E3 is now a jewtube "creator" letsplay circlejerk

>E3 is now a jewtube "creator" letsplay circlejerk.
Why do millennials have to ruin everything?
God what a shitshow

Other urls found in this thread:


you are a millennial moron
>i hate my generashun xd

I'm in my late 50s faggot, try again.

E3 was always run by millenials

That's not a bad Ryoko.

And I see a Rem in the far back right.

Nu-male : the post

I want to fuck Ryoko. Anyway it's just EA being cancer as usual, how is this a surprise?

Whoever supports these YouTube e-"""""""""""""""celebs"""""""""""""""" need to be fucking shot. Both millennials and Gen Z are pure fucking cancer.

grandpa your "celebs" are as cringy as ecelebs

Our celebrities changed the world. Yours begged for donations on Patreon.

so anyone thats normal?

bro you're the weirdos of this world the small minority haha

>it's a millenials don't realize they're millenials thread

>I'm In my late 50's
>on Sup Forums
My sides


Normies do. They have jobs, money, they get harvested for clicks, they run the industry. E3 is a consumer zombie shitshow. Sup Forums is just a shill central where normies like yourself get harvested for attention and money.

Can this be a Tenchi Muyo thread instead?

your celebs do ads and shit movies for a quick buck. They did nothing important in their life

they're Gen-Z, not millennials.


Who cares only Sony and Nintendo are relevant now.

>Sup Forums complains about mellennials ruining things when they are most likely mellenials

always good for a laugh

>late 50s and on Sup Forums

Ryoko--first waifu, best waifu, forevermore

God yes. That recent "reboot" sucks huge dicks. But Ryoko will always be best girl.

All "celebs" are cancerous shit. It doesn't matter if you're an attention grubbing whore on YouTube, or making movies in Hollywood... All are terrible.

reminder real celebs shouldnt be respected or treated like gods.

just posted this in another thread; just as relevant here.


shut up and post more thick ryoko
even though sasami is best girl

It's not millennials, it's the inevitability of video games becoming more norman and the internet becoming integrated more into real life. Same thing will happen to all hobbies that used to be reclusive

No one cares retard

You sick fuck, she's only 500.

why do drumpfkins have to ruin everything?

>maga hat

Yeah, I really see CB radios kicking off.

Also video games were hot as shit in the 80s and catered plenty to casuals. Fuck you shortsighted faggots.

>our celebrities changed the world
no, no one's celebrities "changed the world" you fucking retard. The whole point of celebrity is the disgusting nature of people who like to pry into others personal lives, and overgrandise everything they do. It's idol worship and inherently worthless, the people who make real differences are usually ignored until someone else shines a spotlight on them and even then they don't gain "celebrity" status because that shit is meaningless

Sorry, 709. That's still hard time with the Galaxy Police, sicko!

*tips fedora*

is that ryoko's english VA?

Shut up, Sup Forums. Post Tenchi.

it's not like it's new, nintendo did it with splatoon and metroid ball


Will he survive the day?

You are a beautiful shining example of intelligence and class. I hope you have a great day today.

>le millennial bogeyman

Fuck off and check my 6

>not blacks in the crowd
phew. this a honky only event. y'all really know how to maximum cringe.

>I'm in my late 50s faggot, try again.


The black weebs stay in the arcade.


is just EA

i hope


>tfw Ryoko won the Tenchi Muyo Bowl


>Our celebrities changed the world
For the worst.
I hope Lennon is rotting in hell.

Ever wanna see Aisha Clanclan and Ryoko scissoring?

Ryoko was great but at times just felt a little too Mary Sue-ish. Each series had a point where she would act very out of character and not being the boisterous, generally selfish and self-centered person that she was and show some very out place tenderness and/or selflessness.

Still, adorable as fuck for a well-crafted killing machine.

Shoo, shoo, /qa/.

Well, Ryoko's literally just the 90's answer to Lum.

Well, she won first. Then all the others.

A lot of them look worthy of a * teleports behind you* meme.

That was nice. Thank you.

Someone wanted Thicc Ryoko, right?

Wasn't expecting it to be legit.

me on the left

Here's whole image.


cry moar faggot.


Not yet user but soon all of us will be in our late 50s on Sup Forums. I'm in my mid 30s. Kill me.

>Ryoko is still best girl in the entire spectrum of anime.

How does she do it?

This is how.


She is the evolution of best girl. It's amazing but I fell in love with Lum even before I saw UY, and all thanks to Ryoko. Some things are just meant to happen.

