?

Bioware is trying to suck up the the media. By putting this stuff out there the media will think "all video games are bad, except the ones Bioware makes because they are progressive" that way they get some free advertising and they get a pass when the media tries to campaign against video games again.

>you had Christians slaughter over 100,000 muslims.
What is taquiya, ahmed?

in africa they rape and kill babies if they suspect the kid is born with a plague and in asia outside Japan killing kids and using their flesh is not uncommon
They have no sense of humanity just like the anti-Christian westerns
Liberalism was born as a movement against the Church, to ''free men'' from the oppressive morals of the Bible

>he hasn't already

I actually kind of like that ship logo. It has a retro feel to it.

They lose many fans after a bad game they made release, I think me3. and being with EA made it worse. They prey on gay people for money because their original fans are gone. radical gay people, gay people who are super gay and make everyone know it, the annoying gay kind, not the less annoying gay kind, will pretty much buy any item if it has the word gay on it. English not my first language please understand

I seriously hope you guys realize this:

Bioware is just doubling down on the diversity/SJW trend. It's purely a business decision. They want to be the videogame company that that demographic turns to first when they purchase games. If they pander to those people enough, they think they'll have a large fanbase that will buy their games day one with no questions asked. It's purely business. Just like how nintendo markets to kids, but kids wanting to buy the new mario game day one hasn't happened in a while.

wow such a vial religion, the best part is the sandniggers are rallying around trying to find ways to defend this.


Wow. What's the context or story of this?


how do you expect me to know? would you like me to ask them why they did this?
fucking americans

yeah muslims really need to be nuked off the fucking planet, its a shame ive grown with a few of them even been friends. Im gonna miss the decent 2nd generation american ones.

>Slaughtering a bunch of random African villagers with machetes
>Acceptable because Muhammad was a pedophile

Quit being an edgy 14 year old user

Thats not even remotely true. The roots of Liberalism were formed in ancient greece, before any of the abrahamic religions were formed. The problem is that while ancient liberalism was the foundation for personal freedom and responsibility, the modern day liberals have bastardized it to mean "I can fuck children and the government takes money from you and gives it to me." The concept of liberalism, at it's heart, is very much similar to libertarianism, but liberals don't like the idea of no welfare because they might have to actually work.

All of the "morals" the bible teaches are just logical to anyone who isn't a sub-saharan African with 65 IQ. Don't steal, don't lie, don't murder, don't rape. All pretty easy to understand. The degeneracy of dressing children in drag or gay pride parades are liberals purposefully pushing the homosexuality community as far as they can. Doing so creates a rift in a nation (Pro/Anti gay), but Liberals already know that most people are pro or neutral on something like homosexuality. If they push homosexuality to the extreme, it causes those who are against it to become more extreme, which furthers the leftist agenda. This is easily seen in the late 90's and early 2000's where the Republican party in the US was slaughtered politically over its opposition to gay marriage.

They aren't, but I bring up this point to show you what it's like when Christians and Muslims are in their natural habitat. When removed from the modern world both regress into what are essentially barbarians looking for any excuse to kill something that isn't exactly like them.

I'd much rather live around Christians than Muslims, but that doesn't mean that the bible is necessary to having morals.

There is literally nothing wrong with being supportive of LGBT pride and if you disagree you're a fucking muppet

It's an idiotic business decision. There's no market there, I'm a faggot and I would never consider buying a Bioware game because I'm not literally 10 years old and I am also actually capable of relating and connecting with characters who aren't faggots.

I was just asking, calm down.

Don't forget that Catholics make up a large chunk of the liberal voting bloc. You may start screaming about how the pope is a marxist, but they clearly are religious and still support this degeneracy.

>All of the "morals" the bible teaches are just logical
that's why Freemasons "The fathers of reason" are nothing but liberal jews promoting all leftists/social-democrat movements all over europe
You have no idea what you are talking about.

best post in the entire thread

>Capitalist imperative of pandering to the media crowd and having a good rep is literally cultural marxism
No matter what /vee/ think, the new target demographic for video games either don't care or will buy product because of LGBT marketing. It's pure, undiluted capitalism at work here.

They let interns do their games.

Being supportive of LGB is one thing, being aggressively supportive is another. If people want to suck each other's dicks or finger each other's cunts more power to them. I'm a dude and I have a boyfriend. But that's a far difference from forcing the "culture" into everything. Because as far as I'm concerned there shouldn't BE a culture. Sexuality is sexuality. When you make it more than that you might as well be a furry too because that's the same shit that they do.

Also there's nothing acceptable about the T in LGBT. They're mentally ill and need genuine help, not indulgence of their delusions. 40% suicide rate.

Yeah, and bioware has obviously lost touch with that. Maybe because the people that they hire don't actually play games. They really are just doubling down on the meme, either they sincerely think there's a lot of superfags playing games or they're predicting there will be in the future. Either way, they're reaping what they sow though, right? They're a shadow of their former self, both in quality and sales.

Did you not even read my post?

Liberals purposefully push this stuff because the backlash it creates gives them more power. When most of your population is ambivalent towards gays and a group of people start shouting about how gays are going to go to hell or should be killed or homosexuality is going to be outlawed, they are going to naturally side with the gays/the party that represents gays.

It has nothing to do with religion. It's about power and money.

You can see the exact same thing happening with muslims and BLM. Most people in America, for example, are not going to be anti-black. So they have BLM go out and riot to cause a push back, and they use the push back to paint their opponents as racist. They believe that if the average American is choosing between Democrats ("We support black lives matter! Black lives DO matter!") vs Republicans ("BLM are just domestic terrorists") that they'll win because people will naturally vote for the pro-black option.

The difference is that in America we're at least a tiny, teensy bit right wring.

But user, don't you know of the secret straight culture? It just isn't fair for straight people to have a culture and gay people to not get one!

When educational facilities push a single ideology, refuse and brow-beat anyone who doesn't follow that ideology and then proceeds to sell to those people based on their values it's in fact exactly what that is.
It's diluted in that they're poisoning the wells of other opinions by not allowing anyone to publicly adhere to them, and so when the market must pander to someone there is only one time of person publicly displaying their views.
Into the fucking garbage can you go.

>>Acceptable because Muhammad was a pedophile
Nice damage control, mohaMAD. muslims regularly kill people because their worthless religion commands them to do so, not christianity.

Answering Islam 6: What Are the Main Differences Between Islam and Christianity?

Three Stages of Jihad

What Is Sharia?

why do germans always ruin everything?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a corporate business decision that Bioware hire like they do. Otherwise it would seem like they have an unrealistically long leash to do whatever the hell they want, and I don't believe that for a second.

You ever notice how the only people with "cultures" are the ones crying about equality? There's no white culture, there's no straight culture, because they're just people. If people were just worried about being people and not being black people or gay people or which ever differentiating people everything would be much less obnoxious. But no, they'd rather complain and bitch about being excluded from things while they actively subjugate themselves and ostracize people that aren't the same as them. HMMMM. IT'S ALMOST LIKE THEY'RE RACIST/SEXIST/BIGOTED.

>everything I don't like is the fault of the Jews/Marxists
Read a god-damn book

The free market has spoken

>not christianity
Objectively wrong. African Christians slaughter non-believers all the time. Or do they not count and aren't "real Christians?"

You seem to be confusing me with a muslim. I am heavily anti-muslim. I'm not for Christianity, but I can take it or leave it in a first world country, as long as it doesn't dictate our laws. I don't care if there is a church near my house, but I DO care if there is a terrorist-creating mosque.

Low-tier bait, I didn't mention jews at all you mongoloid.

As I explained previously this is nothing like a free market.

It is you who are either horrible under-educated or baiting.

>muslims regularly kill people because their worthless religion commands them to do so
More than 90% of Islamic terrorism's victims are other Muslims. This religion of cannibalism is strange.
Or maybe, just maybe, ISIS vision of the thing differs slightly from the norm.

Well duh.
The sjw cunt feminazi is probably as much a loser as the fedora typping autist.
And those are generally the types that nobody wants to date and end up online dating.


But it is. You are free to launch your own "SWM studios" to publish games against degeneracy, see how that will work.

>horrible under-educated
Nice grammar there friendo

Something something, frog, scorpion, fable.

That's what I mean by doubling down. EA has got to make an entire company based on the pride rhetoric. Straight white people can't make games about diversity, right? And it's a common trend in the minority/SJW community to seek out companies/business that are diverse and support those over less-diverse ones. EA saw that, and decided to cash in on it. Bioware really isn't a videogame company anymore. They're basically a marketing experiment at this point. Thank god they haven't done so well, otherwise we'd see other companies doing the same thing.

Marx would not approve of any of this
>but that sort of shit is how Gomorragh starts
I doubt you know how Gomorragh started

If you were REALLY gay, you'd love this and support them.

>Marx would not approve of any of this
Silly rabbit, Marxism = everything that threatens my sense of superiority, ESPECIALLY gay people in videogames.

t. Sup Forums

Its like reverse shock therapy .


If you hang around these people for long enough they will slowly indoctrinate you.
It's only a matter of time.

It's shit like this that makes me want the old testament to be literal truth. We need a good old fashioned fire and brimstone.

Literally every communist regime has put queers against the wall.

>all the straight non-cuck people leave
>game quality drops drastically

Really makes me think

SWM? What does this mean?

It'll work out poorly because they have a stranglehold on the market from a multitude of angles. It's like talking to a wall. They money is behind these studios because they are pre-establish and existed before lifting up a political agenda. Why the fuck can't video games be fucking video games and not giant pride parades?

>Nice grammar there friendo
Nice punctuation, mouth-breather.

Fuck off

>muh crusades were unjustified and what's more they were unprovoked
Every time.

Lenin legalised homosexuality in the 1917 though. And if anything, it shows that Communism is rather a spectrum, if you will, of ideologies rather than a single coherent program to exterminate white people.

In the real world, things are more complex than in vidya.

everyone of skill and talent left to work on new things

fangirl diversity hires took over

it's pretty simple, look at the credits if you don't believe me. BioWare is just a brand to EA, it doesn't even refer to any single studio anymore.

Who are you even talking to? The Crusades were a natural response to hundreds of years of muslim incursions into Christian territory.

Quit being a fucking autist

>'Here are some Christians slaughtering muslims'

Straight white male, of course.

> they have a stranglehold on the market from a multitude of angles
It's called the invisible hand. Pull yourself up your bootstraps, lad.

> Why the fuck can't video games be fucking video games and not giant pride parades?
Because, apparently, giant pride parades sell better, or were better at winning the market. The free market has spoken.

Sorry, I forgot to put a trigger warning. Did I hurt your feelings ?

You mean the ones that burned Constantinople ?

I really don't understand why Bioware can't accept that I want to fuck a Krogan.


You have your anwser






most gamers are gay, just look at the CS:GO community

Believe that if you will. The real explanation is that they give all the work to interns and inexperienced people, while changing managers very frequently.

ME was released in 2007, DA:O in 2009. Already in Mass Effect there was a Lesbian romance, and a gay one can be retrived in the game files. In DA:O there is a gay romance.

In other words, they used to make good/ok games and still be SJW.

>be a shitty knight
>constantly roaming the land and stealing from the serfs, be shitty Christian
>pope says I can go to heaven if I go kill Muslims
>do a pretty fucking terrible job at it and end up fucking with the local serfs more than anyone else
The Crusades we're pants on head retarded


Being concerned about dick size is a woman thing.

I just think they're cute.

oh boy are we posting mind virus before/afters

They don't do that alone

There are a lot of computer science students who wanted to work as game developers. Theyd often do an internship with Ubisoft, EA, Bioware etc and learn that its shit and that they could make amazing money from google or facebook instead.