Who /droppinggamingforever/ here? This hobby is fucking dead.
Who /droppinggamingforever/ here? This hobby is fucking dead
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I found myself holding on to hope that BotW was going to be amazing before dropping it completely.
Yeah, it was pretty good, but I'm done with it and there's nothing else I'm looking forward to.
Picked up Shantae today. It's...okay.
Already did like 6 years ago. I still come here fto shitpost once in a while.
Why? You do realize that you probably missed out on tons of great games that already exist right?
Shit, I still have like 10 Super Famicom games I want to check out.
You stopped liking games years ago because you like blogging and shitposting here during your free time more.
This year has been amazing for vidya though.
At least wait for what half decent companies show at E3 before giving up.
>He unironically plays video games
converting to reading is the best thing one can do
Ive been unemployed and sucked into videogames
Just cut down pro it needs moderation.
Go outside. Clean your room.
Join the club user nobody on Sup Forums actually plays any video games
It's EA, they haven't had a good E3 conference in what, a decade?
I've been playing Let it Die. Just beat floor 40. Feels good man.
I dropped it a long time ago and just come here to shitpost. All I play are sports games now occasionally to destress, new games don't pique my interest at all. I guess I'm just getting old.
>eceleb image
>typical underage comment
checks out
I've just stopped playing western games.
Seems to be working out.
No, Japan still makes and will continue to make great games, West can go fuck off, I'm dropping all West games.
Do it.
lol see you tomorrow faggot
2017 is the best year for games in the past 20 years at least, fuck off.
That's why I went to traditional gaming.
Tabletop is really cosy if you play it with the bunch of nerds as you are.
I might have to do this.
Should I get a Switch or a Vita?
The west isn't producing anything worthwhile anymore outside of a few smaller devs like Codemaster.
now your hobby is storing Sup Forums gifs.
It is, but tabletop simulator is also really fun.
And nothing of value was lost.
Kek, no.
Past 10 years maybe, maybe not even that now that RDR2 was delayed to 2018.
I'm never touching another video game ever again, i already haven't played anything for the past 3 weeks. I urge everyone here to do the same, there are MUCH better ways to spend your time than stupid littel games.
Yes, sadly.
This has to be a fucking joke.
You can do both, you know.
Reading when you want to be told a story and gaming when you want to blow things up.
do something besides games then you fucking sperg. the reason people think gaming is dead is because it's all you do. games should be entertaiment, not a hobby. you wouldn't watch tv all day would ya?
>Should I get a Switch or a Vita?
Out of those two, Switch.
I'd go for a Switch + PS4 with a side of PC though. Nips are increasingly shuffling more of their stuff out on Steam.
Pretty sure the Vita is dead so go with Switch at least with that you can expect 90% Japanese games maybe more, plus it's portable if you want that too and new and has support I mean I don't see the point in getting a Vita these days at all, I guess if you can get it for cheap and hack it maybe.
videogames are all I had
seems it is time to say hello to the rope
I've been making the switch to art for the last few months.
My brother already has a PS4, so I'll stick with the Switch I guess.
>5 years*
how do we get normans to leave videogames forever and make it a virgin neet hobby only?
Dropped it a year ago. I've played some old school Age of Empires, but that's it.
No, still playing and enjoying games every single day. You can go fuck off and find a new hobby that will make you happier. And get the fuck off Sup Forums while you're at it cunt
It's always easy when you're 12 years old. Right kid?
Reminder that video games aren't the problem, its your own terrible personalities that cause you to be unhappy. Try not blaming other things for your problems you pathetic losers.
So everyone that enjoys games is a kid? I'm 23 but you can assume whatever you want
I'm 20 and even I can admit that many games today are shit.
Being slightly younger than some Sup Forumsirgins isn't an excuse for having shit taste.
get out of here grandpa, this idiotic way of thinking these days should be banned, I know you're not even that old but that's just some stupid old shit which might as well be a meme at this point.
This. Already dropped all westacuck shit after last years E3 and solely play Nippon games.
And I went to a japanese oriented arcade yesterday and had fun. Video games are still good as long as you ignore the shithole known as western gaming.
Yeah there are shit games nowadays but not as many as autists claim there to be.
Get PS4, gaming is plenty alive there.
Not dropping but not dedicating myself as much as i used to do, for example i won't upgrade my PC anymore because i have 0 interest in newer games
There are nearly as many as "autists" claim there are.
Again, being young is no excuse for having shit taste.
And this isn't to say that there weren't shit games a decade or 2 ago.
When did I say that they're aren't shit games? Yeah most AAA is absolutely terrible but there are still good games that are released from time to time. And even if there's nothing you're interested in there's so many fucking games out there that there has to be something you'd enjoy.
>Being this retarded
Yeah no shit there's bad games today there have always been shit games thanks for pointing out the obvious
ITT: Everyone who will attend the FFVII remake threads after they reveal its polarising combat gimmick
>not just staying in the indie scene
For every retro hipster indie nostalgia cash grab, there's a genuine good game. Best of all, they're relatively short, so I don't have to play for 5 hours to figure out that the game is trash. I can refund there and then. Far better than the AAA cinematic experiences like Zelda or Halo or Uncharted.
>caring about westerngames
What you mean? It's just EA.
>but there are still good games that are released from time to time.
Sure, but those are few and far between, hence "time to time."
There are also less games and devs making games today (outside of phone shit, but we all know that phone games are pretty much irredeemable trash) than ever before, and a higher proportion of them are overhyped crap.
THE THE BANNERLORD WILL SAVE US!!!!! if it turns out to be shit then i'll quit gayming
Taste is subjective. You may have thought Watch Dogs was a shit game but I thought it pretty decent and so did many others.
>you wouldn't watch tv all day would ya?
People pride themselves on the ability to watch an entire season of something in one sitting. People with jobs and friends.
>That volcano eruption was MY FAULT GODDAMMIT
Back to Persona 5 desu
>You may have thought Watch Dogs was a shit game but I thought it pretty decent and so did many others.
And that's about all I need to see.
Thanks for at least confirming your shit taste.
You have everything to gain in life and nothing to lose. It's an enjoyable hobby, but one that that offers a net loss to all factors of life. I play them Satisfaction
>Sex appeal
>Social life
Will all improve if you drop them.
See you tomorrow
If its dead now is the perfect time to catch up on what you missed.
I'd recommend Immercenary on 3DO, D2 on Dreamcast, and Night Slave on the PC-98 as good starting points.
Kinda felt like that for years but I've played 85 hours of Rising Storm 2 the past month and I'm having fun again.
99% is just boring uninspired shit. Ignore the shit and play the few actually good games. Or just play older good games.
I literally have put 17 hours into hollow knight in the past 3 days, games are fucking great and OP is a fag and should be permabanned from this board
Yeah those too, short and sweet and simple and sometimes just pure unadulterated gameplay.
>posts e-celeb cancer
You are part of the problem.
No problem. Going to keep buying and supporting those types of games. You keep doing you.
So why am I getting shit for saying that I still enjoy playing games? Tell me how it makes me a child
Ahhh yea. Loving this game its great.
>There is actually a thread
>About not playing video games
>On a video game discussion board
>52 replies
These threads should be fucking banned, Jesus. Why don't you all stop wallowing in self pity and try and beat a game without quitting like a bitch, or get a new interest and stop posting here ever again.
Only (you)
No problem family, I personally can't wait for Vivendi to hurry up and gut Ubisoft already.
At least they'll be able to provide some use to someone.
>So why am I getting shit for saying that I still enjoy playing games?
Because you got defensive when someone said they were dropping video games as if he'd personally insulted you.
In other words, you reacted like a manchild when someone insults their favorite toys.
We also see this in Star Wars fans.
If you still enjoy games that's fine, but getting mad at someone who doesn't and getting defensive about it and then having the gall to call someone ELSE and autist is so ironic it's hilarious.
I'm glad I have a mountain of older games I never got around to playing while I wait for the odd modern game that doesn't suck
Though given the amount of underage on this website I wouldn't be surprised if most Sup Forumsirgins couldn't play anything made before 2006 because it's "too old and clunky". I've seen people on this shithole say previous RE games aren't fun now because they can't adapt to a control scheme that perfectly fits what the game asks of you.
This board is fucking dead
>let's play culture
>e-""""sports""""" competitive gaming
>early access
>day one dlc
>pre-order bonus
>patches to fix your game instead of fixing it beforehand
>political commentary in videogames
>censorship up the ass
>cinematic feels """games"""
what did i miss?
I beat a game and I still want to fucking die, also I have refined my tastes so I know what I like and there is nothing of what I like out there.
What am I supposed to do? force myself to not have fun with other games? go outside?
The problem I have with it is that the only reason this thread exists is to feel superior to people that do play games.
Please don't do that, you're messing up my Ctrl-F.
Sup Forums has no place for moralfags, you insufferable cunt.
Fuck off stupid b8
You are the ones that make us dry faggots look bad
(you) (you) (you)
Haven't played a game all the way through in a year.
The only games I enjoy are games I can play with friends, mostly Nintendo.
Real talk, 90% of games are trash. You realize this if you grow out of the child consumerist mind set.
No it fucking doesn't, that's, again, your own projection of inferiority.
More likely this thread is for wallowing in self-pity and disdain for modern gaming (nothing new for Sup Forums).
Jesus christ, are you sure you're 23?
user please respect chan culture.
SJW hivemind is no longer a punchline.
You have no idea how right you are.
Ecelebs, people who play video games for a living, are not video game related but THIS is?
I am autistic and insecure.
Literally only non-PS4 owners complain.
I am swimming in games and I do not have time to play all of them.
Persona 5
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Now Spidey is also coming.
Now all I do is read classic novels
All the "oldfags" are finally growing up coming to the realization that the medium is dead and has been dying for the last 7 years.
You're probably ~15, but soon you'll relize that if you even grow up.
>muh shitposting and trolling for (you)s
PS4 + Switch is all you need this gen.
Dropped it 2 months ago and never even looked back, switched to other hobbies (mainly music and drawing). I don't regret spending all that time on vidya but I guess it's just not that interesting to me anymore.
Learn to appreciate more than the latest AAA console trash and you're still fine. There's plenty of great games still coming out and plenty of old classics you haven played.
If you're tired of videogames you have only your own shit taste to blame