Niggers absolutely everywhere

>niggers absolutely everywhere

Nobody cares about your feelsies kiddo.
Though im sorry you got cucked by some big nig.

I could understand if this were about hip hop games, but this is Star Wars and WW2.. wtf

its probably cause you're a minority not the target audience aka what u called them normies? lmao

racists should kill themself.

>nigger pandering

why are they pandering to blacks. dont they just steal the games anyway

there's a whole board for this
>>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is mostly white
>celebrates piracy
really activates my almonds

Black people never steal. Stop with the racism.

Most people are retards

Poor white trash.


>getting angry seeing black people isnt Sup Forums
Why are you such a snowflake?

ironically those same pirates are the people calling niggers out when they loot and steal.

Kill all whites

Whites pirate a thousand times more games than Black's steal, kiddo.

>the only white males in the entire conference were two convicts in prison

What did EA mean by this?

Bigga Nigga was my fatass black custom wrestler in some N64 wrasslin' game.

Good times.

kek EA's conference:
>near every gamer they show is a white fucking male
>meanwhile the majority of their characters are either niggers, spics, or women
really makes me think...

What are you talking about

There wasn't a single black woman in the iconic ww1 russian death woman squad


the fact you think nigger hate is an exclusive Sup Forums thing shows how new you are.

>Sup Forums is one person, with extra steps

Fuck off racist trash you arent welcome here.

Sup Forums definitely feels more Sup Forums like than it used to, but I think it's reactionary to all these neogaffers and tumblrinas flooding in ever since gamergate.

No one gave a shit if you posted some racist meme or something before, now anything half offensive is "muh pol."

Do you live in an urban environment? Are you aware that video games and consoles are interchangeable with currency in the nigger community?


black people in the US seriously make up a large amount of purchases of media, like almost every black person in america still goes to the movies, watches TV and buys popular music. There's a reason people appeal to them because whites have moved onto streaming.

t. nigger

Guess which one is far, far more damaging to businesses.

Plus, I didn't pirate anything until all this sjw pandering started. I'm not supporting that shit.

hi shitskin

Does it still sting, you pathetic faggot?

there's a difference between racist memes and actually racism, numb nuts.

>alt right cries about how SJWs get their feelings hurt by anything
>alt right gets their feelings hurt just from seeing blacks

> he's not welcome
> in a thread about stupid niggers
You do realize where you are don't you?

are people seriously bothered by black people appearing on screen?

i'm genuinely curious as to why, explain?

t. nigger

lol at white upper class liberals calling racism when they don't have to deal with niggers on a daily basis.


>Sup Forums

Oh right, I forgot all hispanics are now honorary whites.

i commit a a crime because someone makes product not tailored to my needs. that's some real nigger logic right there.

of course people get triggered if video games and the colour of your skin is what you derive yourself esteem and only thing going for you

>Living in an area where you have to interact with them

You might as well be one of them, poor fag

Like it matters.

is that all you can say you brain dead faggot.

Wrong nigger

I fully endorse both.


>pirating games online is the same as shooting up a store

really makes me think

if racism is okay then BLM did nothing wrong

This place have been pretty much Sup Forums lite for years now. The only place to get some videogames news that isn't cancerous is one of the other video game boards that outright ban poltards. At this point hiro should just dump Sup Forums,Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/mlp/. and /bant/ into one board for like a week and perma ban all the usual shitty ips that visit it.

White people do whine a lot though.


Other than exist. Also stop being a race traitor, faggot.

People prefer their own kind. Despite all the 'diversity is our great strength' BS, deep down most people prefer to live in a relatively homogenous society.

And then there's the fact that negroes are objectively the worst race. Nobody would care so much if it was Koreans, because they are part of a culture that you can respect. If you're not black in the US, there's a good chance you're going to be repulsed by black culture, and don't want to be exposed to it.

I would say that complaining about niggerposting by calling someone a faggot is bait, but the nigger brain is that underwhelming, they don't see any irony in that situation. Even if user is a faggot, he's still white. Niggers are actually more offensive than trannies at this point.

Just because racism is awesome (not just okay) doesn't mean that being a looting, screaming, traffic-obstructing cunt and calling it "protesting" is acceptable as well. I don't dislike BLM because they are racist, I dislike them because they are a public nuisance.

racism is based in fear and ignorance

Wow, black people do legal things too. Huh.

what the hell are you babbling about.


If that's true, then how come Trump cannot into politics?

>cannot into politics

Remember November fag.

It was severely bad. The state of that megacorp is disgusting. I think they outdid Ubisoft but I'll wait until their show to confirm.

>blacks on sports
>somehow surprising
Wait for your anime games little user

What's black-on-black crime based in?

Niggers and nigger sympathizers (SJWs) don't buy games. I thought people had learned from Watch_Dogs 2 and Mafia III

White PC gamers are the biggest pirates.

Yeah, the Russians got him in, but he still cannot into politics.

Sup Forums doesnt buy games too they just pirate it.
And undertale a sjw game with basicly 0 marketing sold over 1 million copies

So racism is white?

Not a single thing points towards Russians hacking the elections.

I still remember when you losers were making fun of Trump's fears that the DNC would hack the election. You said that it couldn't be hacked. Now you say that it couldn't be hacked *by the Democrats.

*but it was hacked by the Russians

>believing CNN

You have to go back.

I mean seriously, how many fucking black people were there on the eastern front?
EA is just slapping black people on shit, and it's just so forced and out of place, not historically accurate.

>copying software that you own is the same as a nigger going into gamestop, waving a gun at the employees, making chimp noises and walking out with madden 20xx
good goy

What's this nigger talking about?

look the snowflake tries to act like I insulted your group



>white people
>playing games

Most spend their money on twitch donations and anime fugurines.

>Believing Fox News
How's the sex offender life, user?

Shitty shop op


You are fake news.

Except when it's based on an appreciation of aesthetics, not to mention just preferring things that are more worthwhile


No need, what with our fertility rates and all.

Racists are pathetic. Lost Sup Forumstards should be executed

I don't follow any mainstream propaganda, kiddo. Come back when you graduate.

>companies are mostly jewish
>celebrates diversity
really brains my think

>black people in the US seriously make up a large amount of purchases of media
Lol? No they don't. Where are you getting this shit from? A supermajority of all media purchases int he USA are Whites then Spics.

>IF you aren't racist you are a race traitor!
That's what you said, Trumplet.

They will still fucking kill you, you dumb traitor

both of you didnt give the dev a single penny

how am I betraying race ?

> being a pussy
at least they act user and not just some faggot complaining on /vacebook/, although it really isn't that much of an improvement

The beast that would be born from that unholy union would destroy the earth once and for all

Because only autists on Sup Forums care about "muh not everyone is white" bullshit. Normal people don't give a shit

Post your degree, faggot.

ww1 u dumby though i could see how youd think it would be ww2 seeing as its full of smgs and super fast tanks

Did people brainwash you into thinking this is a war?