>Here's your level, bro!
Dark Souls 3
I hate that fucking worm. Spooks me every time. Easy as shit to kill though.
still better than 2
DeS > 1 > 3 > 2.
like all of them though. haven't played BB yet
>In ringed city
How the fuck do I get past these ghost archers?
BB > DaS > DaS3 > DeS >>>> DaS2
And before you ask, I started with DeS. It was an awful clunky mess compared to what the newer engines can do now. And no amount of nostalgia is going to blindly sway me on that.
>optional area isn't quite up to snuff
Fuck them for including it though ,right?
really need to know which one is the best
Are you fucking stupid?
Theres literal cover all over the walkway
Shrine of Storms Mantarays>Powder Keg Djura's gatling gun>Giant archer (in Undead Settlement/Farron Keep/CotD)>Smouldering Lake Ballista>Ringed City DLC laser angels
Bloodborne and Dark souls. They're equal to one another with the same formula, but differences that make them both absolute gems to play. One for offensive combat, one for more defensive.
DaS2 and demon are shit, and only liked because they force an arbitrary counter on you that halves your health to make the game harder. Avoid them at all costs.
Dark souls 3 is just more of 1. Its good to some degree, but its nowhere near as good as 1.
>implying those homing lasers arent absolute bullshit
Literally nothing compared to this absolute bullshit
>kill two of the gigantic cow things guarding treasures
>"here bro, have a shitty armor set and a bunch of white branches, no probs."
>Theres literal cover all voer the walk way
Yeah, one way, all they have to do is spawn behind me and turn around, which is exactly what they keep doing.
What do with stats, first playthrough. I really like the saw spear.
>First playthrough
Strength build. You can have fun on subsequent ones, but you'll fuck yourself over if you dont have proper strength/dex early on.
You already fucked up your endurance is way too high. I would never bring it above 14.
Keep looking retard, there are surefire areas that they can't touch.
All right, thanks
It's not like I'm trying to minmax on my first character
Overall game: 2 > 1 > 3
Lore: 2 > 1 > 3
Gameplay: 2 > 1 > 3
Level design: 1 > 2 > 3
Game Feel: 1 > 2 > 3
Music: 2 > 1 > 3
Graphics: 1 > 3 > 2
Winner: Dark Souls 2
Loser: Dark Souls 3
Well that's just for future reference. END doesn't need to be raised much at all in BB.
Also your character is ugly as shit. If you're gonna waifu it up then at least practice those sliders.
>only area in the game where you can't just run through it
>actually have to explore
>coincidentally it's also the worst area in the game
Really makes you think
I was right. You are fucking stupid
you guys are cute
On your first run you explore everything idiot, on your 2nd run every single level becomes run-through it, even this one, but this one actually remains cancer.
95% accurate. 3 has better music than 1.
I literally just ran through it with that one sorcery spell because it was copypaste corridor shit.
I've played DS2 so many times and even on multiple platforms. Never once have I had an issue with the area. Either I'm really good or there's a handful of incompetent shitters attempting to play a series that they really have no business playing.
>Overall game: 2 > 1
>I've played DS2 so many times and even on multiple platforms
Thats such a sad story user, you should ask your mom to buy you some new games.
Demon's Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > NiOh > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Witcher 3
I would but they stopped making different versions of souls games.
Bloodborne>Demon's Souls>Need for Speed Most Wanted>God of War Ghost of Sparta>Burnout Paradise>Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
All content is always optional.
>Muh better than nothing
It's more thank nothing, not better.
True senpai
>Get stuck on an area in Dark Souls 2
>lol hope you like killing the same enemy 11 times and not being able to access the boss door until every enemy is dead xDD
>Get stuck on a level in Dark Souls 3
>Go explore the other zones, come back later, or you could just run past the enemies if you're quick and nimble enough!
>hawk ring
>snipe ghost daddy's bitch ass
>Buttress greatbow archers
more like
>get stuck in an area in dark souls 2
>try one of the three different areas or just throw yourself against the wall if you're really bad
>get stuck in an area in dark souls 3
>try the single other area or throw yourself against the wall but to lesser effect
>be bored either way
Someone hasn't played Demon's Souls swamp level
Yes I have. It wasn't too long and the boss fight saved that zone for me.
Pic related is still the worst zone.
t. OP
>the only aesthetic area in the game
>easy as piss enemies
>get to last boss in Dark Souls 3
>alright time to do the dlc areas then beat the game
>I've got 8 hours before I should go to bed, looking forward to getting to the ringed city
>spend 8 hours getting raped in the snowy plains of ashes of andariel
fucking wolves reeeeeee!
>dark souls 2 individual level design better than dark souls 3
It was patched in less than a week after the release. I believe the pc version were already patched at launch.
Music is 3>1>2 bro
Yuka Kitamura sucked in DS2
She got better in DS3, but still she was better than Motoi Sakuraba in DS1
ANOTHER fucking swamp was ass, but the ruins immediately after that were good.
For all the re-used Bloodborne assets and disgusting cock gargling enemy design, Demon Ruins was the only time my first blind run where I felt disorientated.
I dunno I think there's something to say about trying too hard. DR has those goofy crow fucks going BWAHAHAHAHHH and it's far spookier than all the retarded jump scares and barfing fetuses dragons in Irithyl Dungeon.
Get better at the game.
I miss areas playing with lighting too. Wharf, Pits, Amana, etc. DS3 is one huge sepia-toned brown/grey smear with only Irithyls borealis to break it up before heading right back into Anor Londo but BLOODBORN'D.
As someone who played des after 1 and 2, you are wrong.
>It was an awful clunky mess compared to what the newer engines
>he doesn't know that ds1 is basically a mod of des, and it still have all features that were removed from demon's souls in dark souls 1
>what is ds2
reminder that DS2 haters are literally reddlt.
reminder that DS2 fans are LEAFS
Reminder that DaS2 haters have NO ARGUMENTS, aside for memes!
2 > 3 > BB > 1 > DeS
This isn't an opinion, it's a factual statement. If you aren't a neanderthal with an IQ below 70, you know I'm right. By extension, if you reply to this post with disagreement, you out yourself as a primate who isn't worth my time, meaning I won't respond.
VIT is the best stat in the game. If you don't push it all the way up to 50, you're gimping yourself because Blood Vials heal 40% of your HP, regardless of how high it is.
END sucks. You already have more than you'll ever need.
Strength gives you access to certain weapons, and increases the damage of any strength scaling weapon. Doesn't help a great deal with your saw spear, but it does help a bit, and you may find you find a strength scaling weapon you prefer later.
Skill is going to be your best offensive stat. It will have the most influence on your saw spear's damage, and it also increases your visceral attacks in any situation. If you aren't already, try to get good at parries because visceral attacks are amazing with high skill.
Blood Tinge and Arcane can both be great with dedicated set-ups, but I'd say you're already beyond them. Safe to ignore and play around with on subsequent playthroughs if you care. Basically, blood tinge makes your guns (and a tiny selection of weapons) very scary, and arcane gives you access to neat abilities, exploitative damage, and makes molotov cocktails useful throughout the whole game. You need significant investments into both for them to be of any real use, though.
Bloodborne > DS3 > DS > DeS > DS2
Objectively true.
Id say Nioh = DaS1 with all things considered. Although i like DaS1 more then Nioh despite Nioh having infinitely better gameplay and me being a gameplay fag in the first place its weird. I dunno DaS1 just did the atmosphere and feel of the world so well.
Bloodborne is definitely the pinnacle though it focused on the good parts of Souls gameplay and the world like DaS1 did. I really hope BB2 advances the gameplay further. It won't touch action game heights but it will reach a middle ground.
>People hate DaS2 because they were bad.
I hated ganks first playthrough. Then the second playthrough i grew to appreciate alot of DaS2s level design especially the DLC. The fucking issue is the bosses in the main game are flat out trash and the 2 in the main game worthwhile and the 3-4 in the DLC don't make up for near 35 or so that are just complete ass.
Im not talking mediocre im talking complete fucking trash. Besides Freja not a single major bosses felt like it mattered. Maybe Aldia too. The old iron king was trash just some cartoony demon who was easy as shit , the rotten was trash and trash and the sinner had like 3 moves and is only hard on NG+ because of fucking adds. And even then on NG+ with a finished build not hard only on challenge runs.
DaS2 has alot of great things about it. But it falls flat in really important places.
Ignore Bloodtinge and Arcane until later playthroughs
Level up both Strength and Skill, but figure out which one you need more for the weapons you want. Sawspear is a skill weapon
Vitality and Endurance are both super important but focus more on Vitality
Arcane was godlike for PVP or atleast the stupid homing 3x skull shit was.
>Throw that shit out
>Tracks super hard
>They cannot do shit to it or they get stunned and free r1
>Even if then riposte you they get hit if they try to go through it to follow up.
Literally a S tier approach tool. Its the equal of following behind a sonic boom you throw with Guile. The only difference is PVP in BB ended in 3 sometimes even 2 blows rare occasions 4 at finished build status. So this is extremely stupid good in a 1 mistake and you're out style situation.