Halo killer

>Halo killer.
>WoW Killer
>Overwatch Killer
>Dark Souls Killer
>[Fighting game] Killer

Has there actually ever been a game that "Killed" another game?

Overwatch killed
tf2 and

ragnarok killer aKa RO2

CoD killed Halo

Overwatch killed Battleborn.
Granted, that's still like killing an ashmatic infant, but still.

WoW killed other MMO games

It didn't "kill" anything, it's just a better game.

tf2 is free, unless another free game comes out for russians to play it will never die.

Tribes was never big to begin with

Halo is still around.

Dead has to imply it has very, very little players.

Like Battleborn does even with free weekend.

Call of Duty killed Halo
WoW isn't really a video game, it's more of a glorified chatroom
Overwatch killed TF2
Dark Souls 3 killed Dark Souls
Fighting games died out with a whimper

>this delusion
Overwatch didn't even put a dent on TF2
The game is 10 years old and still has at least 50k players every day

>better than anything

>Fighting games died out with a whimper
I think I encountered my first bait

Halo committed suicide, honestly

Tribes was killed by their own developer, don't fucking pretend another game killed it.

You can't kill if it killed itself

Halo more faded into irrelevancy after Halo 3. CoD and Halo are not really alike at all.

From what I hear Hi-REZ killed Tribes.
League of Legends killed the RTS genre.
Everquest/WoW killed any MMO that wasn't a sandbox themepark

exactly, Halo 2 was it's hayday and began to die down after Halo 3.

Cod didn't kill Halo people just stopped caring about Halo.

>Halo more faded into irrelevancy after Halo 3.

Because of CoD, you mong

>Has there actually ever been a game that "Killed" another game?
If you consider ASSFAGGOTS to be games, then HoN got completely BTFO by LoL and DOTA.
It's still around but it's on life support.

How so? Fighting games used to sell consoles, now they're a niche genre.

halo killer

Reddit killed Sup Forums

MOBA's killed RTS>

No it didn't, Bungie not knowing how to modernize/evolve the series further passed Halo 3 hurt Halo.

They were the main console FPS, they shared plenty in common.

ASSFAGGOTS killed an entire genre.

Overwatch killed battleborn

not really

battleborn would fail regardless of overwatch

RTS killed themselves by appealing to Korean APM worshipers over everyone else.

WoW killed EQ.

But Bungie killed Halo. 343 are trying to modernize/evolve it, Halo 5 is the closest they have come. Halo 6 won't be as good as Halo 1-3 but it will be better than Halo 4 and 5 and finally have an audience that will stay.

>Fighting games used to sell consoles,
Maybe if its a Nintendo console

>Overwatch's premiere game mode is TF2's worst

Haze killed Timesplitters


Minecraft killed a lot of games aimed at children like Halo

Don't forget
>Pokemon Killer

>this Pcbro delusion

It was peaking at 90k when OW came out and now it's at 50k. Sure it was always dying slowly, but OW hit the nail in the coffin. I still remember that pathetic update that did after OW came out to try and push the competitive TF2 meme.

Overwatch has PASS Time?

Dumbest post of the day, nintendo consoles are notorious for lacking those.


Super Monday Night Combat killed Monday Night Combat and then itself. A murder suicide.

Citation needed
How many players does OW have per day? Oh wait Blizzard doesn't release numbers. I wonder why :^)

>Posting "Selim's Bradly boipussy killer"
I see what you did there OP

No, RTS killed itself.
The genre as a whole was stuck ten years in the past and couldn't hold its own on the market.

Games like Dawn of War 3 go further in cementing the poor state of the genre.

Because apparently being an RTS means you have to have a shit interface and minimal singleplayer content.

That being said, Cossacks 3 was great and brought Cossacks to the modern day without sacrificing its integrity.

AA RTS will continue to be a pleasant and decent corner of the market, but AAA RTS won't happen unless developers try to innovate instead of shitting out yet another Starcraft clone

This is true

>what are steam charts

No way to see the active players for OW but only a Pcbro could genuinely think TF2's actives come anywhere close to OW.

WoW used to kill the lives of players in the game of life all the time.

>A worse-animefag is a degenerate
I am not surprised

Point out where TF2 numbers dropped out and prove it was because of OW.
The fuck are you on about kid? OW is a PC game.
>TF2's actives
Even if it has more actives you have no way to prove it, your post is worthless.

>arena shooter develops classes to steal cod babies

Pretty much

From May '16 to present. Look it up I'm not going to spoonfeed.

Valve drone filters to Pcbro you fucking newfag.

And no there's no way to prove it, but you have to be extremely delusional to think OW's playerbase doesn't blow TF2 out.
>b-but you can't prooove it so hahaha!
Holy shit you child, stop living in the past. Your shitty micro transactions simulator is kill.

Tekken 7 appears to have killed SFV (though Capcom was a big contributor to this)

No it's not, see

Bioshock Infinite killed Half Life 2: Episode 3.

>let me just pull shit out of my ass and pretend they are facts
Fucking lol
Thought so, kid. Stay blow the fuck out.

>Every FPS in the 90s that came after Doom was called a Doom clone, and none of them could even hope to kill it

Still probably the only FPS out there that still needs a lick of skill to get good at. Overwatch is literally tf2 without the interesting physics and shooting mechanics, so they put retarded abilities in to compensate.
Tribes killed Tribes, dude.
Nothing else.

Battleborn killed itself.


Rising Storm Vietnam killed Squad

That's why they're always shilling on our threads

WoW was an Everquest killer.


Wow kills itself with every "expansion". Since all current content gets thrown into the dumpster fire with the rest of the game. Why does a game with over 10 years of development only ever have 1 or 2 years worth of content?

Kill yourself frogposting scum your kind is not wanted here.

t. butthurt squad player

Counter Strike killed Quake 3.

LoL suffocated Dota

It's still the king of single player FPS

WoW killed the MMORPG genre

Mario > any other platformer

I'm not sure if it's happened in games, but it happens all the time with other products.
Ever heard of hydrox? No? That's because Oreos killed them. They were the original chocolate cookies with cream in the middle

VHS killed Betamax
Bluray killed HDVD
Netflix killed Blockbuster
Sony killed Sega

would play a game were i get to cut shit with king Bradley

Dota killed RTS.

Kill yourself for that image

Mario killed every other platformer mascot character that wasn't Sonic. It's only recently that these characters are coming back from the dead.

Those games mostly manage to kill themselves

5 maps.


That bitch died years ago user.

Battlefield: Hardline killed Battlefield: Hardline.

battleborn killed itself

Battlefield 1 killed CoD: advanced warfare