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You can't top LBP2

I love LBP but no, obvious horseshit.

Not blurry enough

image is BS but it'll come eventually. Hopefully it won't be as shit as 3.

sorry about the blur, uploaded the wrong copy

Let it die

needs more blur

I barely played lbp3
I kinda have some lbp1 nostalgia though, especially how the old popular levels pages worked


I'm the only person who cares about LBP user. Don't waste my time. LBP3 was a mess. We're not getting a 4.

What was it with 3? I played it for like 20 minutes after spending dozens of hours on the first 2 as a kid. (it's okay I'm turning 19 next month) was it just me getting older or did it actually suck

right copy

same, I spent days and days on lbp1 and 2, 3 just didn't interest me anymore when I finished the story mode, maybe it was because all my friends were gone, who knows

It was glitchy as fuck, the new characters were lame, they removed the populars page meaning no incentive to actually make levels, they divided the playerbase between ps3 and ps4,

LBP2 is seriously one of my favorite games of all time and I didn't even give 3 a chance. It honestly doesn't even feel like it's part of the same series.

I honestly don't think 3 was that bad, I appreciated a lot of the additions they made to create mode. The Story mode was too goddamn short but the levels were really well crafted. The next LBP needs to be made from the ground up without the limitations of the original engine.

there's that new media molecule game called dreams or something in development, it'll replace LBP eventually.

It was broken on release day and it took them until summer to roll out the bugfixes. Meanwhile they were releasing new DLC packs every other week or so.

LBP4 is real, being made with a brand new engine. Main feature is a new 3D perspective camera that works similarly to Fez. Coming this holiday.

user now you're just thinking of Media Molecule's vaporware project, Dreams.

It's not fully 3D - this is where Dreams and LBP4 differentiate. LBP4 is a 2.5D platformer - Dreams is fully 3D and can be either third/first person. These games can co-exist.

Haven't even played 3 yet... is 3 any good?

LBP3 had proto 3D platforming. Think like the early lego games. I'd like to see that fleshed out more, even if we're still confined to layers.

Whatever happened to that dream thing they were making for ps4 where you could basically just 3D animate?

They're taking their time. It'll come out whenever they said.

That's still happening and being made by Mm. Mainly focusing on using it for PSVR now. Mm are not making LBP4.

Mm hasn't directly made an LBP game since 2. And a lot of the content was made by Tarsier Studios. LBP4 could happen and it'd probably be done by Sumo digital but since LBP3 did so poorly I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Wasn't LBP3, like, Sonic 06 levels of unfinished?

I'm just hoping Mm doesn't end up dying from working on Dreams

Pretty much. It certainly didn't help that LBP is already a sub-par platformer that needed the customization angle to sell itself.

The fact that LBP3 had very little in terms of pre-made in-gamecontent, had next to nothing you couldn't already build in LBP2, and chugged like a motherfucker even on PS4 has left the franchise in this weird, purgatorial state.

If Sony wants to bring it back, they'll need to make something pretty nice to win over all the fans they pissed off.

i wasn't paying very close attention when i played the LBP series but I can 100% say with certainty something was not right about 3, it felt both empty and cluttered at the same time

Did any of the patches help? The last time I remember playing the game was late 2014 on PS3

Is it weird that I actually liked how much of LBP3's 'additions' were stuff doable with bots and logic in 2 turned into natural features?

No LBP was always mostly garbage if you play it as a singleplayer platformer. The whole point was community and creation.

>itt people who forgot Media Molecule has been working on a new IP they will show off at this E3
LBP is dead.

LBP is eternal.
Isn't the community for 2 still alive?

It was glitchy as fuck
>beat the entire story the day it comes out
>save file immediately became corrupted after I beat the game

Its just the weird autists you would expect to still play a game that is nearly a decade old.

LBP 1+2 were two of the best games ever made and I say that fully seriously
I pity anyone who wasn't able to experience the life cycle of both games

>6 years old
>nearly a decade
ah yes ok

that or kids that can't afford a ps4 and lbp2

I see you are a man of culture as well.

I guess, but making the "new characters" re-skins of things you could already do with the Superhero DLC was just kind of scummy. Plus some of these newer DLC costumes are less charming imitations and more "uncanny valley"...

oh yeah that was hard to slap this png on there

They didn't market LBP 3 and it wasn't made by Media Molecule. It was just some shitty """sequel""" by Sumo Digital. However there were some good levels made in the community that made use of the new characters and new features/layers.

Clockworx 3 was a fucking beast minigame.

>This DLC was a thing

>re-skins of things you could already do with the Superhero DLC
My brain must've forcefully blocked that tidbit out.
Stuff like the climbable walls and the sack pocket is what I meant to praise, but the 'new' characters were definitely underwhelming, though I did like Toggle.

PSP was the best LBP

>LBP by anyone but Media Molecule

I honestly don't think Dreams can replace LittleBigPlanet. It's a much more complex game in every aspect. Also not having a persistent, customizable avatar is horseshit. Being able to customize the Imp (cursor) doesn't cut it.

The render in the OP is actually different. The stitching keeping Sackboy together is three dimensional and he has a light fuzziness to him as he has since LBP Vita. I actually have no idea where the render in the OP came from. Probably a cutout from the LBP Hub teaser.

I think someone else made LBP Vita and that was great imo