So how would you rate the EA conference?
Shit was garbage honestly.
So how would you rate the EA conference?
6/10, hoping anthem turns out to be good
A Way Out looks good
Battlefront 2 looks good
Ending on Battlefront 2 and not one of the few major Star Wars games in development is insane, and a fucking mobile game cutaway holy FUCK
That was it. 2 games. Anthem is going to be a MMO-lite Destiny game
star wars was the only good part of the show. atleast they did not drag things up.
Nothing interesting or exciting
I liked NFS and Battlefront, although i know NFS was mostly bullshots.
it's probably going to be better than wiiu ports: the show
Why the fuck did I even watch this shit again/10
aka 1/10
Battlefront 2 looked nice but it sucks that there won't be galaxy conquest mode
A Way Out is gonna be a disaster unless you have someone who is willing to play with you.
its either gonna be a decent successes or a huge failure.
>the good
BF2 actually impressed me, it looks like a step forward from the first. I'm thoroughly hyped for the prison thing they teased, too. NFS looks okay, as long as the driving takes SOME degree of skill over playing an arcade it'll be fine.
>the bad
4/10, being generous
Stay mad corporate cuck
Can anyone link the battlefront stuff?
Too much talk, too much sports, expected waaaay more games being announced.
Holy hell, absolutely nothing interesting was shown. Battlefront 2 looks the same as the last iteration, and the rest was sports. Maybe the co-op prison escape game could be good, but I doubt it.
Once again, EA leads the industry in producing worthless piles of trash.
I want a compilation of people choking. I only watched the last hour and there was a lot, there must've been more.
i don't know, lets see what the script is saying..........................
Dumpster Fire/10
Im just waiting for Todd to lie to me tomorrow and to see if MH comes to PS4 on monday. Don't give a shit about anything else cause i knew E3 was gonna be shit this year
A Way Out will probably be the new TLOU
Battlefront 2 was pretty wild
That's all I cared about it. rest was pretty throwaway.
I give it an earnest SPORTS/10
Trying their best to kill video games
The most interesting bit was Uncharted co op.
NFS was garbage.
Battlefront is the same shit.
Rest was garbage.
>tfw I didn't watch because it was fucking EA
Literally one interesting game, and its not that unique
This guy doesn't have friends.
>December 2012
>EA given exclusive rights to make Star Wars Games
>We're excited to show off more Battlefront 2 and Mobile games
Remember growing up with like 3 good star wars games a year?
not quite as hot garbage nothing as last year (not like that's difficult)
3/10. Only somewhat interested in battlefront 2. Whether I buy it or not will be dependent on the open beta.
Battlefront 2 looks interesting. That was about it. It went to go take a shit after they started talking about sports.
It was literally nothing. A Way Out was tainted by being announced in that shitshow.
+ A Way Out
+ Actually putting some effort into the sports games
Everything else I don't care about
Blew me away by how bad it was.
Absolutely fucking awful/10.
>expecting shit from bioware to be good
Haven't you realized, user?
>2017 A.D.
>He still watches the EA conference
F. See Dewey.
this guy has friends. willing to play games with no less
To many stupid sports games and overly dramatic trailers. Battlefield 2 looked boring as fuck and lasted way to long.
The drinking game was good though, finished all of my whisky
Only thing halfway interesting was the prison game and Battlefront looking not as bad
Was also interested in ANTHEM but that seems like its gonna be more of a Microsoft conference thing rather than EA
but yeah it was cringy shit
F-, might be good for microsoft tomorrow tho
they managed to make battlefront boring again, the only thing that was slightly interesting was A Way Out
6/10, A way out and youtube spaghetti-kun lifts an otherwise awful conferance
Battlefront 2 looked chaotic and fun. Only other thing I liked was the 2 player co-op prison break game because I have brothers and playing co-op with them is fun as fuck. Besides that nothing really caught my interest.
The female host was cute.
may buy battlefront 2. have to first see what they plan to do with all dlcs.
Couldn't give less of a fuck about sports, Need for Speed, BioWare, indie games, Star Wars and "muh diversity".
Like every year, EA get's one point for just having a conference at all. Because that's all they get.
>IGN is talking about how EA's going to take "our" money
>Mentions how it's free content, but will probably have stuff like purchasable cosmetics
>They bring up Overwatch, even though that system is dogshit
It's ALMOST LIKE EA has ANOTHER GAME that has this kind of method.
It's ALMOST LIKE EA threw Titanfall 2 under the fucking bus, and now they're suddenly the good guys for having free DLC that affects gameplay.
Only thing of any interest was that A Way Out and Battlefront 2 which still looks gutted for DLC, just less immediately obvious.
At least it can only go up from here.
A Way Out looks cool but other than that it was a wasted hour and a half.
a way out looks jew nose/10
battlefront looks fucking unfinished, again
and the need for speed looks more like a burnout game
post report cards lads
I'm literally seeing red. I didnt think this was possible, but EA legitimately pissed me off.
Its one thing to try to oversell your new game to the public, but its another to entirely cover up the existence of the original that put you on the map, then act like it never happened. And worst of all, all these "NEW MECHANICS" aren't even new, they're all from SFBII even worse, they're not even as GOOD. its like they intentionally halved/gimped them for no fucking reason!
BFII had 128 Vs 128
BFII did this too, as supers, droidekas, battledroids and more
>Also in both BFs
All this shit stain of a company even cares about, Muh fucking graphics. I can't even believe this is allowed in this day and age, If the PS$ is such a HUGE IMPROVEMENT with its online, then why the hell doesnt this new technology allow for MORE online content, NOT less? For fucks sake, this DLC is laughable compared to even the fucking PS2 content
I am literally so pissed that I just went to ebay and bought a used copy of SBFII just because. Oh and hey, guess what EA? For $9.99 I get a case with a fucking MANUAL. Do i get even that much for your $59.99 PS4 shitstain of a reboot? DIDNT FUCKING THINK SO.
Sam Hyde kidnapping animators and holding them hostage in Stockholm. 10/10
>trailer shows fucking nothing
A Way Out seems neat. Definitely seems like a game I'd like to play with my brother. Battlefront 1 looked like a disaster right from the original reveal, but Battlefront 2 actually looks pretty good. Need for Speed Payback is ripping off Fate of the Furious so hard that it's fucking embarrassing. So, two good looking games, one bad game, and a bunch of cringe worthy speakers tripping up live. I guess 4/10.
0/10. At least Konami 2012 was funny.
literal 0/10
I liked Jade Empire and Dragon Age Origins
It was fucking abysmal.. lets hope "IT JUST WORKS" guy has some cool shit
The only good things about it were thst coop game, that Xbox game and bf2. Means out of like the 10 games they showed, only 3 were good. 3/10
>"most diverse open world that we've ever built for need for speed"
>shows only fucking desert
Battlefront II was decent, but still worse than old Battlefront II.
Rest was shit.
Battlefront 2 was what I wanted and I got it. Game looks way better. Cautiously optimistic.
NFS looked terrible, bump into cars until the explode
>still looks gutted for DLC, just less immediately obvious.
All the content-based DLC is free
they'll end up selling skins
You'll get bored with it in a week. Save your money.
cant wait for sony, that shit its gonna be intense
It did its job for EA, combined with the amount of anti-cod astroturfing it made IW a failure and everyone suck of the dick of bf1.
I kinda think they sold all their stuff to MS or Sony. EA's briefing was pretty much pointless.
0/10 disgusting waste of time, fuck video games i'm out of here
Those people aren't there anymore.
you guys expect too much from an EA ,conference
4/10.would've prefered less sports shit but can't blame them since europoor fags buy nothing but fifa
My favourite moment from EA this time. Some history user please redpill me on those awesome women battalions who decided the war in russia's favour.
Iconic russian world war I female death squad/10
I couldn't care less about anything EA does, honestly. Don't remember the last time I bought one of their games.
BF2 looks alright, seems they took feedback well from the first one. But I'm not a big SW fan, and at the end of the day it is still just another DICE shooting game which I'm pretty sick of at this point.
A Way Out looks interesting, but I have no one to play it with.
NFS driving physics looked like shit.
Overall, I'll probably never play any of the games they showed, so 0/10.
wost E3 conference ever
Might play the coop game. Other than that not interested in 40 year old "scifi" game
Literally sick of starwars
A rare sight everyone; Actual honesty about what matters in gaming in the midst of anger.
They mean Freemium.
Look into your heart you know it to be true.
1 is for making Hershlag Sup Forums related
From last year's E3, its just going to be the same battlefront trailer sent to the MS or Sony show with some plastered sign up for beta included, eating precious time from other games.
EA and Ubisoft are really bad for E3 in general.
lol this autist
nuke ea, im no fucking joking.
>its either gonna be a decent successes or a huge failure
Fucking Nostradamus right here
D+, Battlefront 2 shows promise and that Way Out came looks intriguing. Everything else was absolute Dogshit though.
Just nuke US. No need to nuke EU as it will destroy itself in a few years
That's what Burnout 3 was and everyone loved that game.
That whole Star Wars segment though