What's it about Sup Forums?

What's it about Sup Forums?


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If anything how will the SJW ruin it

Did they rip off the Labyrinth ?


bioware redemption arc now

Sorry you cant go 10 seconds without having stuff sexualized go watch porn or something faggot

not even 2 posts before crying about sjws, fucking neo v

What's the bet it will have a multiplayer focus?
Go out with your friends from the wall (aka last city) to hunt monsters in the wild.

Totally not attack on titan


Literally destiny

shameless destiny clone from a developer i wouldnt trust to wash my dog.


Looks a lot like Destiny. If it's multiplayer I don't give a fuck. I want RPG.

>less than 60 seconds before someone mentions sjws

looks fucking sick. Microsoft bout to win E3 and they haven't even started.

Destiny + Titanfall + Gay niggas


>Destiny clone
>by Bioware
They should stick with what they're good at with Mass Effect and Dragon Age. It's gonna flop, especially with Destiny 2 on the horizon

Seems like a shitty combination of horizon and destiny, meh.

Gays in power armor and bestiality too if you can court the monster

Don't get your hopes up, probably some generic sci-fi game.

Looks like a shitty destiny rip off

>What's it about Sup Forums?

>Good at mass effect
Pick One.

>Modern Bioware
It'll be shit. The pic reminded me of MGSV, though.


We need to build the wall.
The wall, It's our armor.
It protects us from what lies out there.

If they put Bioware Edmonton on it.........it.......might...not...be the worst thing ever. Right? No? No.

We didn't see much beside the cockpit but I hope the mechs look cool.

It has no info about it.

Titanfall and Destiny don't have a monopoly on mech suits.

Stop making huge assumptions about a 30 second teaser.

Protip: they won't

It's a multiplayer game. None of that will be in it

It's being made by Edmonton so possibly not. But probably yeah.

>Sup Forums is unironically defending sjw tier trash made by sjw tier developers

>People saying it's a rip off of SnK
You are aware that the idea of walls separating humans and the unknown have been a trope since forever?




It's the new looter shooter by EA. There's been rumors about this for a while. It's their answer to Borderlands and Destiny.

Do you a play a warrior fighting for justice in their society?

Sup Forums is full of sensitive little faggots now. They get mad if you say nigger. Its been like this for about 2 years now.




generic scifi shite

Blahblah walls
Blahblah your choices

Bioware it will be SJW trash, ignore leaf shitposters defending this

Let me just ask the one question on all our minds, will the wall survive the game or will it be destroyed at some point?



People are comparing it to Destiny because that shot of the wall looks identical to the setting of the Last City in Destiny.


Seriously, you have to go back.

The real question is why is Charlie Hunnam so fucking attractive

Is that drivel supposed to be a reply?

We are getting tired of your racist, sexist, and bigoted attitudes.

You're no longer welcome here.

I'm not even the guy you replied to originally you falseflagging idiot.
It doesn't take much to call out mindless drivel.

Well said, fellow numale

Come by my cuck shed later and I'll share with you some of my organic avocado juice



Everything isn't a conspiracy, my little Drumpfkin :p.

I was just waiting for the gay romance scenes the moment I heard it was from Bioware.

>Attack on Titan
>Pacific Rim
>Leftover Andromeda assets
>Modern Day Bioware

No thanks.


>by the same people who made Mass effect andromeda


>western mechs
>the thing shown is so small the pilot can't even fit entirely in the chest cavity
It's just a big suit.

You don't know how big Bioware is, do you?

You forgot

Too big to sink, right?

Shit, good point user, lets ignore their decade old shit streak and pre-order right fucking now.
They disappointed multiple times in the past but this one will be different i can feel it

>there are actually people getting hyped by a trailer that shows nothing of any value

What do you have to do to actually generate 0 hype?

Pretty sure they're just mocking the autists calling it an sjw game before any information is released.

If Bioware's A-team abandoned Andromada to make ANTHEM, it better be good.

It would take the original ME's team to make this good.

Well i am hyped for the right reasons, the trailer showed that bioware is behind it, i don't know if you been here during the mass effect/dragon age inquisition blunder but it was GOLD, Sup Forums was celebrating more than Sup Forums during the election, the whole board united to shit together in harmony... it was wonderful.

If they make a good game we gonna have a good time
If they make a shit game we gonna have a gooder time

when people claim scifi space shooters are ripoffs of destiny/halo. nigga its a scifi space game, what do you expect, aliens, robots, mech suits, future tech. its the whole point of scifi genre. you dont make a western with ww2 era vehicles and tech and clothing. thats called a ww2 era game.

no matter what horse wins the race, Sup Forums always wins.

You truly are horrible people.

When people claim a SCIFI game is ripping off other SCIFI games. because mechs, aliens, weird planets, and future tech. well, it is SCIFI. so what do you expect from a scifi game if not scifi elements? I hate Sup Forums

Finally a reason to post this.

But will I be able to fuck a man in the ass? that's the important part


ah yes I can't wait for more gay sex

> What's it about Sup Forums?

Destiny had exclusive content for PS4.

Anthem is trying to be a staple for the Xbox Scorpio $ 900 Brick.

I never got why people praised ME3's multiplayer so much. The premise wasn't that exciting, the shooting was nothing to write home about and the movement was stiff.


D R O P P E D .



H A R D E R .

Looks like a Destiny competitor. So boring trash.

it will be about strong black homosexual independent woman who will fight against a white male

>he doesn't want his dog to be a strong independent black muslim trans woman

Destiny with Titanfall Aesthetics

Neat on paper, but this is Bioware. They're not exactly known for their mechanics

I'll wait until I see the gameplay but not impressed so far.

Bioware really needs a win.

Quick guide on how to spot a Sup Forumstard in disguise/potential:

>no facebook
>no instagram
>hate star wars
>hate bioware games.

If you see them, tell them to go back

>fucking Nazis sexualizing shit!
>Not realizing Bioware destroyed ME franchise with their fagget bullshit
>Not realizing Bioware destroyed Dragon Age with their fagget bullshit

the only thing that called my attention was anthem, but i was expecting something else by bioware and it was just some stupid ass cgi, so i didn't care.

it's bioware. the wall is a gonna be a """"metaphor"""" for some freedom justice andunity shit. so yes, it will fall

So.. a mech.


really get's my noggin joggin

shill thread

A big turd is still a turd

Bioware has not made a good game since EA took over

A pre-rendered trailer. They may as well have shown us a 47-second loop of a dancing kitten in so far it tells us anything about the actual game.

i still enjoyed most of their games, even if they're accepted as objectively shit

I'd rather see a 47-second loop of a dance kitten

>destiny clone made by bioware
>will have lackluster sales
>will make hundred+ million off dumb little plebs the same way destiny did

>destiny clone
What if it's more of an RPG than a multiplayer third person shooter?

Really? It was the gay sex and social justice that ruined ME and DA, not the gamebreaking bugs, horrible animations, and generally shit gameplay+stories?

It's made by Bioware you have to be autistic to defend it.

Quick guide on how to spot a Sup Forumstard in disguise/potential:

>no facebook
>no instagram
>hate star wars
>hate bioware games.

If you see them, tell them to go back