Claim your weaponfu

I never thought I could love a gun but it's just so damn wonderful. Shame it's not in the 3D sequels.

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Vegas has that gun.

Thats the 14mm pistol which is shit. They should of put in the 223.

Idiot detected.

Jeez you're right but it looks exactly like a 14mm in 1 and 2.

>entire half of torso blown away

gud times

No, that's this one

Bane of terrorists the world over.



Oh shit. Youre right. Welp guess it's time to reinstall New Vegas


both barrels for you bastards

good choice.

>veerrrrveerrrrr... BRKBRKBKRBKRBKRBK... veerrrrveerrrrr...

All this talk about New Vegas made me want to reinstall it, should i do it and what mods do i want in it?

Yukigachi Patch

that's it

>an X-ray sniper rifle shaped like a shark penis

This game had the best arsenal in the history of shooters.

With RS2:V out, my love for this one has flared up again.

Frostmourne Hungers

Automatic weapons were a mistake.


Will always be my baby
favorite melee weapon would be Great Lord Greatsword from Dark Souls

It's like revolver that makes sense!


Which game has the best selection of guns? Bonus points if you can attach mods I've already played New Vegas

best shotgun

Battlefield games
Rainbow Six games
modded fallout 4

It's perfect.

So fun to oneshot the mutties with 100+ crits and only 6 luck. For me it's either pic related or the Needler from Halo.

Forgot pic


>or the Needler
Are you me?

The Biggest, Blackest Box

Why the steaming hell isn't this in Fallout 4? It was my favourite weapon in New Vegas! There was nothing better than having this handy shooting iron at your hip.

Box guns unite.

Love me some serious sam. Anyone else think we're going to see Serious sam 4 at e3?

If only I could make love to a gun...

with the restoration project this baby is actually very deadly with the AP ammunition.

flak cannon, solid taste my dude


How is the restoration project? what does it actually do?

I think the guys at Croteam have flat out said there won't be a Sam 4 at E3.

grenade launcher is better

>AP Needler
I can attest to this. I've met my death at the hands of Angry Russians in FOnline2 like this.


I really like the idea of an OICW. A huge and heavy plastic gun that has a ton of technology packed into it. Shame it's not in games anymore.

Oh, did they? Damn. You're right btw. Grenade launcher is top tier, fucking tears through bosses and big enemies.

This gun is my guilty pleasure, I love how it sounds and the reload sound makes me hard

got dibs

I feel tempted to use it exclusively every single fucking run, only issue is the retarded devs decided not to include any ammo for it in the late game

Best shotty

>All Those cool guns


>install AP ammo

Why does the game has other guns at this point?

This right here.

Blood's sawn-off.

Also Blood's dynamite.

Also Blood's Tommy Gun.

Also Blood's flare gun.

Also Blood's napalm launcher.

But it I could only pick one I'd go with sawn-off I guess... but also dynamite too desu.


Best raifu

any gun that i don't have to aim

engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever

unfortunately the firing sound is like a pea shooter in new vegas

M4 from Vice City.

...seriously, load up the game (on PC) right now and try it out. You'll be amazed at just how savage this fucking gun feels and sounds. Go shoot some pedestrians and go on a killing spree.

That's just Stormbringer.

>this with Hitman's 1st person animations mod

A Light Shining in Darkness

Are you serious? The same gun in GTA3 is literally a reskinned minigun.

Engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever. However, you're pretty good.

>I think the guys at Croteam have flat out said there won't be a Sam 4 at E3.
well here go any hopes I had for anything ever


VC is not 3
The M4 is way better in VC

Came to claim this one

Too bad it doesn't look the same in New Vegas.

Seriously? That's a bummer one of things about the gun I love so much is that ear popping BANG!!! finished fallout 1 with that gun. When I started fallout 2 I looked high and low through every vendor but I couldn't find it until one random encounter had a green haired raider with a gun with that sound and I knew I had found my gunfu again.

Have you ever played 3? In VC it's just an assault rifle. In 3 it's a minigun in code, assault rifle in 3d model. It shoots much faster in 3, it has much more damage in 3. Objectively better and absolutely overpowered.


but it sounds like shit

Sorry dude, she's just so fucking sexy

the sound of this gun is so memorable

my nigga

Doom 3 pistol is seriously underrated. It's simple yet elegant.

2 objective things VS 1 subjective thing

no one gives a shit

some bullshit gun that fires 10000000000000000rpm and instantly kills everything you look at isn't satisfying to use. these threads arent just fucking "strongest guns", lurk more

I always like making measured shots with this gun even if it is a bit inaccurate.

Why did they even bother adding the non-unique 5.56 pistol?

I know, take care of her

>Literally the revolver from Blade Runner

Honestly they should feature that gun in more games. It's looks fucking awesome and the sound it made in the movie was music to my ears.


kk settle down m8, did a gta 3 m16 kill your family or something?
Probably the safest method regarding GRA mods, editing the That Gun directly may have fucked stuff up.

>my gun is more savage

You sound like a 10 year old who never played gta 3. Because that gun is amazingly fun to use.

the only true romance option

Except for the 2.5x crit chance, higher damage and ROF, lower spread and AP cost they give Lucky. Magical engravings ftw

>enters weaponfu thread
>resorts to "y-you just don't like it because you're underage" when reminded like the newfag he is what weaponfu threads are for

I miss 90s operator aesthetics.

>Hey I like this gun because it's savage
>Hey did you know another game has the same gun but even more savage?
>Oh wow, that looks awesome, didn't know that.

>Hey I like this gun because it's savage
>Hey did you know another game has the same gun but even more savage?

As a huge fan of the scatter gun from Metal Arms, it almost pains me to admit how fucking thrilling this weapon is.

After a handful of upgrades it does
>explosive payload
>the ability to charge the payload and release the explosions at will
>huge ammo pool


>the sound
>the look
>the reload


the .223 pistol was my favorite

I even made a custom mod to add a unique one and changed the description and color and made it have an even more badass sound effect

I then roleplayed using only that weapon the entire game

That's how you play videogames.

That's 5.56mm not .223