What we need is an Amy Rose game

You know I'm right.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good idea. Every level you have to find a new way to kill her.

What we need is another Sonic fighting game.
I would do a Power Stone clone, improve in combat and add more special and combo moves. Also I would add extra outfits like Secret Rings, Black Knight, Riders, Boom, Olimpic Games and Classic character versions.

With these playable characters:
>Metal Sonic
>Mecha Sonic
>Black Doom
>Eggman Nega
>Metal 3.0
>King Arthur
Bonus track:
>Billy Hatcher
>Alex Kidd

Also add these transformations
>Super Sonic
>Hyper Sonic
>Excalibur Sonic
>Darkspine Sonic
>Sonic the Werehog
>Super Tails
>Super Knuckles
>Eggman in Death Egg Robot
>Eggman Nega in Egg Salamander
>Super Mecha Sonic
>Neo Metal Sonic
>Metal madness
>Metal Overlord
>Chaos forms
>Super Shadow
>Devil Doom
>Burning Blaze
>Super Silver
>Lord Ix Full power

Are you ever going to put on a trip so I can filter you?

And swimsuit outfits for every girl

Guilty pleasure song right here.

why do they all have extreme cankles

Cream is cute in that pic ( i'm saying that in a non sexual way )


>best girl.
>not Rouge.


>sonic adventure
>god tier

Show me that girthy fuck pillar you have coiled under those tight panties

Unfurl that elephant trunk and violate my body with every rigid inch of vein marbled throbbing futanari prick

Smack my thighs with that heavy pendulous coinpuse as they twitch and brace up to empty every drop of creamy virulence inside my gaping holes

>What we need is a furry fapbait game for Amy Rose
Ftfy, go back to /trash/.

>Anything above 3&K
>Adventure that high
>Outdated 1 that high

And each girl have different fighting stats in terms of Chest size, Dick/Ball size and sensitivity which affects how well they fight.


Hey, at least Amy still appears in games.

Thanks for reminding me of a conversation I had with an user months ago about a Sonic futa girl boxing game with teasing, fucking, and nut busting. I still have some text from those posts saved in sticky notes, though not much.

That moment when you want to fuck Amy, but realize that her 'hair' and her back are covered in fucking spikes.

>I had to shave it

No problem, user. I'm glad we could pick up our talk where we left off way back when.

Who the fuck likes sonic in this day and age?

Anyone here have the Discworld hedgehog song? I tried to find it in archives.

I agree, I love when little girls wear those short frilly dresses, I can't stop looking at them, no pedo.

Are you THE Banjotron2000?

I'm surprised you're the same user from back then, though I guess I shouldn't be. I actually wanted to write a fapfic about that idea after we made all those posts, but I never got around to it. Would have involved Amy, Rogue, Blaze, and Vanilla in a futa boxing tournament.

The moment I saw this thread I knew you'd be here.

Sounds like good stuff, user. I think the fact that picture with Amy in the leotard and boxing gloves was shitposted so much after in the few weeks after, the idea got stuck in my idea instead of just being forgotten.

If you ever do get around to writing it,
I'll be more than happy to read it.

>Sonic R
>bad tier

Nice b8



Switch them.

Yeah, I kept sticky notes of some of those posts so I could fap to the thoughts and imagination later on, and serve as inspiration if I ever did write the fic. Part of me still wants to write it, but I know it'd take some work and I'm kinda lazy about writing these days. I need to get myself really worked up beforehand. And thanks, hopefully I can deliver some day.

Hentai? Just Take my Money.

Eh, I know the feeling. I've got at least half a dozen things I've started writing, hit a wall with and gave up on when I couldn't get to that level of flow again. Glad to see you're still enjoying the posts as well.

Same, I have old fics I started and never finished, really wish I still had the motivation to crank fics out easily. And they were pretty fun posts, a nice creative idea and some hot fetishes with hot characters, what's not to like about Rouge crushing Amy's cum-filled balls beneath her heels?

I know right? It's a really potent mixture of physical and mental. The strain of trying to straddle on the edge just long enough to outlast her opponent, lest it all end badly for one of the sonic girls, taking a sucker punch to the coinpurse and blowing early and futile.


also an amy game would be shit. it would either have no identity, as in just another shitty 3d sonic game with a melee focus (think sonic unleashed but nothing but werehog combat), or ruin the character even more like that princess peach game that made her seem like a weak bipolar bitch. sonic series needs to stop diluting their brand with shit like this, they need to focus on the two things they have ever fucking gotten right. sidescrolling sonic games, whose focus ISN"T on just mindless speed but instead on obstacles and momentum, and chao garden which is strangely enjoyable and the only good thing to come from adventure. they could make a sick viva pinata clone i dont give a fuck i would just like to see more of that without having to play 3d sonic abominations

I know what this topic is, but it really would've been neat to see her in Mania.

Her absence is part of why Mania looks so good.

A more fleshed out platformer around Amy's abilities could be fun youtube.com/watch?v=Z4r3zaAE9Ys

I don't think here being in it or being absent in Mania really has any bearing on Mania itself. I just like how she played in Advance and the rom versions of the genesis games. Hammer jumps man.

Who is the best Sonic character and why is it Eggman?

This is probably b8, but in the off chance it isn't, I question if you've played Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2 recently. They bad games and unplayable. After Generations came out I went back to replay the old Sonics for comparison. I couldn't even get through Emerald Coast. I fell through the world five times (three during a scripted loop-de-loop) and turned the game off. The adventure games are bad. They were bad then and are even worse now.

and there was nothing interesting that actually brought to the gameplay. they need to stop focusing on stupid shit like this and refine their gameplay which is what mania is actually doing, and it looks great. i like jerking off to amy, i don't find her fun to play in any game

arin pls

>and there was nothing interesting that actually brought to the gameplay
You couldn't rely on rolling, but building up speed let you do a large jump, and you had a melee attack on top of being able to hit springs with the hammer letting you get a super high jump. She was a good extension of the core 3 characters with a more aggressive playstyle.
>i like jerking off to amy, i don't find her fun to play in any game
well okay then.

Exactly! Working her opponent up to get them closer and closer, while trying not to get too worked up herself... Amy has both the strength and weakness of having the most balanced breast, cock, and ball sizes, but being a "jack of all trades" isn't so useful when your opponents have stacked jugs, hung cocks, and swaying balls.



Mike Pollock is a joy.

Certainly the master of none. Outchested by Vanilla and Rouge, outcocked and balled by Blaze and Wave. Of course, having no major weak spot means her opponent might be indecisive with their choice of route for attacks, while she's probably got a nice big and obvious target to introduce to her hands and hammer.

>Who is the best Sonic character and why is it Eggman?
This is not something you ask or question, it's just something you just accept.

Because his character is basically self-aware mad scientist villain combined with a loveable bumbling granddad.

>UNKNOWN: "So what are you gonna do? Kill them all?"

>SHADOW: "Yeah. Every. Last. One."


>SHADOW: "Starting with that bitch Amy."



2 0 1 8

2nd best is Sticks.

>Black Knight above Secret Rings
>By a whole Tier
>Free Riders above anything
>Sonic 4 not in Bad tier
>Rush Games above Advance
>S3&K not at the absolute top

Your bait is pretty good

Definitely a master of none, I had planned for her to lose and be humiliated in every match she entered in the fic. She may not have one great big weak spot on her, but she's still got multiple smaller weak spots to work with, and that just means her opponents have more options to use against her. Maybe they're squeeze her tits and twist her nipples to make her cry out in pain, or maybe they'll bury her face beneath their balls and stroke her modest cock off with their gloved hands? There's plenty of options.


Jon ?

Follow me inside, outside, through the stratosphere
The moon is shining for you it knows that I adore you
Suddenly all the sadness will just slip away and you will see what I mean
If you follow me in my dreams

I'd unironically buy the Collector's Edition.

>mfw all i want is a good quality Rouge fig
happy meal toys just dont cut it

source on image? there no google search

Attaboy Shadow.

Make sure you double tap.

Artist is argento.


>the fact that picture with Amy in the leotard and boxing gloves was shitposted so much
Careful user, I'm browsing too.
I'm always here, always watching, ready to dump at a moment's notice.

Wanna see me trigger someone?

The more creative, the better your chances of taking victory. Exploit any opening they can find. Sweet spots, enticing musks,
specific holds. Anything to make Amy lose it messily all across the canvas floor.

Well dang, it's a right old reunion today.

>Make a Sonic fighter
>Yeah now put in all the Sonic reskins and characters who literally haven't done enough to fill a fucking moveset, as well as fucking Big the Cat and Cream and Charmy Bee and all the autistic cancer
>Don't forget five forms of Sonic and the huge muscly Tails so I can jerk off!

You people should be purged

Are there any good figurines of Rouge anywhere?
Are there any nice Blaze ones?

did he died?

You're thinking Titan Tails. Super Tails is surrounded by Birds.

>The physically strongest character, stronger then Knuckles.

To be fair though, Big's too chill to fight.

>His VA from Adventure 2 is dead now
>We'll never get BECAUSE YOU JUST TOLD ME FUCKS-BOY! ever again

I like Mike Pollock as much as anyone but damn if I'm not sad, those are the voices I grew up with man
And SA2 Sonic has the best voice,
same for SA2 Knuckles but I'm less sure that they've changed his voice

Precisely. It's probably more effective to work up your opponent by utilizing multiple of their assets than it is to only focus on one big asset, though sensitivity might play into it as well. I like to imagine Amy as being the most sensitive, for some reason it's just the most satisfying to think of her as losing all those matches and getting humiliated as she spills her spunk across the floor (and herself).

>This character is stronger than every one of these people who spend all their time fighting robots and shit but he has the mind of a child and spends all his time fishing and has his best frog friend Froggy

Fuck Big the fucking Cat. Fuck him. Retcon him.

Fucker picked up an 18 wheeler just to find his damn frog. Then threw it like it was a fucking tin can.

The Glass Joe of the Sonic fighting league, with any sort of win rare as a winning lottery ticket. It's gotten to the point where the other girls are wondering if she secretly gets off on the humiliation of losing.



Boys, you're focusing on the wrong area.

Rouge the bat in the ring, preying on newcomers to the sport. Keeping her win/loss intentionally low by performing worse than she could and losing important matches on purpose so she gets matched against first-timers and amateurs that she can easily humiliate and have her way with.


That's an excellent idea, maybe they can start spreading rumors about how she enjoys it and that'll encourage her to practice harder, but she still ends up defeated and humiliated.
Also a nice idea, but something tells me Rouge would enjoy being the top bitch more so she could keep that shiny belt all to herself.


Please user, Sally is full slut for human cock.


Arin, I just want to let you know, you are fat and not funny, and your wife is that times two.

Also, I lost all the remaining respect I had for you as a "video game critic" after watching that Zelda Sequelitis vid you made and then actually seeing you fuck up that LP you made years later.

Oh, and Suzy's Etsy store is a scam ,and you know it, so please stop white knighting, both on Game Grumps, and on Reddit.


She'll end up getting all flustered and blushy trying to deny she likes losing, which of course doesn't help in the match when Amy gets schooled once again, flat on the canvas with a dreamy look on her face as she busts a nut between Vanilla's heavy tits.

I could see her doing that in disguise,
heading to low league or amateur matches to tease some poor souls to spurting without losing her status as a big shot fuckfighter.

Always voiced by an older man that can deliver some genuine character or charisma instead of CHILI DOGS

See, user, that's the beauty of it. If she's billed lower, her odds are higher. All she has to do is take easy paychecks for beating weaklings with no stamina until she has an opportunity to move up, beat a real contender, and take home a huger pot than she'd have ever won competing fairly. Everyone loves an underdog, after all. She gets to have it all the ways; easy fights that always end up with her on top, fat prizes for little work, and universal adoration for being so 'brave'. Wrapped up in an ethically dubious package like throwing matches and trading pride for eventual gain, and you have a plan that's Rouge to a T.

>now introducing a new furry sex icon

what a fucking hack, how can one man spend so much time drawing and not know when he is producing uncanny valley nightmare faces.

why do furries insist on horrible mascot faces?

Maybe she enjoys the thrill of losing and being humiliated, so much so that she gets hard and starts leaking at the very start of the match. She wants to win, but more than anything she wants to lose... I can't exactly blame her when she's getting face-fucking and taking it up the ass in front of a crowd so often, she probably gets off to the online photos of her defeated and covered in her opponent's spunk pretty often.

Honestly, abusing her non-spin dash and her hammer to hit springs and boost off enemies other chars can't in is the most fun I had playing Sonic Advance and probably Sonic games overall, only enhanced by her vulnerability because she doesn't spin. I really want them to bring that playstyle back some day.

Because most furries are autistic enough to only focus on the worst parts of Don Bluth and Disney mixed with sports mascots
kemono is superior anyway

Oh, I'm sure she puts on a sad face when the ref signals another loss and she has to do the walk of shame out of the ring, cum dripping from her cock and whatever hole her opponent used, feeling all down and depressed

Then she's watching the match back online at home and masturbating like a beast to her getting fucked, hurling berating insults at herself to the screen before cumming hard again on her soiled leotard.

Rather just have a Blaze game, Rush was good.

Does this slut act as seductively as she appears here?

She probably has to hold back her moans of pleasure when she's getting fucked by her superior rivals, and I'm sure she's gotten stiff again on the way out of the ring after taking a hot load all over her body, much to her embarrassment. Maybe she should just give up and become the personal "fucking bag" for all the other girls, it'd probably be a better position for her and her interests.