
Who else took 2 days off for the stormblood launch?

>Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 02:00 a.m. (PDT): All Worlds Maintenance (24 Hours)
>Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 9:00 p.m. (PDT): Stormblood patch note reading
>Friday, June 16, 2017 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT): Early access begins
>Friday, June 16, 2017: PlayStation®3 service ends
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood launches
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: Pre-order in-game items distribution begins
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: Full game registration codes can be redeemed
>Friday, June 23, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. (Per Region): Early access ends

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Xth for Short Gay Mercenary

>NEETs are actually going to rush through the game at launch by skipping cutscenes and playing nonstop and then later complain that they're bored

Mrhappy for one


>Monks were hated for low utility, high dps
>Samurai is loved for low utility, high dps + weeb
I hate this weebshit community so much

iirc Xeno said he'll stream until the first Ex primals are dead.

Aren't ex primals in the first content patch?

Monks had less utility than Sam.

That involves 10 levels, gearing up, and being with 7 others who done the same

Monks had way lower potencies than sam

>it's another someone is bored so they have to jump around the place in circles like a spastic episode

The problem is that SAM looks to have higher DPS than MNK, enough to actually make up for the utility lost by not bringing a different melee instead.
Which was the whole reason why MNK sucked.


>anti jump fags

Not gonna lie I could watch the idle camera in gold saucer all day long.
It's a pretty great screensaver.

help me Sup Forums

Vacations with family or playing the early access

I don't want to be a dick but I have been waiting so long for this

I jump from time to time when I go somewhere, but I'm not THAT autistic. It's pretty annoying if you have not one but two of them in the TT instance room.

i did this in LL last night and it was like watching a nature documentary, i saw a group of bikini-clad femcats huddled around a single bikini-cat femcat dancing and they were all shaking their head disapprovingly. I suspect it was some kind of hazing ritual.

>"lol first time go easy on me :P"
Every SB dungeon ad-nauseum.

I'll start jumping if they add something like the Belf spin or Nelf flip.

Buy a laptop and play XIV instead of sleeping during the vacation.


Stop telling healers to get off porn sites

I have to jump since I still can't stand my femlanders running animation

bismarck and ravana extreme were available on day 1 of heavensward. so I assume that the new stormblood primals will be available too unless they decide to lock them like their raids.

I took off an entire week get on my level

>INT down
>less utility
Fucking weeb

what if flare had a bigger animation the more MP you did it with

>tfw every RDM dashes into melee and dies to mechanics and every SAM that dies doing their naruto kotatsu cast time finisher when they need to move out of aoe

>"go easy on me I'm still learning how my class plays"
Every dungeon on June 16th


B-but I want healers to create content for porn sites!

Oh man it's gonna be sweet watching your tears and tears of hyped people when you get utterly disappointed by the expansion.

>Friday, June 23, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. (Per Region): Early access ends
>Early Access ends 3 days after the official release

Is there something I'm missing?

More like every dungeon until 2018.

Iai's aren't animation locked. Dragoons still


You have 3 days to change your early access key on the real sb one

Bitching is part of the fun.

If healers aren't going to cast damage spells they can write me some erp shit to enjoy when I'm finished carrying their ass. Everyone gets serviced in my party or the healslut gets a kick.

Early access uses a separate key from the actual stormblood key. Basically, you got 3 days to put in the SB key before the game boots you for not paying attention to SE's retarded key scheme.

last day you can use the code to play the actual game

not everyone is getting the collectors edition at the same time

masters of floor tanking.

>race repartition
Indeed, if you take active players the proportions are different. Au Ras are much higher.
Japan still love their Lalafells though.

When you're paying money to bitch about something that's kinda stupid

And there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Mantra is near useless and INT down was already brought by DRK.

Jokes on you I'm already dead inside

I took 7 off.

How do you do this? I was gifted the early access code.

Both of them have oGCDs designed to avoid this kind of problem, but I can see RDMs jumping off platforms because of this since it is part of their melee rotation.

>so much more miqo'te than humans

>Tanks on the ex still keep adds together

What is this? I don't remember this happening in Ex

Sup bros, who's ready to liberate Ala Mhigo? I queued healer but I'll DPS.

>weeping city, first boss
>kill spider add, drop down to destroy the web
>marked for being webbed up
>as I go flying upwards, the web has been broken
>fly all the way up and back down again
fun shit. Has this happened to anyone else?
I want a webm of it.

>She wants a bendy dick over a tall one that breaks.

>Dragoons get an expansion just for them
>Monks have to share
Can't make this shit up.

>3/10 story forced through lengthy cutscenes and fetch quests

No, there's clearly two mobs apart. The one with two targets and the solo add.

I want them to fix how forbidden chakra casts bros.

Currently casting forbidden chakra animation locks/double weaves and always clips your GCD.

With how often we will be casting it in SB I hope they fix how it works on cast or else it is going to be clunky.

Deal damage, slut.

I don't think it will ever end.

Makes sense, thanks for clearing up the confusion.

I still don't understand why they don't just add a .5 second iframe for how long you're up in the air for jump. I'm not even a dragoon player but it seems stupid to animation lock something thats vital to their DPS and potentially get them killed for it.

This I need them to create content for reddit.com/r/HealSluts/

HW was the first final fantasy since 7 and 9 which story I enjoyed

I know the feel brah, that's not the point, the point is save your money.

I took 5 days off, so I'll have 9 days straight to play. One of the few times I'm glad that my weekend is Thurs/Fri

That's actually a thing?

Fantasy animu when where every healer is a 196% slut?

>unironically linking to reddit
You deserve the shit that comes out of it.

Regardless, it's still handled pretty poorly


You tell me.


God, I hate wotlk and ffxi for killing manly healers

if you lag hard enough the fight sort of breaks.

I took off a week and they threw in 3 extra days unpaid


>go to reddit to find things to be pissed off about

How SB will top HW's adventures with friends?

>just started accruing PTO
>not enough to take any days off

What are the chances learning parties for the ex primals will still be around a week after early access

Ilbro is alive and joins you, Estinien, Aymeric and Raubahn join you.

>adam west died before ps3 support was kill

Why wotlk specifically?
I remember healers being able to carry entire raids.

How do you say healslut in Deutsch, Alfred?

Learning parties stick around for months..

>i-it doesn't counts

Don't all the decent players clear in 2 days and only shitters are left over?

Heilschlampe, probably.

I stopped playing HW after I hit 60.

I'm planning on leveling SAM to 58 and then finishing the MSQ. Is this gonna fuck me over in any way? Should I just get through the story now?

3DPD, not even once.

Ich bin ein berliner

Long as you have a class at 50 you can become SAM or RDM, you don't even have to be anywhere in the MSQ pre SB to do it.

It removed good old rules
>Tank died - healer fault
>Healer died - tank fault
>Dps died - his own fucking fault
In wotlk all dps got self heal, all healers got aoe heals and unlimited mana, aggro system was removed, so dps dpsing instead of suviving becomes norm

All the decent players clear in premade group.
Party finder shitters not welcome

Hyuran woman proving once again that they're the superior race.

That male cat is actually cute in a scholarly way.

>tank is doing fuck all
>"TANKING IS HAR-" get kicked
>DPS is doing fuck all
>"MUH PLAYS-" get kicked
>healer is doing fuck all
>almost never gets kicked

Repost the "leaks"!