Dark Souls 2, just made it to The Rotten boss fight and got my ass kicked
The EA press conference and probably Shingeki no Bahamut
Smashing Pumpkins and Modest Mouse
Oyasumi Punpun
A lot of beer during the EA E3 conference
Takeda Hiromitsu doujins
Pretty damn comfy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fire emblem: Radiant Dawn
EA conference
Odd Future

wow of warcraft
red warszawa
ordinary men
tuborg guld
prdy gud

The Leftovers and Shingeki no Bahamut
Ghost, Pink Floyd, Mogwai and Modest Mouse.
The Way of Kings. Got like 100 pages left
Just had chicken
just did
The EA conference was literally 0/10

Maybe some PUBG and Overwatch later
E3 w/ Vinesauce
Chinese Football
This thread
Leftover pizza or Apple Jacks
Green apple Gatorade
Summertime Saga

Persona 5
Cow Chop
Ski Mask The Slump God
Sup Forums
Leftover Wendys
Not today
Pretty good even tho E3 is sucking right now

>even tho E3 is sucking right now
It's just EA, what did you expect? Tomorrow is when the real fun begins.

Played some Rising Storm 2 earlier. Maybe more of that. Also played Dark Souls 3 and Metal Gear Solid. Thinking of starting a new playthrough of FE Fates Conquest, which I started ages ago and dropped for reasons I can't remember
EA's shit conference
I don't know, might get myself some toast or something.
Did a while ago, to some pantyhose
Comfy, but not as comfy as I will be when the sun finally goes down. The moon is infinitely better than the sun.

Stardew Valley, Free Cities
EAE3, wew what a farce
Giant Bomb dudes talking over it
Just some za'
Free Cites

not sure yet
Sup Forums,twitch that
monster, water
like shit shouldnt have eat all that

>twitch that
You need to be 18+ to post here

For some reason, I expected more from EA. I need to stop making that mistake every E3.

Halo Wars 2 MP
Finishing the documentary "DUMB" on Hulu about Big Brother Magazine
This Will Destroy You, Stars of the Lid, Tycho
E3 Articles
Leftover carnitas from last night
Angel Blade, feeling old school.
Summer makes me wish I were still young

Oh fuck lookie here its Lala-friend.
How are you buddy?
Sorry the /cwt/ threads have gone unposted...

Some TF2
Nothing, maybe End of Evangelion later
No Country For Old Men
Sweet Tea
Awful, These next two weeks are going to be awful.

some new vegas and some eu4
youtube videos
metro 2034
I'll have some leftover spaghetti
orange juice
I will just look on /s/
Pretty Good for now

RoR later and maybe some Skullgirls training.
Trigun, Maid Dragon
Whatever's on KOST 103.5.
The Good War, Tsugumomo, and Mai Ball
Holding off until tonight for a massive turkey my uncle shot.
As much water as I can stomach because of killer headaches from not drinking enough.
Holding off for a while.
Classes finally ended, so I'm relieved but exhausted. Gotta figure out what to do over the summer other than playing vidya.

Arctic Monkeys
This thread
Sesame Chicken and rice
Will be once my fucking gf goes to work and leaves me alone

meh, nothing.
Tech moan
sandman comics
wenslydale cheese
champion ale
meh, no
seriously worried about my health

Hi friend!
Yeah, haven't seen those in a while. I really liked them.

Just posted one a couple minutes ago, and the Discord is still open for people who wanna join!
I know you said you're pretty shy, but there's two or three people who don't even speak in the chat.
You're more than welcome to join us!

How's work been btw? Are you drinking lots of water?

Call of Chernobyl and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Picked it up after a 2 year break, still pretty fun. Trying to win with MiFi
Accursed Farms videochats with fans, great background noise
sweating my ass off

Finally got back to Breath of the Wild and finished it earlier. Might finish FE Echoes today and I'm gonna play some Wipeout too.
Probably random youtube videos so I feel less lonely.
Mi Goreng ramen
Maybe, think I'm too lazy.
In a bit of pain and it's hot but I think I'm ok.

What's summertime saga

What's summertime saga

Holy shit include me in the screen cap lol

Tekken 7 also that KoF mobile game
E3, fifa is so fucking shit man
Assorted Rick James
Blackcurrant Squash


Just started Divine Divinity. Seems good so far
Penny Dreadful


Not today


Water of course


Decent. My hangover from yesterday is gone, and I'm pretty calm. However, I should spend some time on my master's thesis, but can't be bothered. I also sorta got a chick's number last night, but I'm not sure if she's friendzoning me or not

Feel like playing an MMO, though I'm not sure which. I'd go back to Dragon Nest but I feel like playing with a character creator for a bit as well. Please recommend
Nothing now that sports 'n star wars is over.
Medaka box
Something animated I guess
Little bad but whatever

>Same image hash

>shared reaction image with his friend via usb

Hey new friend, the same image hash cannot be in the same thread

not new, but the more you know.

whats wrong?

Nadda'. Getting ready to have a kegger.
E3 conference mix.
Nothing yet. Cooking some meatballs!
Pic related. 110 beer... Literally.
Getting a roastie to suck it later
A little sick, but otherwise good!

Ff9, I've played and beaten all 1-8 in the past year or two so I'm gonna try to catch up. After that I might play Persona 4 or 3 because I liked 5,is the vita version of 3 good?
I'm a faggot and started watching Steven universe but I think I might drop it, otherwise I was watching evangelion
Jilly Boel
Haven't read in a while, but the last book I read was Catch 22 and that was good
Probably McDonald's because it is easy and at my work
Diet coke and wa'ah
Gonna be tired after I get off work at 10, but tomorra I'm going to be off so probably
Mostly good

Overwatch, grind for that SMT Nocturne matador fight
E3 EA Press conference, Bubblegum Crisis, Eromanga-sensei
shuffled misc.
Stephen King - The Dark Tower II
Bratwursts w/ Mustard & Ketchup
Dr. P
later m8
somewhat tired, that press conference was shiiiit

dunno, some lung/heart problems that I was ignoring for the last few weeks are getting worse. Seeing doctor in few days, slightly worried about the possible outcomes. Not really in the mood for vidya right now sadly.

Sniper Elite 4, it's my first Sniper Elite game and it's suprisingly good, it feels like old school vidya
Ricky Gervais Show/E3 shit
Pizza, garlic bread, cookies
Tired after a long shift yesterday but comfy

Elysium Wow. Alterac Valley out soon. Trying to level up my 2 handed sword skills before Obsidian Edged Blade comes out.
Nothing. Too busy w/ wow/e3
Straight Trash
Doing the Dew
Nein. At meind brudar's house.
Fucking awesome.