Other urls found in this thread:
>Rey killed by a single battle droid
What did they mean by this?
They have phase 1 too
>No Droideka
it's a video game nigga it ain't real
>iJustine commentary
>Rey gets killed instantly
top kek
Fucking this.
Clones being there is fine, you could just throw the argument that it's a second invasion of Naboo
That said, Droideka should be the shooter hero class with Maul on Naboo, and it should be Qui-gon or young Obi-wan as the jedi, and Padme as the shooter hero for the republic.
>star wars fags
>Battle of Naboo
>No driodeka
>No Qui Gon
>No Obi Wan
Maybe they're DLC?
my grandfather was a battle droid who fought and died in the battle of naboo, this is so offensive to me and my family
>Darth Maul
>Second invasion
>characters from original and sequel trilogies playable in those battles over the actual heroes of the movie
>caring about this shit
You are autistic.
>Get into starfighter
>Crash instantly
>It shows up in the highlight real
So Kashyyyk confirmed, right?
Gas the normies now.
two possibilities:
A. the way the game works, you pick your preferred hero and then use them when able to. no limits as to who in what era, etc.
B. they're not ready to show more prequel stuff yet
Kill yourselves normies
Shut your mouth. My grandfather was 1 of the 6 million Gungans that the Trade Federation killed. Never forget.
They're obviously not ready yet.
BF2 looked like honest garbage. Better than Bf1 but still shit.
>People play anachronistic heroes instead of Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-Wan
>No Naboo Royal Guard despite having their goofy yellow ships
>No non-scripted building destruction
Destroy the techno union ships!
>Star Wars
>not the most normie shit out there
I dont have a problem with different armies fighting in different maps, but the armies should be coherent. Rey should belong to the Resistence Army. Han to the Rebels. Maul was ok with the droids.
>propagating republic lies
It was either not having a naboo map or having a naboo map with clones. I don't even like the game from what it looks like but let's not pretend it's reasonable to make an entire faction for one fucking map. On top of that, many maps in classic battlefront let you play them in either era, because it was fun to.
And Darth Maul is alive well into the end of the prequels. He dies two years before A New Hope.
Also Magna Guards.
>Rey fighting Darth Maul
Why are the clones even the army for this battle anyways?
They weren't even around until the next movie.
They also confirmed Yavin 4 and that new planet of The Last Jedi.
There is literally no pleasing you shitlords, is there?
Women are useless on the battlefield
dumb fuckin' frogposter
>Why don't you appreciate this game that's like Battlefront 2 but worse?
Get out with your measured response REEEEEEEEEEE
>women already crying on twitter on iJustine's behalf because she's irrelevant and people were quick to point that out
>we've taken all feedback on board and fixed everything everyone complained about
>still cant land ships
>heroes are still clunky
ye woteva m8
I'm down with the non-canon fights
I'm not down with potential balance issues, Darth Maul looks OP as hell.
>Rey shows up
>gets killed immediately
>gets killed immediately by a standard battle droid
Do vehicles even spawn on the map?
Its Battlefield 1 Star Wars bruv, you spawn mid-flight
>those droid voices
For fuck's sake the Phantom Menace voices are the best iteration, they got ruined in Revenge of the Sith. Fuck EA. Also where's the goddamn droidekas? Might as well not even have droids at all if they're not in.
>The main characters of the prequels are unplayable
>battle of naboo
>have to fucking use jar jar binks' army
are the heroes we've seen seriously the only ones coming with launch? fucking lazy cunts. where the fuck is qui gon and obi wan?
No, you use the battlepoints you get from playing to fly them
I figured they were showing off what they had fully completed at that point without rhyme or reason. Just shove it all in one 30 minute match.
>tfw we will never get Battlefront 2 with 1's polish
Fucking this. I was expecting some droideka action but no, just boring foot soldiers that do nothing different
Gotta save something for those FREE* updates, user!
Pretty sure they showed what they have done so far
Why the fuck else would anyone pick Han Solo or Bobby Fett over a Jedi/Sith
I would assume that you can choose your preferred hero to summon into battle, one for the 'jedi' slot and one for the 'shooter' slot. That way you're never stuck with a shitty hero you don't like playing
Otherwise fuck them if they seriously didn't include a single prequel hero besides Maul and Yoda.
>no Dooku
Surely you can do better
>tfw no Battlefront 3
As someone who only watches the e3 cringe comps, can someone explain to me why all of Sup Forums is up in arms right now?
>And Darth Maul is alive well
>that spider abomination
Nigga was literally broken. Daddy emperor slapping him around didn't help thankfully he's finally at peace.
Sup Forums can't comprehend the battle taking place between ep 2 and 3, which is why droids vs clones is happening. Most people seem to think it's just the battle from TPM.
Well, the dlc will be free so I really don't care
>Falling for the pre-alpha meme
Come on, user
You guys know that, come launch, the proper characters will be in their respective time periods, right? You know that they are just showcasing one map, one game mode and 4 characters that they either anticipate will be most played or characters that still need to be tested/leveled more, right?
You guys know all that, right? You aren't monogloids, are you?
Of course not. You're Sup Forums. The smartest board on all the Internet.
>Naboo being invaded
>not during Episode 1
Thats more fucking stupid than them just inserting clones into TPM
Literally the only sensible conclusions in the thread. God people are retarded.
>You guys know that, come launch, the proper characters will be in their respective time periods, right?
Do you really believe this? And you call OTHERS mongoloids? please be baiting
>Seppies still hate Padme up until the start of the clone war conflict as seen in AOTC
>"Let's attack her home planet, and the capitol at that, to make her surrender to us."
It makes perfect sense user
>here's where it gets interesting
>he thinks theres gonna be obi wan, anakin, qui gon, dooku, grievious, plo koon, mace windu, kit fisto all on launch
>they're just playtesting them guys ;)
this is ea, they usually show everything they have to offer.
It's not hard to believe clone and separatist army fighting on Naboo during clone wars. The immersion breaker was episode 1 Maul, Han Solo, Boba Fett, and Rey in the same battle. This is probably a instant action mode or something similar but it's still weird.
But I think for the purpose of showing them off they were included just for that game play demo only.
>trusting EA
Who is the retard here?
You're right! How dare they have clones fighting droids on Naboo? How can they be so stupid?
they didnt show everything with battlefront 1 though, just Hoth, Luke and Vader.
Can someone post the Sup Forums guide for old battlefront 2 multiplayer? I just reinstalled because of the conference and I want the mods.
Yeah because galactic conquest is the epitome of canon
If the game was pre-alpha it wouldn't even be functional. The game is past beta state.
he means phase 2 troops fighting droids on naboo doesn't make sense. but the originals could let you do that too so he's autistic i guess
Repeating a failed offensive is just stupid
I don't know
what the fuck are they thinking
Star Wars is all about repeating the same mistakes and never learning from them.
>Yeah because battlefront is the epitome of canon
Fix'd, m'lady
She had just gotten in a fight with Maul
>Battlefront game
Why are people so triggered by the Bf2 gameplay?
Heroes are probably still powerful, just easier to kill so people have a fighting chance or don't get spawn killed.
Sup Forums just wants something to get triggered over. They've become the very same SJWs they claim to hate so much. It's pathetic, really.
>subscribe to keep reading
Fuck off WSJ
DICE have confirmed different era heroes are for certain game modes only, so who cares
I'm kinda happy about the cosmetic system
Maybe EA will have incentive to keep adding cool comestics
yeah those other 3 maps with the same heroes were a lot to miss out on
Anything will trigger dumb frogposters, thats why they frogpost, having any saved images of frogs turns you into a full autist shitposter
>Multiplayer is the epitome of canon.
Proofs? I would actually encourage them to let players mix and match eras and levels so I don't care. But I do want phase 1 (unless is customization shit, it is right? ).
>Mos Eisley heroes is the epitome of canon
I dont care about the Clones being out of place on Naboo, I'm just glad THEY SENT IN THE SUPERS
Literally who made this argument?
They are.