Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch home console ?

Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch home console ?

The fucking state of your fingernails lad, sort it out

Already own a gaming-capable PC and a PS4.

Because I have a PC


I have one and the purchase was worth it for Mario Kart 8 alone

That tv is from the 90s. Go buy a tv this century dude

So how will you play Splatoon 2? hm?

That probably cost you at least $2k.

Not that guy but mine grow in a similar way, don't actually go out past my finger tips, never have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>doesn't even have a gorilla glass screen... in 2017

I'll pass and wait for the slim. I want one though so I'll buy the 2.0 on day 1.

Because the Switch is a handheld. I can't own what doesn't exist.

Because I have an immense backlog of Vita, PSP, and 3DS games to go through

I'll get a Switch when it gets a $100 price drop/model

It's due to my mental illness. Extreme crippling anxiety.

I know you never interact with other people so you don't know this, but people act like animals with their electronics. Half the phones out there have giant cracks in their screens. The plastic screen will scratch, but it won't shatter.

Lack of money though I still have wii stuff I've never played so I guess it's ok.

>extreme crippling anxiety
Classic nintendo, grow up get over it you basement dwelling nolife

>I'll get a Switch when it gets a $100 price drop
So after they discontinue it and you buy a used one on ebay right?

Because I have a PS4

You stole those didn't you lil mookie

Except nintendo has actual exclusives ssoooo. Just wait for games you can't play on PC.

no games

Have fun waiting like 2 years for a price drop.Wii U never EVER got one.

Zelda isn't worth buying a 300 dollar oversized flimsy hand held to me.

>playing kiddie shooters
Why would I want that?

I'll most likely get one soon because I want muh zelda and muh mario. But I have a bad feeling Nintendo's gonna fuck it up and it'll become Wii U 2.0.

C-can't wait for that new Mario x Rabbids game that absolutely no one wanted, right guys?

seems like an argument from ignorance.

holy fuck, do something about it.
try quitting coffee or other caffeinated drinks for starters.

Why would I have one when I have a Wii U?

I have a switch but it hasn't been out of its dock since day one. who plays a handheld at home?

People online seem to not understand mental illness. It's a chemical imbalance. Eating healthy and exercise doesn't fix everything.

Trust me. I've tried everything. The latest thing I've tried is taking medication. Something I was against for years. I tried to manage it myself. Eating healthy. Working out. New hobbies. Everything. Started taking Zoloft and buspar. Probably won't help but I'll keep trying.

>for a 4ghz single thread cpu and 16gb of ram

either retarded or second world countryman

Why not have both

I'm sorry but since you forgot to include the trademark symbol (™) we are unable to deposit $0.05 into your account.

>home console

It's a Nintendo tablet with detachable controllers and an HDMI out

Because until Xenoblade 2 comes out, it's nothing but Wii U ports and ARMS.

>only want zelda
>play (probably) the best version on PC for free
>spend $300

Guess which one I picked

Not enough Switch exclusives yet. I have zero interest in ARMS, so I'm waiting for Splatoon 2 and Odyssey at least.

i know, but i understand it. i used to have serious anxiety issues but they've been gradually fading, and all of sudden almost entirely disappeared after i quit coffee.
medication fucks up your natural brain functions if you use it for too long, but i guess it's the only way for some people. i hope you get it sorted out.

lol nice portability and crashes tho

I already have a Wii U which has all their games with the same graphics.

>muh portability
Wow you can play games while watching netflix. No one cares.

you should be in jail

If you can afford a PC you can afford a switch.

Nintendo Switch to a better platform you fucking cuck

No games
Hilariously overpriced

wow you can play at 4k in your mommy's basement. No one cares.

Maybe he doesn't want one?

I'd honestly buy it if they released it on the powerofthepersonalcomputer.

Why would I piss away $300+ for it though, especially as I expect the pc version is the better one.

why not? Is he poor?

My PC burns when I put it on my crotch though.


>playing melee of shooters
Fixed. Just because it's not boring and brown like any other shooter doesn't mean it's for kids.

go back to pcmr, fag

Not him but I have $50k spare and emulated it on my PC.

I can obviously ((((((afford)))))) one but you shouldn't feed the jew if you don't want things to get worse.


>I don't know anything about computers.

what weeb did you steal those from you pourch monkey?

Why should I spend $300 for one? Give me ONE reason. (i don't care about portability).

Nintendo are complete jews anyway, not exactly taking money from jesus.

your mom is way more flimsy then the switch faggot

not an argument

>Cannot maintain 30fps no matter how good your hardware is
>Crashes a few minutes after fast travel (every time)
>Stutters occasionally to cache shaders
>Sound quality is awful and pops
>Graphical artifacts in lava and other places
>Missing the Switch version's environmental sounds
>Crashes randomly

But hey it makes for some pretty screenshots, right?

That's ignorant.

not an argument


And then the same people throw an autistic tantrum every time a PC port isn't perfect.

Because I can't even find it on stores.


it's so mediocre

never said it was. It's objective fact.

>Burning money for no reason
Not that user, but I don't want ARMS or Splatoon 2 because they play like burning trash, I play actual kart racers with depth so I don't play MK8, I have a PS4 and Puyo Puyo tetris already, and I don't want to patronize Konami so Bomberman is out.

Please tell me what is coming that I would be interested in, because MHXX looks like shit and I already have a 3DS anyways, and the new Mario is really the only thing that seems interesting, and I've skipped marios before to wait for emulation and I'll gladly do it again.

such an edgelord faggot

Its an objective fact that moralfags don't belong on Sup Forums

>(i don't care about portability).
Well, then it's not for you. I live in a city so I don't need a car, but that doesn't mean nobody should buy cars.
Also, if you care about Ninty exclusives being the best exclusives, then you need Switch.

Difference between a fan made emulator that runs poorly, and an official port that runs poorly.

that's nice, sweetie.

you are ignorant you faggot cuck

What's on it that's worth getting?
I don't own any current gen consoles because nothing looks good anymore

Don't call me sweetie you homosexual

define "poorly"

Not for your player experience. If a completely broken game is still "THE DEFINITIVE WAY TO PLAY YOU GUYS MC MASTER RACE xD!" then you don't get to complain about bad PC ports.

No metroid game = no consideration of buying one. Or at least until possible monster hunter 5 exclusive.

settle down there, big guy

It's all hype.

Because I can't think of a single game that I want to buy for it.

you know thats gonna cause urinary problems and reproductive problems so i would stop that

GTA V is a better game than BOTW

How are weebs so delusional?

I'm going to play Morrowind

Not him but I'm going to have to say it is. It's less stable, but looks MUCH better (4k vs 720p) and has a slighlty more stable framerate (then the wii u version I played with a friend).

It still runs like shit but imo (and my friends) it's the best version.

I don't see the difference. If they're willing to put up with a poorly running fan-emulated game then they should by the same standard put up with a poorly running official port of game. If the former is playable than the latter is playable. Simple as that.

Except one of them doesn't involve throwing your money at people who can't get a game running well

We believe ourselves to have the better version so we're not allowed to complain about problems?

sub 60fps, stuttering, lack of options, frequent crashing, etc.

I do. its incredibly comfy. Has enough hype behind it and sales its going to continue to succeed. So im happy. Just want games to release. impatiently waiting for their E3.

Then you don't get to complain about shitty and unoptimized PC ports.

Also, the frame rate is not more stable than the Wii U version. That's nonsense. Your definitive version is definitive for being in 4K despite shader cache stuttering, broken popping sound, lower average frame rate, and random crashing (or not so random caching in the case of the game crashing a few minutes after fast traveling). Wow it looks so good in 4K even through the lava has artifacts.

Half the CEMU screenshots here have the post processing AA filter on which is hard coded to 720p resulting in a layer of pixelated softness. So definitive

>sub 60fps
get out of here faglord and take your reddit memes with you

I'm tired of seeing all these ports and I want to see good original games. There's too many remakes and remasters.

>has a slighlty more stable framerate (then the wii u version I played with a friend).
Lol you are lying out your ass.

Ironic statement considering we are talking about Cemu


No games on it I would play.

Probably a few 100 senpai