Is it good, or is it shit?
Is it good, or is it shit?
It's a good game with a serious lack of content and the usual tripwire launch problems.
it's Hue city
It ain't me
It's shit
t. someone who put like 1800 hours in RO2/RS
It's good
>I played the worst games for "insert exaggerated hours here"
Cu Chi best map!
>not An Lao
C best point NA
Its bretty gud
What did they mean by this
Times when this game is loads of fun:
>Not on a team of shitters
>People know how to play their roles
>Commander and SLs are working together
>People use fake gook accents
Honestly don't know what you're talking about
it's good shit
>be radioslut
>get no points
territories game mode is sucky boring noob shit. it's a shame the red orchestra fan base are a bunch of a cawadoody playing casuals
Maps are garbage, unfortunately.
>5 maps
supremacy game mode is sucky boring noob shit. it's a shame the red orchestra fan base are a bunch of a battlefield playing casuals
So far I'd definitely say it's worth the $25. I never played any of the other RO games though. It's fun to play an fps where you need to take it slow and actually listen to orders. If they add more content in the future then I'd say it's a must-have. If not, then watch some videos or take a look at the maps, see if you like them.
It's good, and two of the maps are good (three if you have a good team).
>capping an objective
>TL drops napalm on us 5 seconds before it's taken over
It's a decent game but there's a pretty major lack of content and it could do with some bug fixes. Your enjoyment is probably going to vary depending on how good your team is doing. Playing on a team that's getting destroyed feels fucking awful in this game, especially if you're on the US side.
If you do end up playing it, stay away from Hill 973 because that map is fucking STRESSFUL.
>having dumb SL's who put marks ON the obj instead of behind it
>having an even dumber commander who calls said airstrike
KEK, feels good to be rice farmer mane
>killing GI scum as humble rice farmer
>See another one and pop him in the head
>it was a vietbro wearing a boonie hat
FUCK stop wearing that hat
Its full of new players who make every match infuriating and there's very little content
If you like crowded maps and every gun doing 1 shot 1 kill, you'll likke it
It's autism. Why haven't you grown out of first person shooters yet?
stop blaming others for your incompetence
HAHAHA. Stupid fucking gooks. In America, they teach us to ID the target before sending rounds. Fucking slants so dumb they kill their own kind. HAHAHA
fun gameplay too few maps
i played through the whole beta constantly wondering when we were going to see the next maps, i might buy it after an expansion
How do I pad my K/D?
just go commander for a few games?
Reminder to refund Rising Storm within two hours and buy Squad
Take it slow and stick with your squad/team. Playing commander helps but don't do it just for something as stupid as K/D ratio.
K/D ratio is meaningless. The fact that you have a high W/L ratio means you're playing the game right
Its good for the price you pay.
Radiomen aren't supposed to stand around sucking the commander's dick all game. They should be running around throwing smokes and contributing to the battle. They exist as a forward radio for commanders that like to lead from the field. If you're one of those commanders who just likes to sit on his as on A all game, then just use the damn radio
Yeah that's the easiest way but I'm not sure why you'd care.
is right. K/D generally doesn't mean much in this game and your W/L is probably a better indicator of how good you actually do in your matches.
>tfw my W/L is like 10/20
-88>HH>Heil Hitler>SS
I guess..
Yeah, commander is good for that.
If playing Hill937 you can still get behind the rocks right side of map and then pick out people from there.
An Lao choppers tend to land toward rice fields, just camp there.
Cu Chi, just camp and snipe either side
Song Be as viet it's better to cross river south and go all the way left, you can put tunnel there and spawn rape. As American you just need to be good though.
Hue city M79 is great, as viet you can put land mines in buildings which is a bug but can get you bunch of kills in A and then it's mostly sniping.
For k/d always pick rifleman, it far better than any other class. Shotgun and M79 are fun but still not as good. Snipers are utter garbage, always laugh my ass off head shotting snipers from 200m with iron sights while they can't hit shit and then their guns are two hit kills if not three. The machine pistols pretty meh as well except for the russian one with drum mag.
>buying a dead abandonned game
It's lackluster. It's a generic "authentic" shooter.
I wasn't really impressed with any of the mechanics, and they didn't really add anything to make the game stand out.
The Community is also dogshit. Their is no way to prevent people from Votekick spamming, and the TK respawn timer is also fucking garbage. It's RO/RS TK's will happen from time to time. I've seen commanders sit out of the game for 2-3 minutes because dumbos ran straight into artillery strikes. Also the artillery sometimes deviates quite a ways from the marker. I've seen people killed an objective back by friendly artillery on the forward objective.
TW also literally released the game with 5 maps. It also tried to get into the Esports scene with "Skirmishes", but those dreams are dead on arrival desu.
It's OK. The game is just the same old RO/RS with less features.
>10points per radio call
Commander can use the force spawn mechanic hitting "n" to go past the TK penalty though.
But yeah seems like a modded RO2... You recognize the same old bugs of RO2 and they added a shitload lot more. Seem like their coder at Antimatter is pretty amateur tbqh.
I enjoy it quite a bit but it really needs a vast amount of polish and a lot more maps and content.
Hell Born to Kill a mod for Day of Infamy which was on Insurgency as well shits all over RS2 in term of weapon selection despite the environments mostly looking inadequate because of ancient Source engine.
As with RO2 it seems like not much thought goes into a lot of the features. The map doesn't show area of effect of arty, people can move mark while you call arty landing it anywhere, control of squad is trash, the drag marker is rage inducing to use, can votekick as much as you want. Can't use scoreboard to mute people. ect.. ect..
Always akward when walking radio stays right to your side looking at you sheepishly but you really don't need him...
A commander that keeps dying is useless, especially when you have to use tempo between AA, Spooky, Napalm and reco or team will try to kick you if you don't deliver.