When will they announce a new VtM game?

When will they announce a new VtM game?
It's overdue.

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is bloodlines worth getting right now for $5 from GOG? i always hear it's one of the most praised RPGs of all time but i doubt i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017

Is there an HD mod for it to make it passable in 2017?

i wasn't asking specifically about graphics though, and why would you respond to a question with another question

>i doubt i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017
What kind of mega-GenZ kid cannot play a fucking MODERN game in MODERN times?

Seriously, just kill yourself. Gaming went to absolute SHIT just couple years after 04.

The game, the graphics, and everything about it really, are way better than some shit we've fed today. The character animations BTFO anything Bethesda has shat out in recent years, the atmosphere is superb, and you actually have more than "red / blue" choices and dialog options

>i doubt i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017
Well the atmosphere definitely holds up, and the content is basically timeless so give it a shot.

Reshade exists.

lol dat gayme looks so bad XD

t. shitter who laps up Bethshit


>modern game
If VTM was a human, she'd be in 7th grade.

Are you allright man?
Take a break.

Anything post-2003 is fucking modern. It's only been downhill for games after mid-00

>but i doubt i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017
This is how I know you're a faggot and should probably skip Bloodlines.

Good news - There's gonna be a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game.
Bad news - It's gonna by Cyanide Studios, and their track record so far's Blood Bowl, Pro Cycling Manager games, and co-development on Space Hulk: Deathwing. So not very brilliant.

Good News - Obsidian seems to be working on something else right now, we don't really know what it is (based on SEC filing, and how they talked in their reddit AMA)
Bad News - It might just be Pillars Of Eternity 2.

I agree with the second point, mostly.

But you do realise that 2003 was 14 years ago, right? Games made in 1989 were as old in 2003 as games made in 2003 are today. Final Fight, Michael Jackson: Moonwalker and Uncle Fester's Quest were as old in 2003 as Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is today.

Did you consider A Nightmare on Elm Street for the Commodore 64 a modern video game in 2003?


well, PoE2 isn't exactly a secret project of theirs, they released a ton of material on its production.

>Cyanide Studios

I very much enjoyed the Styx games, especially the last one was fantastic.

You do realize the sad fact that there's been way less innovation and progress in overall game visuals and gameplay in the past ~12 years than within a single decade of 1990s or 80s alone? Just about no major paradigm shifts of any sort has happened in the past 10 years, unless you count casual flocking on mobile and FB shit, which IMO ain't any different from random folks further back in history playing Solitare & Snake.

I'm very surprised nobody has picked this up. Even today I still regret Troika closing its doors.

(Artist is Nyuunzi if anyone's interested)

You should consider suicide.

>but i doubt i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017

Skip it, kid.

>runny makeup

Reminder that when you fuck her, you can't actually nut. Your balls don't produce cum anymore.
But it is canon that in VtM a vampire can spend a blood point to produce blood from any part of their body. And you lose a blood point after sex with her.

Not disagreeing with that.

What I'm saying is that Ultima VI: The False Prophet was as old in 2004 as Snake Eater is today. Games made in 2004 are not modern.

Modern games are 90% utter trash, but that doesn't make decade and a half old games modern, there's people born in 1999 posting on Sup Forums without breaking rules this year, these people were 5 years old when WoW released, VTMB is a fantastic game, but it's not a modern game, and it's understandable that some younger folks would consider it dated as hell.

It's from the Bad Man. You don't want it.

>Vinculuming the crazy bitch with penis blood
Now that is how you force a vampire to taste your vitae, with your dick.


World of Darkness MMO got shitcanned, there is no hope left in non-humanity

Anyone that thinks Graphics>Actual interesting games is a fucking faggot.
Most old games are at least a playthrough if they are the ones that most people like.

>i could enjoy a game from 2004 in 2017
I hope you don't own any console.

>When will they announce a new VtM game?
I don't know. The guy in charge of nu-whitewolf is really into VtM, but at the same time he is an edgy sjw faggot which might be troubling(I hope he gets some ideas from Bataille, but sjws don't seem to be big on him).
If I'm not mistaken Obsidian already debunked that they are working on anything related to WoD, and that should be a relief for anyone wanting something decent to Bloodlines.

Let's be honest, the little psycho slut would make you bleed one way or another. Might as well be on your terms.

Ah, that makes me much more optimistic about Werewolf, Styx was very solid. I wonder why hardly anyone discusses it?

Camarilla pride world wide

Well she is obsessed with you in a crazy way so he wanting to become vinculumed to you and you her is not such a stretch.
Thats probably about a close as vampires can get to one another but its literally mind rape not love, see what the Tremere do to their entire clan in making them drink [Old Men] blood.

> I wonder why hardly anyone discusses it?
Stealth is an extreme niche genre.

If you like Deus Ex, this game is that but with massively better dialogue and dialogue choice, a far more interesting and engaging setting, much wider variety of character abilities, build and playthrough differences... and far, far worse level and quest design.

It's a wonderful game for everything else it has, but if you need hard proof of how much of an impact level design has, this game comparison is it. VtMB had everything it needed to surpass one of the best games of all time EXCEPT that (and also music).

Probably because people have never played the tabletop werewolf game.
The tabletop game is fucking awesome with deep lore and lots of powers to it.
A werewolf game in the vein of Vampire would be fucking amazing.

>tfw no WoD game where you play as a Path of Exile/Berserk style demon in human form
>tfw you won't be assaulted by a group of sabbat shovelheads looking for a quick meal only to devour them within seconds

>(and also music).

nigga did you just call VtMB's music bad

I'm hoping this recent hyped game will be something of a spiritual successor

>people have never played the tabletop werewolf game
I said it in other threads, but a single player Werewolf game, even if is good, would be a total travesty.

>Games made in 2004 are not modern.
"modern" in this case does not refer to their physical age, but their overall design and visual quality. Games from 2004 can at best look like launch titles of fucking PS4, while some stuff from 1999 already looked very obsolete in 2004.

It's a weird era we are living in, with diminishing returns becoming more and more obvious each year.

Best soundtrack when working late at the office.


Full nelson?

Explain why it would be a travesty?, because there is tons of stuff to work with.
Its very social and you would have allies as packmates.


Look at their Styx series if you want some hope on what Cyanide can do. I'm not saying I *am* all that hopeful because they could so easily fuck it up, but if they can make a quality stealth game that emphasizes multiple solutions, they have it in their potential make a quality WoD game.

> modern" in this case does not refer to their physical age, but their overall design and visual quality. Games from 2004 can at best look like launch titles of fucking PS4

>Its very social and you would have allies as packmates
That's the problem, the TTRPG was all about the pack, not playing solo.

You should seriously consider suicide user

sauce on the full image?

Cautiously optimistic about that game since it does follow the old'e style of vampire rules like the house rule and stuff.
Also the fact that your feeding kills a permanent NPC who has a backstory and you lose them from the game seems interesting and makes you really think about who you want to kill off.

Just read the fucking thread

I played it for the first time a few months ago (thanks for the recommendation, Sup Forums) and while the game -except for the facial animations - is fuck ugly, the atmosphere and art direction is fantastic and it did not harm my enjoyment of the game.
Give it a chance, it's just $5.

It isn't as good as Deus Ex's. All I meant there is Deus Ex has only two things on VtMB, and that's one.


Paradox acquired the rights to all white wolf properties a while back, and they are currently working on a Werewolf: the apocalypse game.

Vampire the Redemption worked with other vamps in a team so I dont see why a team would be an issue.
Shit you have tons of conflict between the factions like the lupus. Then you have the fucking black spiral nutcases.

Remember that one time user wrote a Bloodlines erotic fanfiction?

I correct myself: some games from 2004 look even BETTER than games on PS4.

I do not.

Me too. It has a lot of things I'd want in a VtM game, or wish VtMB had, like the way you manipulate mortals and guide them around like a vampire must.

I'm also kind of hopeful. If they implement even half the level of setting and interactivity that they were saying the game's gonna have (during the developer walk-through of the demo from a while back), that'll be enough for me.

I don't give a shit if the combat is bad. I'm in a VtMB thread.

Again, vampires are selfish cunts, while the werewolf packs shared strong bonds, like the totem and shit. Unlike VtM, that experience is hardly replicable in a single player game.

>game would be a travesty
>swedish company working on it
This really expend my gnosis.

Certain tribes of werewolves share bonds but there are wars between other clans and shit.
I think it could work but I do see your point.
Question is what would be a good game then?
Changling would be interesting as you would be hunted by your fae who wants to drag your ass back to Avalon.
Mage would probably suffer from the same shit werewolf has.
Mummy would be boring.
Geist could work but the newer version of Geist in nWoD seems more interesting.

>Question is what would be a good game then?

How about Wraith?

can you post source?

this looks like a full nelson anal pic, and I want it.

>I do see your point
I mean, is like playing the TTRPG alone or just two, you can play it (is an RPG after all, there isn't a "correct" way to play it), but isn't the best experience for that game/setting/system.

>Question is what would be a good game then?
Well, guess most WW "storyteller" games don't translate well to video games. Changeling could be doable, but I don't know if it would be popular.

>Geist could work but the newer version of Geist in nWoD seems more interesting
I've already parted ways with WW games when they released it, shit went down pretty fast. Also, I barely know shit about nWoD, but most of it looks terrible.

Troika is dead so it doesn't really matter.
The closest thing will probably be Leonard Boyarsky's and Tim Cain's Project over at Obsidian. I doubt we can expect much from Anderson considering the studio he joined but maybe they'll surprise us. (Mitsoda apparently wasn't why VtM was well-written going by Dead State and the shitty flashgrounds-tier pseudo-VNs he and his SJW wife are making now)


Fucking love that place.
Shame we didn't get to interact with hunters more.

>for once not anal

thank god, what its up with westerners and anal

The worst part about Bloodlines is how dumbed down the Sabbat are imo.
Since the only really good lore for non-middle ages Vampire in oWoD concerns the Sabbat.

there's still that WtA game from that shitty dev coming out, maybe they won't fuck it up

The Sabbat got cut due to time/budget, they were supposed to be a joinable faction.
Just like Nasferatu was supposed to have exclusive maps and quests, which also got cut.

>the only really good lore for non-middle ages Vampire in oWoD concerns the Sabbat
IMO, the Sabbat were interesting before their own books, which turned them edgy, and edgier with each subsequent book.

oh god this is awful

I need eye bleach

new werewolf would be AMAZING for inter-tribe assholery

Shit new hunter would be awesome as well since they have interesting factions.

hijacking this thread with Japanese vampires

>Japanese vampires
At least post a good one.

I have zero faith in it being anything other than mediocre

Sadchan route WHEN

tell me more, I don't know anything about hunter

>he doesn't know

>Initially, I gave the Vampire one a positive review. Because I feel it starts out great. The intro chapter is great, with the whole ”vampires on the road” vibe that Guide to the Sabbat has, for instance. And maybe I let myself be deluded by my love for this franchise and my enthusiasm at getting some new games.
>It kept going strong, too, until about halfway through it, when it derails into political commentary that is uncalled for, characters that turn from the nicely written ones (Case and Izzy, who are well-developed and worthy of attention) to the cardboard-cutouts of sexual behaviours or the one anarch who's just that.
>Towards the second half of the game, I felt like there was more attention given to the various sexual orientations and fetishes of some characters then the actual plot of the game. There's this one character who just shows up to talk about giving handjobs and killing Trump supporters and then no longer does anything for the rest of the bloody game.
>It's okay to have sexual content. This is Vampire we're talking about. It's okay to have politics in it. People have political stances, and if you write something, part of you has to be in what you write. It's natural.
>But Zak. Baby. They're undead. The bloodsucking children of the night. They do not, repeat NOT, care about Trump. They have their own politicians, infinitely more hateful and genuinely genocidal, to worry about. And yes, while certain characters in the franchise (Josef of Prague, off the top of my head) do participate in the affairs of kine, from a decidedly anti-fascist position, they have a good, story-relevant, story-enhancing reason to do so. You know, one that actually generates good characters and not platitude dispensers.


I want to feed this baka a hamburger!


Isn't it sad, Sacchin~

Been waiting over a fucking decade now for it

>Can we put our big boy writer pants on, drop the edgy material, and learn the other meanings of the word ”mature”? For that character to have meaning, they need more depth. And that depth is not there. And no, the other trans character does not suffer from this, because there's some backstory there, some motivation. This is not about them being trans.
>It gets frustrating at the end, where a series of choices with little difference between them has left me feeling frustrated at the lack of indication regarding progress, where a specific combination of choices would unlock the endgame. The problem? They're not consistent. You either stroke the guy's ego, or you cuss at him. Not both, alternately. This is a mix of the two, one that does not hold up to scrutiny, does not make sense, and feels more like something you need to get lucky for, rather than think through.
>Also, the end is underwhelming. You take this thinblood neonate (which is a great idea, actually, since it prevents WoD nerds like me from going for some obscure bloodline with god-like powers) and get him in waaay over his head, travelling with him across the USA, then back home again, then back to LA and Hollywood and the grand finale, and it all culminates... with the main antagonist being stabbed. Flat. Then they're going away. Flat. Underwhelming.

>I wish I could recommend this. I initially did. But between the edgy virtue-signalling (I'm sorry, but that's what it is), the one-note characters, the frustrating climaxes (climaxes should not be that way), and the abrupt and flat ending, I have to change my review to a negative.
>There are three Vampire: the Masquerade video games. This is the only one that made me feel glad it was over. And no, I will *not* discuss the politics.

Game looks fine, nothing to be worried about there.

>try to install the mod that fixes the game in a lot of ways and most importantly plays this song
>cant ever get the mod to work on steam

>posting MadamMinty

absolute madman

>waaah, this game is older than me so I can't play it, waaah


You are not talking about Unofficial Patch, are you? Because you can use Steam and use UP at the same time.

>frogposter who actually bought the steam version is too dumb to install a single patch which you just need to double click

It all adds up.

I am but unfortunately I got it to work years ago and every time I follow the tutorial it never works.

Jesus christ.

Some of the newer UP+ versions say to use the launcher it gives you. It won't work through steam

>steam version
>literally giving money to the guys who killed the game and devs
The so called "gamers" I guess.

It's more convenient for me.

I bought it from G2A