>Look, a Pilot! Now our Titanfall 2 threads are in our favor!

>Love the game
>Stylish fast paced non stop action
>Awesome designs
>Awesome aesthethics and weapons with punch

>In the end you're just dicking around if you're not using CAR/Alternator with Phase Pilot, silent rodeo and Tone

Why did it has to be like this?

>playing to win instead of playing for fun

Winning is fun

>playing to win
>playing for fun
>winning is fun
Literally the essence of video games.

i want to FUCK tone

>In the end you're just dicking around if you're not using CAR/Alternator with Phase Pilot, silent rodeo and Tone
What a fucking pleb, holy fuck.
>Why did it has to be like this?
Because you're bad at the game and can't win while also using the most fun loadouts in the game like Holopilot L-Sta or Grapple EPG

Literally obtain proficiency my slow, sluggish friend.

Thing is, you don't have to play like a degenerate metafag to win. He could be wrecking with Mastiff or Softball while running ANY loadout that isn't phase shift and piloting the new hot titan as Monarch.

I like the game but am a bit peeved how bad the pilot abilities, weapons and titans are balanced. One semi-decent person using the FOTM smg will melt every pub match.

Grenadier weapons are still love.

Risking to sound like a total shill here, they are having a sale at origin, too bad prices (at least in my country) are still painful.

can anyone keep an eye on titanfall 2 if it ever drops bellow 50% off discount?

I am might be broke but i wanna play this game without pirating it.

yeah man ill just pm you hurrrr

Just make a thread when the time comes

You know what really irks me? That I liked the CAR from the start and now I have to look like a try hard douchebag for using the weapon I like. Same with Tone, except these days I've moved to Monarch or Legion.

I don't understand how people use phase shift, every time I try to use it the only thing I manage to do is disorient myself

I'm at the point where my only real goal is to give people really fucking fast killscreens.

Guys, how do I into Monarch?

Every time I engage an enemy, I feel like I'm melted away immediately How do I defend myself?

I'm still learning but Grapple + EPG is the shit.

Not sure I follow on Holopilot L-Star though.

In what situations do you use phase shift?

use cover :^)

>playing to have fun
>also win because you've mastered all the projectile weapons and memorized timings of phase shift

turbo kit
rearm perk
missile first upgrade
smok second upgrade
chassie third upgrade

dont even bother with primary
just pop missile and beam and take cover then do it again

>drop a holo when they phaseshift
>they think they've bamboozled you
>you were the bamboozleer the whole time

Use it as soon as you start getting shot to not die. Also change direction after you do it to disorient your attacker. Easiest and most BS ability in the game.

Shit dude if you build 2 killstreak holos imagine his reaction when he comes back and there's 8 of you


back to'dit

It's amazing. Trust me.

>Bait people with Holograms
>Hose them down while they shoot at the wrong thing.

Bonus points for combing it with Gravity Star so you can pull them out of cover and hose them down good. Also great for grunt farming. Holopilot is SEVERELY underrated. Did you know you can activate it while dash sliding and it will fire off a clone of you doing the exact same thing? I wish I had a recording of it, but I did it twice in a row yesterday where I sent a sliding clone shooting out of a doorway and it distracted an enemy long enough for me to get the upperhand. Holopilot is the next meme loadout too, since it's the next special execution that Respawn are releasing. Get in on it now before it's "uncool".

Who /smr/ here?

>Melting titans like it ain't nothing
A beautiful thing

The multiplayer gametypes are all uninspired. It's vanilla TDM/CTF (probably the second best ctf since tribes, but still)/and some hacky shit. Complete waste of creeps/pilots/mechs.

I would have rather seen them do something like CS or Battleborn/Monday Night Combat or Tribes with respect to upgrades. Just spawning with shit aside from killstreaks feels like a waste to me.

>hardly looks like tone
>just a girl with a dumb suit and tiny boxes on her shoulders

You could at least try to find an anthropomorphic drawing of her that isn't drawn by a literal imbecile.

Otherwise, I agree

The other thing with HoloStar is that you can just throw an incredible amount of visual bullshit towards the enemy at once. Have you ever been downrange of an L-Star spraying full auto? It's just a blinding spray of red nonsense. Now imagine he sent out two clones of himself too, one is running around and the other is standing still in a window nearby.It would be hard to stay cool and keep on target right? That's why this loadout is good. Not to mention how low the cooldown is on Holopilot, especially if you run something like Tacti-kill or Power Cell. It's so easy to bait people. They melee reflexively if you send one right in their face, so you can manipulate even the most skilled players into mistakes.

You can just send those fuckers every and anywhere all the time and do your thing.

This is why I can't stand using anything other than Grenadiers.

I haven't played in so long, thinking about reinstalling to try the new titan. How are the numbers on PC?
Where are my coldwar pilots at?

>Players bitch that TF1 doesn't have enough content and customization
>Release a sequel that has even less

The fuck did they expect?

There's a one-life mode, but it's symmetrical.

>cloak pilots rolling with the semi auto assault rifle
>hiding on the edge of the map
Nailing these faggots with the kraber or an execution is what I live for

Metakiddies are doing themselves a disservice relying on hitscan.

The new gametype selection system helps with matchmaking big time.

I got to the point where Cold War felt like cheating, so now I'm trying to get good with the Spitfire and shit.

In TF1, people bitched that there weren't enough guns, so they doubled the amount in the sequel.

>Because you're bad at the game and can't win while also using the most fun loadouts in the game like Holopilot L-Sta or Grapple EPG
>Literally obtain proficiency my slow, sluggish friend.
You could practice with other weapons and do ok
Or you could practice with the CAR and do the same 3 times better

Ctf tf2 is busted
Grapple can send you literally flying over the map

I prefer the shotgun desu.

But it's been a while since I last played.

Titanfall 2 is on sale, $20 on Origin

I run cold war/stim Tone and carry every game.

Fight me you slow piece of shit.

>Or you could practice with the CAR and do the same 3 times better
Say that to my face.

Seriously though. I could upload and spam a ton of screenshots of my scoring mega high with the EPG or L-Star. Like, 180-210 range on Attrition and scores like $2k and 20 Kills in Bounty Hunt

You should add the r201 to that list. If you can control the recoil that thing stops for days

>Relying on stim to go fasd
>Doing anything else than carrying the game while using Tone

>anything resembling fast
It's literally the only Titan who has to hold completely still to use their defensive ability
Northstar w/ Viper Thrusters a best

>speed in a can

There's just something about the Mastiff that brings me joy when using it.

Even if you miss 1 of your pellets, deal only 98 damage, and then die by an Alternator. Still a cool gun.

>top Titanfall players say holo is bad because it relies on enemies stupidity
>because of this hardly anyone uses it
>therefore it's insanely effective since over half a year in and people still aren't used to seeing it

Post your pilot.
>Grapple Hook
>EVA-8 Shotgun
>Arc Grenade
>Power Cell
>Low Profile
>Pilot Sentry
>Tone or Rhonin

I try others but this loadout is always the most fun.

but the epg is just as broken as any smg.

They overbuffed it to be brainless. It used to require skill.

>Standing still as tone
>Not taking double dash and playing roam tone

Absolutely disgusting.

Top Titanfall players are retarded. And I still trick those fuckers into meleeing my clones all the damn time. They also forget that if I activate it skillfully, it's not even about stupidity or smarts. Sometimes it's just gonna halve their chance of choosing the correct target.

To take a Call of Duty Example, there was an ability in Black Ops 3 called Psychosis that was basically the same as Holo-nova. It saw use in their tournament scene on a regular basis.

Mastiff sucks compared to Power the EVA.

I miss Tribes

>Phase Embark
>Low Profile
>Backup Battery

You're not killing anyone at full health unless you land a direct.

niggas dont know that the re45 is the best weapon in the game, keep it a secret

My main pilot:

Battery cell
Silent footing

2nd main
Smoke elec grenade
Some kind of AR

Arc grenades need to be removed or reverted back to TF1 syle.

The fact that they both reduce move speed and turn rate is disgusting in a game where you are designed to go fast.

how do I grapple hook

also how do I bunny slide on a controller

I can bunny hop in a straight line but I can't change directions easily

It wasn't just guns though, it was Titan customization and perks on top of maps.

They gave us more guns, but reduced the overall customization drastically.

>6000 players on ps4

not bad I keep seeing a lot of the same players whenever I go on to play tho

That's because of your local region you dink. You're all on the same datacenter.

Hey man it's just the closest thing to the Raider's EMP nades, I don't use them except on Titans.

>tfw I can't have my titan talk to me in Japanese anymore.

>yfw someone gets away with one of your batteries

Phase shift can be used offensively and defensively:
- OFF: requires you to know where the enemy is without them knowing where you are. Basically Phase shift before they notice you, then melee or 1 shot them (EX: Phase shift around a corner then turn around and shoot)
- DEF: Like said, use it when you're being shot at. change directions to confuse enemies, or run faster if you're good at reverse psychology

I've seen 12000 players on peak hours on xbox.

Am I playing Ronin right?

I use sword block like i'm supposed to, i get in dudes faces when I got titanbros behind me, but the second a fly hits me, I die. Isn't the whole point of ronin is to get aggro?

>Wingman Elite (because I'm a piece of shit that loves revolvers)
>Gravity Star
>Power Cell
>Monarch or Scorch

I feel like I should be switching off of gravity Star and Hover though, is Low Profile that good?

>Play Ronin
>Slice Tone shitters in half all day with no remorse
>Literally teleporting behind your opponents and unsheathing your Katana

There is no better feeling than playing robo samurai

>Cloak(I know, I'm a faggot)
>Charge Rifle w/ Speed Hack
>Thermite Star
>Power Cell
>Low Profile
>Smart Pistol/Amped Weapons

Scorch is best boy

It's been awhile since I've played so I can't tell you what my exact Ronin loadout was aside from Nuclear Ejection.

Don't play Elimination for starters, it encourages corner camping Tone gameplay. Play dynamic game modes like Bounty that require constant movement, then use your superior Ronin speed to flank around and get the jump on them.

Burn your first four shots, then phase to another side of your opponent or a better position, you can reload while phasing so you should come out with another full Leadwall, unload the next 4 and they should be in execute range.

Then get the fuck out, chase some one down or detonate in the middle of your enemies.

It also lets you cook grenades and wind up a Devotion for free.

>Archer /REEEE 45
>Frag grenades
>Power cell
>Titan killer
>Amped weapons/titan battery/map hack
>Scorch or Legion

Don't call out /tfg/ on their autism. It's extremely triggering for them.

>also how do I bunny slide on a controller
Set crouch on toggle, not on hold.

The grapple hook has a small bar that begins draining on the icon itself when you activate it.

certain actions with the grapple will partially drain this bar, others (like grappling a titan or pilot) will immediately eat up one of you grapple uses.

Keeping your crosshairs on the point the grapple is attached is generally the optimum way to get the most out of a grappling.

Bunny sliding is easier with toggle crouch.

EPG is easy as shit scrub lord fag
Stop mentioning that shit

>Better than hitscans

That's another load of bullshit that can be deduced a priori

Low profile is handy if you're just trying to harass titans, but wall hang, hover, and the other 2 perks are generally more useful in more situations.

Low profile suits Cloak using pilots best though, and it can be very handy in subtle ways when making your escape. Still, more of a crutch for a lack of understanding of strategy.

You can lead a target with the l star. All you can lead with hitscan is yourself, to failure and disappointment.

>phase as Ronin
>End up blowing myself up because i ended inside another Titan or Reaper

That's fucking retarded

It has her missile racks and the unique design of her eye thingy. If you know what Tone looks like in-game, you can tell it's her.

>reposting my webm

hold sword block if you feel like you're gonna phase inside an enemy titan, you shouldnt die, but you'll take a bit of damage. Comparable to blocking a Northstar charged shot


I got >50 >200 point games in attrition and a 74% winrate in ~2k games as a soloqueue holopilot ion/scorch/northstar.

Is simple, git gud.

This looks like shit.

Console tans were a mistake

that stupid anime with the boat girls was a mistake

titanfall 2 community was a mistake

>EPG is easy as shit
Harder than hitscans. Harder than the Softball.

>That's another load of bullshit
It's easy as fuck to aim it while actually maintaining your speed. You can just run and hose forever and ever. No other gun works as well for that. Gunrunner+Extended Mags L-Star with Stim/Grapple is wild.

>In the end you're just dicking around if you're not using CAR/Alternator with Phase Pilot, silent rodeo and Tone
Nothing wrong with Tone since she got balanced down. She's just a pretty boring Titan with literally one trick, Salvo notwithstanding.

Also there is really no reason not to pick the silent rodeo since the other options are completely useless.

Mastiff or Cold War
Phase Embark
Low Profile
Backup Battery
Northstar, Ronin, or Monarch


suck a fat dick you little ground shooting faggot

Get good. If I don't instagib you, you have all the time in the world to kill me in return.

eva8 is the better gun, but hte mastiff is more fun imo. I get a raging hardon killing some camping turd with is long range

You play like a northstar if your shield isn't fully charged, then prod and shoot.
All around Monarch is weaker than every other titan until level 3 and needs friendly titans to survive, your best chance of actually reaching core 3 is to stick behind them and let them tank for you.
As for builds you could go
Tourny pro:Arc rounds>Rearm>Accelerate
Meme machine:More Dakka>Rearm>Multi target
Vape nation:Arc rounds>Maelstrom>Chasis
I wouldn't recommend using the more missiles perk with anything but multi target since that shit locks you into the animation for so long.

>tfw you like Kraber
>tfw almost Gen 10 on the Kraber
>90% of my games are me getting one kill with it and then spending the rest of the game in my Titan
I just want to be shoot man

Silent Rodeo is the casual filter skill. It doesn't mute your jets, you still show up on radar, and it's useless in the company of multiple titans. It's a trick to make you think you have advantages that you don't.

Stop using Silent Rodeo.

ronin was my favorite mech, but not my best. I havent touched him since monarch launched since i want to get an understanding of this bitch but i need to go back. Too much fun



I remember now I took the double Blade Wave. Sometimes your opponents will still be out of execute range after your combo, 2 blade waves is usually enough to bring them down. Bladewave and swordblock are also excellent in facilitating an escape.

It also let's you add some ranged harass if you absolutely can't find a way in. Not to mention many times you can hit multiple enemies due to the hallway style of a lot of maps.

The biggest thing to remember is you are an agent of chaos, so many Titans just want to play a boring, orderly back and forth. It's your job to get in, cause as much unadulterated chaos as possible, and usually die in a glorious explosion.

The rest of your team can take advantage of this and quickly overrun the enemies as they have to focus you down. A good Ronin is a disrupting force that every team needs

>People usually pop smoke nearly immediately as soon as they see the prompt
>With Low Profile you are almost done with removing the battery when they realize you are there and pop smoke
That is the advantage. Nobody said anything about muting the sound and I have no idea why anyone would think it wouldn't show up on the map.
Don't jump into multiple titans and you shouldn't have any issue using it. The advantage it gives you is pretty good.
Besides, the other options are Kill Report, Wall Hang and Hover. All of them give you even less for your pick so what's the point.