This actually looks pretty cool to be honest

This actually looks pretty cool to be honest.
>TFW no friend to play it with

Other urls found in this thread:


looks pretty gud actually, I love crime drama games like Kane and Lynch

This game looks homosexual.

>MFW I'll be forced to watch e-celebs play it because I don't have a friend for it

I hope its longer than 5-6 hours. I have a feeling it will be on the short end

Looks highly scripted

Play online faggo.

Why don't you two play together?

New Super ShawShank Bros

Wheres the fucking GAME.

e-celebs dont have friends either

me likey
the guy with the sideburns sounded like duke nukem at first

Jews arent the only big nosed pieces of shit.

t. Italian.

>forced multiplayer

Fuck off. I dont need to be reminded I have no friends.

Looks kind of a like co-op Uncharted

Unironically looks cool.

Nice to see EA putting their weight behind something decent.

>EA jumping on that TLOU hype train
I played the pinnacle of the genre- I don't need a shitty EA retelling of it in a different albeit more interesting setting with a shittier engine and more poorly written characters.
And the pinnacle of the genre was shit anyway.

thats a roman nose

You can play online though

big nose big nose big nose

should be called A Way Snout

>yfw it doesnt actually support splitscreen and it was only done for the trailer

it's a movie game you watch with your friend

Something cool by EA?
I opted out of watching their conference
trailer when

Another game i want to watch and not play.

Use an online "friend"

calling it now, near the end of the game you have to kill one of them and their half of the screen is blacked out and credits roll

i want to watch jerma and star play it

Looks very neat. Obviously story driven and could be short, but that's fine if priced right.

>its the typical 30 fps movie with barely any gameplay sonybros love so much

This is our video """"game""""" industry now

Director (and his brother) are Lebanese

My fish seemed to like it.

add me and we'll play when it comes out

it actually looked prettty neat. depends on how much depth there really is to it but a stealth co-op game has gotten me hyped

It does actually. I'm not a fan of it being forced splitscreen, but it should be fun to play with my brother.

can't wait for the coontaku article

>It's a story-driven game that actually uses the video game medium to tell the story in an interesting way.

Probably won't play, but neat nonetheless. Good to see EA supporting games like this.


Haven't played anything in co-op with my brother since Borderlands 1, this might be fun, though only if there will be some way to play on Steam using one copy.

A profile staright out of Goebble's propganda.


EA will find a way to fuck it up and you know it.

>Those fucking side burns

I love it looks comfy, watch no friend virgins fuck it up though

Stop this.

I'm gonna play this with my best friend

>he killed his fish to gets some (you)s
You sick fuck.

The only thing good about Brothers was the imaginative environments and storytelling. It had very bland platforming and repetitive puzzles that didn't require much thought

This looks like they took everything good about that game and removed it. It's basically coop Uncharted

But none of the gameplay looked interesting or compelling, I'm really confused as to what people here think looked so interesting about it outside of the forced co-op.
Then I realize that EA has plenty of marketers online.

HOLY SHIT THIS GAMEE LOOKS HYPE!! and ill play it with you user, if you are willing as i know none of my friends will want to play it

It looks different than anything else so far. I'm not sure it would be worth $60 or have any replay value, but it looks to have a pretty good story. All I'm waiting to see for now i the variety of puzzles and gameplay

>It's literally Kane and Lynch

>pinnacle of anything

chitlen, itts average at best. walking dead season one had a better father daughter story line, and uncharted had better gameplay. Q.E.D. don't bother replying


>It looks different than anything else so far.
How does this look any different from something like Uncharted outside of the forced co-op?

it was honestly the only thing that really caught my interest. Glad to see some focus for couch-op. Now I just have to pray EA doesnt find some way to absolutely destroy it from the inside out.


worked, didn't it?

Looked pretty cool, but knowing EA I'm not getting excited over it.

>A way out
I need a way out right now
*Shoots self in the head*

You don't get to bring friends.

>you can now watch a movie game, but with a friend
Absolutely retarded. Nobody likes to waste time watching cutscenes during co-op.

Hello newfriend!
I see you are new around here. Please take the time to watch this informative video. It'll make sure you fit right in!
Make sure it doesn't happen again.
Thanks, happy browsing newfriend!

It's online but ALWAYS shows both screens.

>No friends to play with
>Go into matchmaking
>It's a game where you have to communicate with another person
>All the people you match up with don't have mics

It's another "Sorry my mic is broke" episode

It actually looks like it could be decent desu, but there's just one problem with it. EA's involved. That means you'll be guaranteed to have to install Origin if you want to play it on PC, and even if that wasn't the case, it's still no guarantee that EA won't push their typical bullshit into the game.

You can't just take away the main draw of the game and act like it then not being different is an argument.
Also it looks nothing like Uncharted besides realistic graphics and being more cinematic

could you not link your shitty youtube channel

That's cool though. It obvious from what they showed its a big part of the experience
Origin part sucks, but there is no way even EA could fuck this up with Microtransactions

Co-op mechanic seems cool but nothing they showed seems particularly interesting aside from that

>You can't just take away the main draw of the game and act like it then not being different is an argument.
Actually, I can, because this main draw doesn't add anything to the game's gameplay mechanics that makes it drastically different from other games trying to be movies.
I keep forgetting that Sup Forums isn't like other hobby boards in that the people here aren't actually enthusiasts or even know much about their hobby.

I enjoy that type of cinematic/story game to begin with, and the deeply tied co-op sets it apart. I'm not hyped or anything but I can see the potential for some interesting gameplay moments.

>is gonna kick azz!
this guy was great, at least one thing we can agree on

>because this main draw doesn't add anything to the game's gameplay mechanics that makes it drastically different from other games trying to be movies.
Except it does you fucking imbecile. It's obvious your gonna have to work together, and timing will be a part of that

I hope it's short. I don't have a friend who will bother to play with me for more than 3 hours, they're all casuls

>>It's a game where you have to communicate with another person

>dude press X to mop while I watch this cutscene, we gotta do this right

>It has everything!
>Ok, not everything but it has a lot
He didn't need to do say anything else. This is levels of genuine on the EA stage only matched by the awkward Yarn dev.

t. girl
Women would never understand bromance games.

Fair enough, I can admit that the main draw makes it more interesting than the typical movie-type games, but I dunno, Quantum Break had an interesting premise and it squandered it too.
>It's obvious your gonna have to work together, and timing will be a part of that
So you've never played Uncharted 3?
Or Kane and Lynch?
Or fucking Brothers?
Because that's not new or particularly compelling.

Can you imagine... This could be YOU mopping that prison floor! How exciting


Holy fuck that account

>tfw both my friend and I agreed that we should play this once it comes out

fuck I laughed too hard at that.


add me up loser

I usually have mixed feelings about narrative-heavy stuff, but this looks like a legitimately good idea.

I'm sure it'll be super scripted, but that's okay. I love the idea that the entire game is a simultaneous co-op experience with two different characters. The central mechanic of Brothers was cool, so I have faith this guy can do something interesting.

so can i play this online with a friend? i cant find source of online option.

holy shit

i cannot believe that i will be buying an ACTUAL EA GAME after all these years!

looks like a good idea
I personally can't wait for EA to fuck it up, destroy the new dev and force them to work in their sweatshop for all eternity producing Fifa DLC

Ok ok calm down man

Stop making fun of his nose

It's beautiful

I just finished Quantum Break yesterday and enjoyed it a lot. Sure, the gimmicks remained gimmicks, but the story was well-told and interesting to piece together, combat was competent enough and it had production values out the ass.

He was the anticringe pill

oy vey

yeah, it's possible

>movie games

Is it just or did the trailer spoil a lot?

He mentioned it during the presentation, either couch co-op or online.

I hope this starts a trend of co op games where the players can actually be doing separate shit.

It looked good when they were doing the prison escape, but once they got outside it looked like it turned into generic uncharted action shit