
Yes, in practically every way except they think "space battles" means starfighter battles.

I enjoyed it, I think they covered enough bases in a short period of time
The out of place heroes are going to trigger some people but I mean it's EA. Be happy that's the ONLY thing they've fucked up so far.

Fucking Jews.

>not planning to lock maps behind paywalls
this alone means its chances of not dying horribly in 3 months are better than last time

Depends, does it still cost 120€?

>3x as much content in the base game
>local multiplayer
>handled all the complaints from the previous game
>basically made a Frostbite version of BF2
>all DLC is free to everyone
I think they've actually done good for once.

>Still no space battles
>No respect for canon or timeline placement
>No droidekas
>Didn't hear a single "WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS"
>Disney shit
>Darth Maul can't reflect blasters because "muh balancing"
>Environment was more destructible in the old Battlefront games
It's shit

I thought the heroes were just placeholders currently

Nah they just said on the stream that it's intentional

You can select any hero in the game with your points.

The anachronistic heroes are going to bug the shit out of me.

No. It looks no different from the first.

why the fuck was everything in TPS when it's clearly an FPS-oriented game

it looked clunky asf

it looks a lot better, i still wish they had vehicles on the map. also no 64vs64 sucks

ill need to see how deep the customization/classes and different gamemodes/maps are before i make a judgement. tentatively hopeful


Spectator mode

I think they might have, it looks fuckin' good.
First time I've ever been hype for an EA game.

Gunplay looks like shit
No class expect Officer offers teamplay oriented abilities.
Looks better than Battlefront 1 but still meh.

This. The price will be jewy as fuck and the game will still have less options than BF2.

i guarantee to compensate for that they will be wanting people to buy 'battlepoints' as they called them to buy vehicles and heroes

getting vehicles without paying is going to be a grind, and then youll have moments where you grinded x credits for however long it took to unlock this vehicle and then as soon as you get in it gets shot down immediately

its not a good solution


It's a huge improvement on Battlefront 1 but that's really not saying much

>>handled all the complaints from the previous game
>>basically made a Frostbite version of BF2
>>all DLC is free to everyone

>No capture points
>Sketchy looking "class" system that still uses paywall cards
>only ONE dlc is free, it's small and should have been in the game to begin with, seeing as how it's still in pre-alpha and has already been announced.
x as much content in the base game
STILL not as much as the original battlefront 2
Don't act like a shill nigger please

Batllepoints are just your score. It's like a revamped version of BF2's class system where more powerful classes or heroes were locked behind kills.
There will absolutely be microtransactions for those skill cards though.

Looked at empty and soulless as Battlefront 1.

They're pushing the "cinematic" angle so hard they forgot that you have to actually add GAMEPLAY and make it FUN.

There's just fucking lasers and explosions happening on the screen every microsecond because that's what the ~kids~ like and it won't capture their attention if the game isn't giving them epileptic seizures every game.

She literally clarified that all post-game content is free like 3 times, lad.

>Game II
>Game II

It definitly got my attention.

I thought MTT assault was just gonna be a reskin of Walker Assault but they added more phases so that was nice, vehicles look like they control better. Only complaint is that heroes can now be selected from any era. Just rustles my SW autism but whatever. I sure hope we can change the armor colors though, I wanna be 501st.

did you ever want to play a star wars game where two teams sit on each side of a door and throw explosives at each other? have you ever wanted to play a game where the hero goes around the flank and gets 40-50 kills every match?

you came to the right place

Do you think there will be a "deluxe" version? What do you think will be in it? Is this your first EA reveal?

It's just a cross between BattleFront 2 and Battlefield 1, it looks like pure unadulterated fun.
I can't believe people on this board are calling it shit when they play hyper casual garbage like Overwatch.

Battlefront has always been a FPS/TPS

The game looks like it plays just like the first one aka shit.

you really think they arent gonna let you buy battlepoints to get the vehicles without being good?
that is a microtransaction currency sounding name if i ever heard one
its EA m8, this is something right up their alley

>Game II
>Game: Renegade Squadron
>Game: Elite Squadron
>Game II

As someone who's been playing the old battlefront 2 recently, the gameplay actually looks similar this time around. Third person camera option, the class system, and just the movement in general looked closer to the source material, and that's great. I also like that the gun models look like actual star wars guns, rather than the shit we had in 1 like the MP40 with a battery strapped to it and the M50 HMG without the box mag. It could be total shit to actually play, but from the gameplay reveal it does really look like it's changed since their first attempt and been designed to better honor what the franchise it meant to be.

Space battles are still gonna be shit if they don't have capital ships and boarding parties, though

Because the original battlefront 2 had third person, so they're bringing it here too. Third-person was fine then, done correctly it'll be fine again here. I actually liked it, not as an all-the-time thing but having the option was nice.

>3x the content as the original game
It astounds me how naive you retards fall for their tricks every time. The original game was barebones as fuck, 3x as that would be CoD tier content moron.

Well they added Boba Fett, Han Solo, and Rey as a playable fighter IN A PREQUEL BATTLE

Oh wait, there is a deluxe version. pic related. EA will never stop being jews.

hey dude lets sit around this corner and throw grenades while the jedi fucks our asses and gets 50 kills. real fun game

I'm shitting on it just because I cannot stand third person multiplayer shooters. Also wish the class system offered abilities closer to what DICE does with Battlefield games. But that's just me.

desu if they confirm that there would be a server setting to turn off third person view I might change my tune

I'll get it, but that's cuz I'm pretty normie I guess.

I still battlefield 4 with a friend from time to time, and the old BF2 was my shit, so it's good enough for me.

I'm sure they'll ditch the wrong era heroes once they see how many people it annoys.

you're right, that IS a fun game

Nigga a lot of the OG Star Wars guns ARE just real guns with some shit strapped to them.

I'm pretty sure the main rifle used by the Rebellion is just an old German Sturmgewehr with some parts glued on.

Looks like it plays like shit though.

>I don't know how to play around grenades and heroes so the game is bad
Why do you care about the new battlefront 2 if you didn't even like the old one?

there's more. What's the over/under on some loot box type system?

>No dlc they said

>ability modifiers
there it is
EA never changes

It's still less content than original BFII.
Less heroes, less unit types, still no dodges, everything they show is just 'look at this thing BFII had but our latest game didn't!'

I imagine it will have tons of micro transactions to use this shit then.

>droid perspective
>suddenly boba
>suddenly rey

What the fuck is happening?

Anyway, i'm so glad my clanker boys are back and wreckin shit again.

All of this for JUST $80!!! WHAT A DEAL ! I'd be stupid to not buy 5 for me and all my friends!

I'm pretty sure you can switch to first person in your settings, just like the first game.

And the classes do offer different abilities tho.

>Less heroes

I seriously doubt this but whatever keeps your autism at bay

either naive or a shill
this is EA were talking about
if it doesnt have lootboxes ill eat my own dick
the battlepoints system is set up perfectly for it too

The guns are all 70/80's movie shit, turns out they can't deviate from the original designs.

Visually, it looks awesome.
Gameplay wise, it looks better thanks to no card and pickup bullshit (you do well, you get to be a hero, as it should be)
I'm not sure what I should be worried about.


its was absolute garbage

I hope someone gets fired for that disaster

they did have dodges
but yeah everything they showed is stuff that should have been in the first game, not really raising the bar


>thanks to no card
I have bad news for you user. Very bad news.

thanks for finding the thing I should be worried about

i fucking hate how there are air battles on ground maps


There are space battles though, they just took out the on-foot sections.

This means no gunships for either the republic or CIS ;_:

It was in the gameplay trailer you blind fuck

There literally are space battles, you niggers. It was the first thing they talked about after the initial reveal

The complaint so far is we haven't seen capital ships and boarding them, which was arguably the main appeal of space battles in old battlefront 2. Most of us know the battles are gonna be in the game, the question/concern is if they're gonna be ships-only or like the old game.

>Still no space battles

one was litteraly teased at the end, with x-wings and the MF

i guarantee it will be chokepoint shit with one door and both teams just spamming gadgets at each other until the jedi shows up

>Skills modifiers and improvements
Thats totally microtransaction shit.
>Buy one for 4 dollars or grind 80 hours
I guess its better than having paid DLC AND microtransactions at the same time.

The whole point of space battles was to disable the enemy's defenses so you could land inside their ship and fuck it up from the inside. Without that part it's just a generic TDM mode

Again, why do you care about the new game if you didn't even like the old one? There's plenty of counter-play to your issue, the most obvious being "use a different door" because there's almost literally never only one entry/exit to a room/area. You can also just spawn somewhere else and come at them from another angle, unless your team is such a mess you've been pushed down to only having one control point, in which case yeah you're gonna be frustrated because you're losing and the other team is better than you.

This, it could maybe be fun without the capital ships but it's pretty unlikely.

Dodges were patched into the first eafront and happened once or twice in the eafront 2 gameplay

The gameplay trailer is up on the EA SW Youtube channel. Of course any others trying to leech off that video would get deleted.