*applauding stops*

*applauding stops*

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Why do they do this shit I just wanna see some video games

virtue signaling, sillicon valley and gaming """"press"""" is left as fuck


>show concern for anyone ever

So how do you avoid virtue signaling? Just be a dick all the time?

m o n e y

m a r k e t i n g

They don't care about you, they just want to make money and they go where the money is. If the opposite was profitable then they'll do it instead and they will flip their tune the minute the money changes direction.

Everything is political now. Even climate is evidently political. What a brave new world we live in.

In a room full of press? No, applause would not stop. Have you met a journalist?

>donating a million dollars to these do nothing charities
>not virtue signalling

Right, because doing anything good is virtue signaling.

I didn't know E3 was about virtues or political stances.

I thought it was about videogames.

>giving money to do nothing charities
>doing good

i guarantee you only a fraction of those donations actually do any good, if any

Do you really think a massive corporation sat down and thought "Wow, this feminism campaign popularized by an actress mostly known for Harry Potter really spoke to us. Let's take some time out of our multimillion dollar presentation to talk about it, despite it not being a relevant movement or hashtag because we care so much"?

They don't care about the cause, they only care about winning over the leftist types to play their game. They are signaling how "virtuous" and good they are, without really having to DO anything. It's the definition of virtue signaling.

doing good things specifically to score social points is virtue signalling.

Just let some poor shitskins in to your home and shut the fuck up.

He pretty much said please clap

>show concern for anyone ever
you can do that all you want BUT people are expecting games not charity bullshit, they decided to use E3 time for that when they could have just donated or whatever in silence who cares right? is about helping right?

I hate living in a Brave New World >:(
I'm lucky that I already live on Iceland though.

You do nice things without bringing attention to it every chance you get.

So that's why he stopped and asked "No?" while no one would clap? The stream froze during that bit. Pretty funny.

>So how do you avoid virtue signaling?
By just showing the fucking VIDEOGAME at the VIDEOGAME CONVENTION

Man, at least in the book Brave New World people had a shit ton of sex.

People do nowadays too but none of us are getting any.

It was completely empty and hedonistic sex, there was no love.

Nah man, like full on drug fueled orgies and shit

You make that sound like a bad thing.

>throwing bucketloads of money into professional privilege checkers

keep telling yourself that

tell for cognitive dissonance

What exactly happened here?

>Donate money specifically so you can brag about it over and over again while plugging your video games

You do know you can do good things in the world WITHOUT bragging about it right?

I dont watch EA, what the fuck is this?

t. degenerate


Don't forget the tax deduction they get for donating to charity. It's not like they get nothing out of this.

Antifa is nowhere near that buff.

t. leaf

It is, everyone have empty and thoughtless lives in the book except for the ones who get sent to Iceland. The incredibly large amount of sex was just another thing there to keep people distracted and giving them mental fog. I'm on Sup Forums now instead of /fit/ though so I guess a bunch of losers here view BNW as a utopia.

its funny how Sup Forums and r/the_donald are so fucking warped they made ben garrison, a noted crazy white supremacist, think hes a level headed man

This shit is why I don't watch E3 anymore.

Why does every-fucking-thing have to be political or virtue signalling now? It's making me nauseated and driving me to the right.

>everyone have empty and thoughtless lives

>Implying this isn't everyone irl

You do know those were edits, right? Garrison got really butthurt about it, too.

in america anything donated to charity can be written off your taxable income

it may seem like they care but really they are doing to pay less taxes

The fuck are you talking about

Most of them are American
No company does anything for good

Some people do, sure, but nobody convinces a company to do anything out of morals.

Is he crazy AND a white supremacist, or is he considered crazy BECAUSE he's a white supremacist?

People seek meaning, many are ambitious to do something great and want to have an effect on a large amount of other people, people read and look for self finding, they exercise, climb mountains, experience love, talk to trusted friends and family, work a meaningful job, cook, study the field they're good at, etc, etc.

It's so funny how that guy was just the total epitome of a Sup Forums retard that he had effectively zero distinguishing traits.

Where's the clip?

Ben garrison never knew what the fuck he was on about to begin with, and I bet this image was to save face. But I like it all the same.

you'd think the fact trump beating hillary would be a warning sign.

He didn't lose to Hilary though. The electoral college system rigged for over 300 years made it so that less equaled more, so now we have a president that oversees the vocal opinions of the minority, instead of the majority.

Democracy is just a meme anyways.

It will take time for companies to shift, especially poorly managed ones like EA.

>a beaner's vote should count the same as a real American citizen's

Faggot its set up this way so a few states don't decide the fate of everyone. And if you want to play the votes game, i am sure a few million illegal spics voted

Even if you were to discount 1 million "fake" votes, he still loses.
So it's better for a nation to be run by someone who looks out for the lower net amount of citizens?

I understand why it's there, but at its core, it's a completely flawed system.

Go take a civics or high school us government course
the way the president is elected is mostly fine (first past the post, only one round of elections, primaries, etc. are all kinda shit)
the electoral college allows the voices of everyone to be heard on a more even playing field. the wants/needs of those in california can be quite different than those in north dakota

theres also several other parts of government; representatives. senators, the supreme court, etc.

a few million of those votes for the lying bitch don't count.

So California's opinion matters more than Montana's?

ur just a racist transmysognist bigot

Are you saying that less matters more than more?

I'm talking about factors like 10 votes counting as much as 5 votes. Every vote matters, but some votes matter more, is an okay system? Are you high?

Pandering to women doesn't get them to buy games.

who cares when the money is going to the cause? why do you care about their intention if the money is making a difference, even if it's to "win lefties" as you say.

Can't believe that some people are this delusional, she must be joking.
African's were still living in huts and chasing animals with spears when we came there.

>Wanting to give California and New York even more influence in presidential elections

I really enjoyed the fact that the crowd didn't applaud when he announced the 3 bullshit SJW charities.

>reddit spacing

Not him, but yes it is important even the smaller states have a say and not just get choked by NY and Commiefornias

Out of all possible charities, from people dying to illness or starvation, from people being unjustly imprisoned, tortured and enslaved...

Why women?

The votes don't count for more.

Even more baffling, they still are despite outside help.

gets more attention

Probably because that's a non-issue so you don't actually have to do anything to make yourself look good. Just virtue signal and the mentally ill will start to like you. If you went after stuff like human trafficking, you might actually have to spend money and do risky things.

Makes the best marketing, womyn stronk and all that shit is the current fad

Stupid goy, you dont.

Nothing baffling about it. Their average IQ is around 70, and in some countries it can go even lower.

Reminder this is some guy from Sup Forums's account that he's using to bait people

>states with larger populations should have more say in an election than states with smaller ones

fuck off commie


and nordcucks were living in filth until the ancient romans civilized them, whom shared culture with the mesopotamians. what's your point?

I can't stand women. Every single thing has to revolve around them.

>Ameritards actually believe they ever had free speech

The difference is that nordcucks were capable of becoming civilized. It never worked with sub-saharan Africans.

So has there been anything remotely interesting from EA?

So the sentiment is basically "women can't look after themselves, they need our help!"

Isn't that extremely sexist? Am I missing something here?

They were talking about inclusiveness as if people have been excluded from playing video games before.

I hope this is just a fad that will die out soon.

user you've already failed at life, just go live on the soros plantation taking heroin while the rest of us lead productive lives.

pandering to women makes the cucks buy the game too. So 2 birds with one shot.

No, it makes them give them a like on Facebook. It doesn't actually compel purchases.

I hope someone shoots E3 up sometime.

Here you go.

happening inbound

Jesus, if EA was this bad, how shit will Ubisoft be?

No? (He expects applause doesn't get it so he doesn't know how to proceed)

Uh ok..

*forced fake applause from crowd*

In terms of pandering and cringe? Even worse. They may have one or two playable games though, whereas EA is just sports and shootan.

Nah that would be fun, why would anything good happen

EA's always bad. Ubi is cringe

Yes it's sexist.

No you're not missing anything.

The leftist mindset is to look down upon anybody not immediately similar to themselves because they are inferior in some way.

i thought Sup Forums was for video games

it's a statement user...
"if you vote us as the most evil company the world, we're forced to throw millions of dollars on these SJWs instead of games"

me in 0:48

How appallingly evil