What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
Miyamoto trying to "innovate" for no other reason than the sake of innovation.
Sometimes game devs need to realize that some things are tried and true and they just work better. There's nothing wrong with not-fixing what isn't broken.
Assuming nothing changed, it would be a garbage game on any platform.
Lack of content/levels. Gameplay and controls were fine for me desu
This and giving it to platinum for fixing without insisting on getting Kamîya on the project and rushing it out anyway instead of letting them polish it.
Lack of Krystal.
Too much repeating Star Fox 64 was a problem. Star Fox Assault advanced the story the right way after 64 and gave you new gameplay modes that could be switched seamlessly. I'd have liked if this was something that built off of that game.
Fanboys asking for it in the first place.
>without insisting on getting Kamîya
>a fucking easter egg was a better Star Fox than the entirety of Star Fox Zero
Cody thread?
Cody thread.
Nothing went 'wrong.' The game itself is great.
This. Being able to switch between vehicles seamlessly was a natural progression for the series. They should've just gave the series back to Namco.
Having picked it up for cheap recently and played it, for me? 30fps on the pad.
I had no problem swapping the camera view since the TV+Pad at the same time was too cumbersome, but gyro aiming would have been easier if I could play it all 60fps on the pad.
Shit's clunky either way though, although there was signs of an average Star Fox game in there somewhere.
Reminder Cody isn't a real person and it's a handful of faggots posting bait and starting console war shit.
Zero is pointless as a whole
>full price
>forced motion controls
>no online
>same story, but more confusing
Meanwhile in 64/643D
>better controls
>more levels
>motion controls were optional
>multiplayer, even if no online
>same story, less confusing
It's obvious Miyamoto has lost his touch and Nintendo has no idea how to make a good Starfox game.
Keep telling yourself that, Pretendo.
Miyamoto's insistence on using the gamepad for """"innovation"""" instead of engaging gameplay and shitty decisions on the levels themselves. There was also so little actual content outside of the game itself it begged the question why you would bother playing it more than once.
I'm convinced Miyamoto is going into the 'senile old fuck' stage of his creativity.
>I'm convinced Miyamoto is going into the 'senile old fuck' stage of his creativity.
That's correct
Kamiya did fuckall with Bayo 2 other than produce it
Stop this disinformation
It's funny how little the conversation regarding this game ever talks specifics. Whenever I talk about how well the controls work or how well made the levels are, you fags write it off as just me being a fanboy.
In reality, I genuinely believe Zero to be an improvement over 64. I find it hard to return to the outdated analog controls after having mastered the infinitely more complex and deep motion scheme in Zero.
Those that whine about the controls are casuals who never even touched the game. Plain and simple.
You'll just write off any complaints with the game as being """""Pretendos""""""
That's literally autism.
The controls.
They made another Star Fox 64 with less features than Star Fox 64. Still a fun game, just does nothing new and exciting.
The controls.
They're confusing as hell when you first try it out and by the time you actually start to get the hang of it, the game's already over.
If the game was double, maybe even triple the length that it was then there wouldn't necessarily be a problem but it just feels too short for the amount of dedication required to actually beat the game.
It's an arcade game. You're supposed to play the stages over and over and get better.
Simply beating the game is only the beginning!
they intentionally made the TV aiming inaccurate so you'd be forced to use the gamepad for more precise aiming
>capable of anything other than copying DMC3 over and over again
Platinum didn't even work on the gameplay, that was Miyamoto and his team. Platinum only provided assets and helped with framerate issues
I suspect it was rushed out due to the impending Switch release.
Expect a DX port of the game with some new content and a $60 price tag.
Nintendo's been fuckin LAZY the last 5-6 years.
>they did some of the worst stuff in the game so it's fine
This, it really was the only issue I had with the game, I'd expected some W101, Rising or Bayonetta style hard mode with remixed stages.
Otherwise I really liked it.
Holy fuck it's out?
I remember watching it at E3, and then nothing
Is it good? How's the ending?
Barrel roll memes?
It's really good.
That would be fine if the game gave me enough incentives to actually bother replaying it for fun over other arcade titles.
Well fuck them for that, motion controls should've been an option, not the only way to actually play the fucking game.
You're an idiot
Post a company who hasn't been lazy.
How were the assets bad?
And the reason there were even FPS issues in the first place is because Miyamoto's stupid ass insisted on having the game play on both screens at once. They had to bring Platinum in to fix Miyamoto's fuck ups and let the game run properly.
If it only played on one screen it would be fine
That's also why its so sparse on content, the FPS issues stalled development for a long time
>Is it good?
>How's the ending?
Terrible, it doesn't even have a 2nd Andross fight on the hard path. SF64 got it right 20 years ago, and this game couldn't. Its pathetic
>Barrel roll memes?
They made an entire level based on the barrel roll meme. You play as Peppy and he shouts "BARREL ROLL" every time you do a barrel roll
>Expect a DX port of the game with some new content
Nah, they're only porting games that were well received and sold well. SFZ got terrible reception from both fans and critics and sold like trash (and rightfully so.)
It won't be ported.
Not the point.
It'll get a sequel instead.
You've been spouting this delusional meme for over a year now. Its time to stop.
This game is great if you manage to get used to the ridiculous controls.
A Switch port with proper controls would be the best Starfox game imo.
Post a company who hasn't been lazy.
>would be the best Starfox game imo.
Wrong, even with proper controls the levels and bosses aren't anywhere near as good as 64's
I seriously think Star Fox Zero is a game that is more fun to watch than it is to play.
A multiplayer mode and hard mode wouldn't hurt either.
They forgot that the LITERAL casual filter was one of the best ideas they ever had. Are you shit at the game? Then you'll go down the path for that, if you're good at the game then you'll get to go the big-boy path.
Not the point.
I'll bite though: pic related.
I'm a big fan of Nintendo - I even loved the Wii U. But they've only grown more and more anti-consumer.
Literally who
"I'm a Nintendo fan, but-"
This is one of those phrases that only Pretendos come out with. There is no better sign for me to go ahead and call you a faggot.
You faggot.
>tfw Easy Route Venom and Titania are more difficult than Macbeth and hard mode Venom
>Barrel roll memes?
Forcing the gamepad
>hasn't been lazy
>D:OS2 was supposed to be finished last year
It's kinda like Kid Icarus: Uprising, except for the fact that it actually ends when you think it's going to end.
first thing: The forced motion controls
second: It was on Wii U
takeout the motion control stages, rerelease it with online vs and ill buy it on Switch
Another 64 rehash
>takeout the motion control stages
Please, the gyrocopter stages are way worse.
They earned WAY more from the KS than they needed, so they're trying to pack in as much content as they possibly can.
It's literally the opposite of lazy - overly ambitious, maybe, but D:OS is proof of a modern hardworking, humble dev that respects their players and knows who puts food on their table.
It pissed me off how they made this big deal about Pepper supposedly keeping secrets from Fox (especially in the cartoon) and then just went nowhere with it.
Miyamoto's anti-story autism strikes again
Speaking of Star Fox, I would be hyped to see a Zero related announcement this E3. The salt would be amazing.
>humble dev that respects their players
>the last 2/3rds of OS
Mainly it felt like the budget disappeared halfway through development due to the Wii U dying so quickly. Or maybe the resources/people were reallocated for other projects that needed it, like BoTW playtesting or Switch porting.
Nintendo is way too smart to make a sequel to this garbage
It was great - I agree.
This bizarre autistic fixation on Zero being 'bad' for no real reason really does remind me of the spite that Pretendos have for games like Color Splash or Federation Force.
I think the vast majority of the people who whine and cry about these games never actually played them. Take Color Splash. Remember when that game was supposed to be abysmal? But then it came out, and was well received among fans due to it's notable improvements over SS.
I think those of you who are insisting that Zero will 'never' get a sequel are delusional.
>was well received among fans
CS took steps backwards from SS. SS let you arrange cards in a grid. CS gives you a single vertical line.
It also makes the player paint and flick cards every turn, and serves no purpose other than to waste the player's time for no reason
Who knows. Probably just time and shitty hardware. Though, it's strange. There are times where the game really does click and is pretty fun. Mostly the levels that resemble mission structure form the prior main games. But then there are just moments where it leaves you scratching your head and wondering who the fuck okayed some of the shit objectives, level design, and wonky controls. I'd honestly be curious to see how big of a train wreck the game was before it got delayed.
>But then it came out, and was well received among fans due to it's notable improvements over SS.
oops lol
User score.
The user score still isn't good.
A polished turd is still a turd
>still isn't good
It's only half a point under Super Paper Mario.
thats actually the ones i meant. but both are pretty bad
Most people don't like SPM either
>Most people
The green user score and critic scores both disagree with you.
That being said, I personally loved it. Not as much as TYD, but they're both great.
"No fun allowed, Toads only, Final Destination"
I'm one of the few that really like this game.
It takes some getting use to but once you do, it's a blast. It is possible to play without utilizing motion controls but it really feels like a step down.
Motion controls and GamePad integration really shine when playing all-range mode, bosses and dogfights. It's great to not have to stare at empty space, U-Turn, shoot a little then rinse and repeat.
Metacritic has become increasingly corrupt over the years and has become unreliable.
If you're taking that position then I guess you think BOTW doesn't deserve its MC score huh
>Easy path: destroy Venomian resources to stop the assault on Corneria
>Medium path: helps both Easy and Hard path objectives
>Hard path: destroy Venomian forces directly, culminating in the total destruction of Andross
>4 out of 7 released games are the exact same game
Why would anyone support this piece of shit franchise when not even nintendo can make a good game?
This. It's like they completely fucking forgot why the branching paths were there in the first place.
Pushing it out for the sake of ''saving'' the Wii U
I'm pretty sure that if the Wii struggled they would slap together whatever concept they might've had for SF Wii and shit it out just like they did with the Wii U game.
It deserves much higher, actually.
But Zelda is too high profile of a franchise to write off. People would be livid if it didn't get as good scores as it did.
>it only counts when I want it to count