Leaked Battlefront 2 gameplay


It looks...

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Pretty good

>Sponsored by EA

Yeah but how's the gameplay?

what? is darth maul in ep 8?

maybe I should check out the new star wars movies...

I think it looks great

nah he died between episode 3 and 4.

b-b-but its cooler when its leaked!

>game releasing in 6 months
>"pre-alpha build"
EA are such liars pieces of shit

>We fixed the awful gameplay from battlefront 1 guys!
>still have star cards
Fucking dropped

Looks like shit. Sure it looks pretty. But this type of gameplay has no real lasting value.

Go ahead EA shills, keep posting how this is gonna be awesome.

No, EA stocks are just going down the shitter, because everybody realizes they are about to bomb on stage, so they are "leaking" this shit as a last-ditch effort.

cool you saw that post on /r/gaming to?

go back kid

I rather play the old Battlefront 2. Seriously, looks awful.

where did you see star cards?

When the played was killed the regular enemies who killed him have the same star card shit from the first battlefront. Its shown on the deathcam, the guy had thermal senator and some other shit. This game is gonna be just as shallow and casual, im not wasting my money

Fuck off, disneyfag. He died in 1.

while not canon, the comic where he fights Vader is comic kino

>he just sits in the menus until he can play as a hero
I already see a major flaw in this game

p sure they said they removed the card system though

>They put a "RETURN TO COMBAT" map limit

Rebels is canon
You wish it or not :^)

I'm surprised they allowed Rey to be killable

>face a wall and use the minimap game
Revolutionary fun.

> sure they said they removed the card system though
>Trusting EA
>after they have lied this many times
Shill pls

nu-clone wars, rebels, VII, and R1 can all blow me.

Star Wars ended at ep III.

>fuck off, disneyfag
How does it feel to know that no matter what you say or do, you will be wrong and Darth Maul will have died between 3 and 4?

>Kiddy show voices for CIS and Republic

I'm surprised Rey can't kill other heroes with a single blow


>Fuck off, disneyfag. He died in 1.
Nope. That's not canon anymore. He died between episodes 3-4

and yes, it is. I would love to see it in game, but i dont even think vader is in this game, is he?

there was a change cards in the menu during character selection

Are their bots? I'll get this, but I don't want it to be empty 2 months in like every online game is now.

>This leak was sponsored by EA™
Pre-ordered my copy.

>heroes not restricted to their own eras

I mean I like the variety but having Rey in the Clone Wars is just bizarre

>24 players
>no bots
>basically no vehicles
>immersion breaking cross-era heroes running around everywhere

Looks like trash. Why can't they just make make BF2 with better graphics? We should have at least 64 player servers, with bots brining the count up to about 100 things on battlefield.

Visuals of Frostbite games will always look amazing.

The gameplay though...

is RoTS edgelord kino anakin in this game? He never gets any love.

>Visuals of Frostbite games will always look amazing.

Andromeda looks worse than Mass Effect 3...

>pre-alpha build

every fucking time

i hope there is an attack the jedi temple map/mission so we can see the power of anakin without his injuries

Boba and Maul were both around in the clone wars, mind you Boba was like 15

Looks pretty great graphically. There's classes again which is awesome. Heroes are handled in what is probably the best way in the series thus far, although vehicles being in the same situation is a questionable decision. Still better than fucking pick-ups.

Main issue I have is all the potential DLC, although I assume it'll have a decent amount of content on release though since most of the GCW stuff should be reused assets. Then again, it's EA.

>rey and boboa fett fighting amongst clones and droids on naboo
no thanks

This is one of the few games where I think skins would be appropriate. I'd kill to play as Maul with his robo-legs, or kid Boba.

It's so he couldn't walk into the enemy spawn

Actually it quite literally ended at what is now 6. Prequels helped make some good fucking games though.
Pic unrelated

>models all done
>no placeholder animations
>map is fully textured and has lighting done
>"pre-alpha build"

jedi temple is a shit map and I hope disney forgets about it and removes it from the canon.

>thermal senator

>AAA studio
>not making multiple spawn points

the microtransactions aren't in place yet

>Why can't they just make make BF2 with better graphics?

Because that would take effort and why bother when millions of faggots will buy your game anyway because of the name brand of star wars even if you water it down to be shittier than call of duty?

also because modern star wars fans are cum guzzling lefty faggots who love diversity and being cucked out of a good game or movie, apparently

Youngling detected.
Dont worry, Master Anakin will...protect you.

How do we get them to remake the best MP map in human history?

nukemdukem is a faggot

Those models and maps have been done for 3 years. This is all cut content from the fist game.

I saw no star cards you fucking idiot.

>arc about a clone that kills a jedi before the order is given
>other clone investigates
>finds out that they have a chip in their brain to make them kill jedi
>starts going insane
>is eventually killed by other clones in some back alley on courisant
Sure it's not that edgy, but after the first season the show picked up and had some decent storylines. And it made Darth bane, and the republic commando squad canon

Someone post the clone wars guide with the good arcs on it

That isn't Dune Sea though

Temuera Morrison is voicing the clones too retard, we're getting both

I think it was intentional

go and listen to the droids in RotS again, that's where they first had that high pitched goofy voice.
Blame George not TCW

I was about to say this

whats your point? most alphas for games are a few months before release

I for one like the goofy voices. My headcanon is since droids develop personalities when their memory isn't wiped enough, and the CIS doesn't exactly have the time/resources to wipe all droids, it makes sense for a number of them to have quirks.

Looks like it has all the same issues as the first one.

hero classes are fucking stupid

give me classic battlefront or give me death

>thermal senator

It's winter season, then.

As mentioned, potential star cards which possibly suggests infinite grenades.

The jetpack toggles.

Beyond that, there's little information except that apparently..
..which is awful for gameplay and map flow. They're just standing around waiting for spawns to come into the main fighting area, which is apparently just a room or two in the middle.

Battlefront II has that, though this version is obvious.

>give me classic battlefront or give me death
fucking this.
Last years battlefront was shit and I was depressed that I had to play it becuase someone gave me it as an xmas gift.

I want galactic conquest that I can play solo or co op.
I don't want to be forced to play with retards and tryhards.
Seemless air to land battles would be great too, ffs even the PSP bf games had that

>pre-alpha build

its retarted to see someone running with cheat mode on while rest try play with normal soldiers.

nah. Someone on kikebook gave me a link

bump for best map

Because if they did that, you would all complain about how "lazy" EA is for rehashing an old game and repackaging it with new graphics. This is the same board that was convinced that EA Battlefront 2 was going to have female clones and that the game is SJW trash because the protagonist of the story is a brown woman. There is literally no pleasing you fucks, and I'm honestly glad that no game company in their right mind would ever think of pandering to you retards.

user you know console can't bring 100 "players"
Took them years to get 64 players

Looks okay, but what happened to the thematic and cinematic music from the old battlefield games? It feels kinda empty when there is no music or anything...


even EA Battlefront had music so it must just be because it's in alpha, r-right guys?

sucks that there will never be gore/dismembering in a star wars game

>he never played Jedi Academy

>everybody has a personal shield
>star cards
1 thing they could take out of this game and it would make it way batter

at least you can flank people with shields this time, you got a fucking indestructible bubble in the first one

i've played both jedi academy and jedi outcast

i will never forget g_saberrealistccombat + blood mod

someone post the movie mod where Anakin cuts up all the younglings

Yeah, Rebels only occasionly had stuff that was better than anything in the prequels, so you are right

wrong thread



you know it was Lucas' decision to bring back Maul, right?

>These people complaining about "canon" are also the people pissed theres no hero fight mode like in the original bf2


>most alphas for games are a few months before release


>It's freezing, then

Wait, I thought this is regularly done when developing a sequel?
Starting not from scratch, but from the best build of the last game (unless you have a completely new engine, but even then, assets are often reused)

Whatever. Battlefront 2015 was fun. The only reason it got such a bad rap is because it totally lacked content. If they had sold it for $22 like Rising Storm 2 instead of full price $60 it would have been well received.

What's wrong with star cards? Would it help if they just called them "re-usable abilities with cooldowns" instead of cards? Because that's what they are

Kek, kill yourself, Battlefront 2015 was trash.

I think if they used voices from the Clone Wars show it's a safe bet that it's final. Pretty much everything in last Battlefront's beta made it to the final game as well.

Too bad, I think Baker is great, but why would they get him instead if they want to be movie-accurate?

Yeah, I guess you have to complain about/make it vocal or else they won't change it.

The state of modern gaming.