Fact: Tali is best ME girl and no amount of contrarian shitposting will prove otherwise
Fact: Tali is best ME girl and no amount of contrarian shitposting will prove otherwise
>A literal stock photo
>Best girl
Shit game
not canon
They ruined her by giving her a human face. I always imagined her as lizard looking.
>biggest fish in a small pond
Imagine getting an itchy nose but knowing you'll die if you take off the mask
Don't worry she's a big girl
She's really not, though
Nah Dr. Chakwas is
I always imagined her looking something like the mantis chick from GotG2. But you know more alien like. Maybe some scales or shit.
You're completely correct.
>Tali would later succumb to disease two weeks after this picture was taken
>Find out she masturbates with femshep videos in ME2.
>No romance option.
And that's why Liara was best girl for all three games.
>They even had plans to make her bi but scrapped them for some fucking reason
T-thanks Bioware
Tali being best girl has absolutely nothing to do with that retarded picture.
>Find out she masturbates with femshep videos in ME2.
I don't remember this
>he fell for the buckethead gypsy
Learn to be a man, b0y.
Quarian sickness is kind of an overblown meme
Tali won't get very sick from exposure on a spaceship. There's heavy decontamination scrubbing at the airlock. At most, just some itchy eyes and sniffles like a mild allergy problem as if pollen was in the air
Banging Shepard would be like getting the flu, until she does it enough times and then the immune system adapts.
Maybe there's better girls, but I like Jack's character arc better.
Yeah, why fuck the buckethead gypsy when you could just fuck a bucket
>and no amount of contrarian shitposting will ever prove otherwise
My pure waifu Tali ain't no degenerate, you fuckos
Her shadow broker dossiers have her downloading guides to human mating and shit like that. No mention of lesbo anything though.
you can't even see her face also she has hooves
Also the app which basically turns her whole suit into a sex toy.
>ywn hack a qt Quarian girl's suit to start vibrating intensely around her crotch in public
Jack is cool as well, but I personally prefer to ship her with Miranda.
Must be warm in that suit
hot, more
It's a part of the game, her face is a stock photo.
I never understood waifu fags. Until I played ME. Tali is the only Sup Forums character who ever did it for me, but fuck me is she lovely.
>romancing Tali for my third playthrough of the entire series
>liking it a lot after Ashley and Jack
>mfw her Citadel romance scene
But you're completely right, why would I say anything else? I literally kill Garrus everytime I play femshep.
>Banging Shepard would be like getting the flu
It felt like getting a flu after she stuffed herself full of antibiotics and other remedies. If she had banged him without them, the effects might be much nastier.
Fact: if you didn't DIY yourself a Tali photo texture replacer using your favorite and most waifu-est picture out there, you're just as unimaginative and boring as the people who play as stock Shep
>not using stock shepard
>actually trying to use Bioware's character ""creator""
>steals Alliance stealth tech under the guise of being your friend
>belongs to the jews of space
>tfw you can't dicc Traynor as a side chick like Kelly in ME2
Her personality is purely side chick material though, and ME3 dev notes say she was made with lesbians in mind, but does she appeal to any lesbian that isn't a top or butch as fuck?
>Actually playing as boring stock Shephard
Come the fuck on user, it's almost as bad as playing as soldier
>Alliance stealth tech
The SR2 is a Cerberus ship that was made using SR1 blueprints (which they also stole), which TIM sent through various channels to improve. Nothing about it is Alliance design like the SR1 (which was also half Turian), ME3 states the only thing Alliance about it after Arrival was that they painted it and give it a CIC
Soldier's biggest crime is that it was never innovated like biotic and tech classes after ME1, as it was the easiest way to plow through insanity due to how godly you become late-game
It's still godly in ME2/ME3, but the skillset is generic as fuck outside of slomo, which essentially gears you towards an adrenaline rush > Mattock to head > repeat playstyle
I'm not saying it's a bad class, I'm saying it's just completely stock, boring and unimaginative.
The one thing Mass Effect always has is asses. Even in Andromeda the asses were phat
Did you buy Tali's figure?
ding dong ur wrong
You aren't, however.