What does Sup Forums think about Night in the Woods?

What does Sup Forums think about Night in the Woods?

ugh it's like trash


Never thought about it
Never will

From what I've seen Sup Forums either thinks it is SJW trash or thinks the pacing was shit
I personally think there was way too much build up for nothing.

it was ok

the twist sucked

writing is kinda bad

but for me, from a pennsylvania mountain town with nothing to do, i relate to alot of the characters.

i enjoyed it quite a lot

From what I've seen it looks like it was written by a 40 year old who longs to be in their teens again.

Bea is for me

Good game but was made by commies.

It's good if you do not mind gameplay taking a backseat to story as well as seeing how the team struggled in which direction the story should go.

I didn't mind, so I liked it quite a lot.

You make this thread like every fucking day why do you think Sup Forums's opinion would suddenly change


cuz it's Sup Forums

Shitty tumblr-tier story "game" with gay furry characters just for the sake of it and LE RANDUMB writing.

its not really a twist


yeah, its made by a 38 year old cuck communist

but you can still get something out of it



Boring horseshit, even Hollow Knight is cheaper and that game is leagues more entertaining despite being 2D.

I think the Communist trash that made it deserves a bullet.

At least the Mae porn is good.

>another furbait indieshit RPG

how many do we have now?

Worst writing in a videogame yet

It's tumblr the video game.

haven't played it but i would fuck the cat
is she a lesbian?

>commie game sold at $10

Great characters make the game for me, but the story and platforming are really barebones and dull. Biggest problem for me is that I have a shit PC, and the game keeps shoving over 10 second long loading screens in my face constantly.
Some scenes, especially the ones with Bea and Angus are really heartwarming. I'd say if you're interested you can just watch it on youtube or something. Stuff like the boring dream scenes can be skipped, and 20 bucks is too much anyway.

I'm romantically attracted to Mae Borowski

She's literally gay.

we don't know that for sure

basically life is strange for furfags

No, she's desperate and can't get any one.

She could get me

Commie furshit full of GEEZ UGH TACOS TRASH SIGH

Mae needs a good ol fashion Dickin that will set her attitude straight.

it looks nice but it should have been a point and click adventure instead of a """"platformer""""
gregg is fucking annoying, mae is a cunt, angus has no personality which means bea is the only tolerable character
the game feels like it was specifically targeted at tumblr types so they can quote it and establish a terrible fucking fandom
the story/pacing sucked and the writing was shit
it looks nice tho

>angus has no personality
this, you know jack shit about him and I went full bea at first try

It looks nice, that's actually it.
Writting is bad, the characters are shit, the """"gameplay"""" is shit, the story was shit, the communist garbage made everything esle 3x as shit.

But, it looks good.


The ending was bad and I'm never playing through it again

You have horrid taste

i loved it and i wish i lived in north america

i hate my own culture and i hate myself

honestly I would fuck most of the female characters in the games especially the Doe


It's communist propaganda with gameplay consisting of minigames and platforming. The porn's pretty good though.