You ARE going to play Jeanne's game, right?

You ARE going to play Jeanne's game, right?

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As an europoor, how do I play this game? I don't see euro release for this.

You wait two weeks until it's out and grab the english apk.



Its that simple? Thats nice I guess. I have no experience with mobage, so I'll give it a try when its released.

Of course

I'll eat up any fate shit they spew out.

What's the gameplay like?

>I have no experience with mobage,
Welcome to hell.

>June 25th
Maybe by then the SinoAlice servers will be back up so I can finish rerolling

Then I get to reroll in FGO for my wife!

Turn based with cards.
There are three types of actions, Buster, Quick, and Arts.
Buster deals high damage, Quick builds your crit stars which let you deal critical hits, and Arts builds the Noble Phantasm gauge (a characters super move basically). Every character comes with a set of moves corresponding to those three types of actions. Using the same type of cards in one turn boosts their effect.

I'll play it for Nero.

Is it still in maintenance?
Did they see how successful GO is and decide to try and replicate that success bu copying the excessive maintenance?

Yes, down again at the moment, and it's been up maybe four to sixish hours each day at most so far.

>by copying the excessive maintenance?
Double yes, they even have autists watching their office windows now to try and figure out if they're actually working on it during nights

At least rerolling is the fastest I've ever seen. You reach a free 10roll within a minute of launching the app


Remember to reroll for him.

It's really not that fun.

So do you guys know who will be in the starting pool? Who should you reroll for?

>not rerolling for the cutest berserker

Waver/Zhuge Liang and Bahsahkah/Heracles are the best from the launch lineup

I remember seeing images of some seriously good husbandos lately

Is it possible this is where I'll find them?

Wait so they aren't letting us keep our progress?

I'm only willing to play it for Tamamo.

Based on the pre-register the team being Sinoalice expected like 200k players on launch days, the app ended up being downloaded 1.2M times, five times more than they expected.

Am I able to keep rerolling until I get 5*? If yes, I will keep doing it until I finally get Altera.

I saved up $2000 for this very purpose. I will have my waifu.

Altera is shit, fuck her for taking Archers rightful place in Extella.

Fuck this and fuck modern TM.

Does he come with the cute little homunculus too? This is important.

Can't wait for censorship.

Yeah, you'll be able to reroll.

>Paying 2k for a chance at rolling your waifu
whale plz, which waifu?

Give it a day or two after launch, and just buy an account with her for 20bucks or less


Start praying there'll be an English Prisma collab even in about year or two

Yes and no, she's in the game but as a different card.

I won't recommend getting some apk. half the times, those apk are hacked shit and everyone who uses them get banned after a few weeks. It's happened before for other games. It's best if you just grab the official thing from google play store or apple store.

Fug, we never get collabs in the localized versions.

Is there a tier list I should watch out for?

Is it bad that this was the tipping point for me to get a new smartphone?
I mean, I needed a phone with more storage, a much better camera, and much longer battery life but F/go is pushing me over the edge on it.

That Craft Essence actually works fine with Herc, so that's cool.

>those apk are hacked shit and everyone who uses them get banned after a few weeks. It's happened before for other games. It's best if you just grab the official thing from google play store or apple store.
Can you cite a single incidence of this actually happening?

Not really.
Pretty much anyone is viable.

Nero obviously

sword art online memory defrag. Some of the apk had hacked shit where the level 1 characters do absurd damage.

Some idiots actually tried using those them to cheese the timed ranking missions. Eventually they got banned.

Also a few of them kept rerolling while using the hacked apk and they also got banned.

How can I reroll?

Who's what...?

Can't wait to reroll for my boy with that 1% 5* rate

Roll for this guy.

Keep in mind that there's the 4* Nero which you have to conplete the second chapter to be able to roll and 5* Nero Bride that's a limited servant.

I know. I have both 5* max NP on JP.

We better, I need an English Ilya too.

Make sure to blare
like I did to guarantee summoning her!

Different user, but I used the hacked F/GO apk well into 2016 when I still played without any bans or issues

good taste

Just remember she only gets added to your pool after you clear Rome

OF COURSE not, fuck you and your shitty gachapons or whatever they're called.

>Sup Forums crows shits on mobile gaming as being "shallow and boring"
>and yet they absolutely love FE: Heroes and F/GO, literal gacha cash grabs that were specifically made to milk money out of people with the shallowest jRPG gameplay possible
really makes you think, huh

>but I used the hacked F/GO apk well into 2016 when I still played without any bans or issues

Not all apk are hacked. Some are just straight up copy of the original. But there is always a chance of you getting a hacked one if you download apks. You probably got a non hacked apk that's basically the same as if you downloaded it from the store itself.

>We better, I need an English Ilya too.
I got you covered.

But will it be censored???

It's pretty funny that he started as the worst 5* at release but is the only one still relevant today while Jeanne had the exact opposite happen to her.

>I remember seeing images of some seriously good husbandos lately

I don't know, you tell me

Which Android version do you need? I'm still on 4.2.2.

Because I already play the better Jeanne's game. It also has the satisfaction of not jewing you with a 1% rate

>We better, I need an English Ilya to
I heard the game was just going to be in Jap but subbed.

Yea, Shadowverse is pretty great. I sure hope you weren't talking about Granblue.

Granblue Fantasy General in /vg/ has told me that FGO is dead and gets no new content for months, so guess I'll try Sinoalice instead.

JP ran fine on my shitty Galaxy light on 4.2

Probably, they are going after both the waifu and husbando bucks.

On a side note.... go to their facebook page and like it so we get more star quartz to start with.

I'd give a direct link but Sup Forums thinks any facebook link is spam.

i mean hes still in it and his got a cool mysterious side story.

I'll be sure to save up for a few other girls I want on the team until my waifu's event arrives.

The power of waifus

How will normies react to this lewd creature?

Pretty much this, save currency until the ONE unit you want shows up, since I hear the rates are abysmal.

>Waiting for Darth Maul Alter
Gonna be a long wait.

Same as eveyone else.

Isn't this strictly single-player? If so, who cares about tier lists?

Japanese mobile games tend to be developed towards making people want to spend money.

Where as western shit just forces you to spend money by time locking you.

You want to get good rewards in ranking events don't you?

>wanting MHXA
I am so sorry.

For making hard content a joke to get the timed rewards easier.

The only thing in Fate that has managed to make me give a shit is Passionlip. Is she playable without spending thousands of shekels on this?

I have a shitty burner phone with root, will I have a problem?

Xposed/Magisk/etc are out of the question since I have no custom recovery to deal with a brick.

>Getting a boner everytime Aoi Yuuki talks
I know that feel bro.

So I can become a pokemon master.

She's in the latest event which will take forever to get to and you'll have to roll her. Good luck and save up.

Just verify the file hash or get it through a store that does, like Aptoide or use an application that does, like Yalp .
I didn't bother with the Nip version, but I'll definitely grab this one.

When will big titty Seiba be available?

I really hope they do the prisma event in the english release, I was mostly interested in the story part of it but my japanese isn't really good enough for it so I never bothered trying the japanese version while it was happening and I assume it's too late now.

Have fun with some half-assed intern's translations and waiting for years to get to the good parts.

Limited resale for the CCC event, you could enter reroll hell when it gets to that event in two years if she is all you care about.

For Alter. Camelot for normal.

Got the events in order?

Nah. But I hope everyone has fun with it.

>thine way

I hate that after taking an English literature from 900 to Shakespeare class Ive been pointing out shit like this


When the fuck are they going to release a new VN. Like Tsukihime remake.

Do individual servants just have stock lines, or actual storylines?

no way I'm collecting everything again, and probably the chances of rolling suck even moreon the localized version

Hopefully they update this game quick because the first year for Japan was awful

> Where as western shit just forces you to spend money by time locking you.
And yet there are loads more Western games that have "pay once, play forever" payment models than Japanese ones.

Main Quest: Fuyuki
Main Quest: France
Main Quest: Septem
Main Quest: Okeanos
Main Quest: London
Main Quest: E Pluribus Unum
Main Quest: Camelot
Main Quest: Babylonia
Main Quest: Salomon
Main Quest: Shinjuku

I gave up the original when London came out because it's fucking terrible. Mobile games were a mistake, wasting Fate on it was a bigger one. How tedious. And that's without taking into account the greedy gacchashit.

Sure why not.

Though to be honest when I played a bit of the Japanese version I was starting to get motion sick with the way the camera zooms and locks onto the characters. There also didn't seem to be an auto attack anywhere?

Depends on the event.

Can't wait

I can't live without my ultimate ez mode dude Merlin so I probably wont play it

Yeah he was my first 5* in my first 10 roll and I was so mad that I almost butned him

>Like Tsukihime remake.
Never, GO tops the charts and makes billlions every month, Typemoon is never going to make any more VNs now.

her latest buff makes her good again at least.

End yourself GO cuck, Nasu literally went out of his way to reassure oldfags about the Tsuki remake in an interview this year, and talked about Tsuki again on his blog last month.

Still wish he'd drop mobile trash completely. Even if it's more Fate milking, at least do it on a decent medium where you can tell a proper story.

She is the worst 5* in the game, a berserker with poor damage and yes there is no auto battle, the don't even allow NP skip.