Wow Sup Forums, I'm literally seeing red. I didnt think this was possible, but EA legitimately pissed me off

Wow Sup Forums, I'm literally seeing red. I didnt think this was possible, but EA legitimately pissed me off.

Its one thing to try to oversell your new game to the public, but its another to entirely cover up the existence of the original that put you on the map, then act like it never happened. And worst of all, all these "NEW MECHANICS" aren't even new, they're all from SFBII even worse, they're not even as GOOD. its like they intentionally halved/gimped them for no fucking reason!

BFII had 128 Vs 128
BFII did this too, as supers, droidekas, battledroids and more
>Also in both BFs
All this shit stain of a company even cares about, Muh fucking graphics. I can't even believe this is allowed in this day and age, If the PS$ is such a HUGE IMPROVEMENT with its online, then why the hell doesnt this new technology allow for MORE online content, NOT less? For fucks sake, this DLC is laughable compared to even the fucking PS2 content

I am literally so pissed that I just went to ebay and bought a used copy of SBFII just because. Oh and hey, guess what EA? For $9.99 I get a case with a fucking MANUAL. Do i get even that much for your $59.99 PS4 shitstain of a reboot? DIDNT FUCKING THINK SO.

Other urls found in this thread:

calm down nerd

EA is a soulless predator.

I do like what they showed off, but I wholeheartedly agree.

>Class Systems!
Literally 2004+13
See above

Also where the fuck was the Droideka

So you're basically saying that this game isn't the same game as the one that came out ten years ago?
I see.

>anachronistic heroes

>I'm literally seeing red
Fuck the video game, call a fucking ambulance bro, that can't be good!

Hey OP I'm going to buy it and there's nothing you can do about it.


>I'm literally seeing red
lmao kill yourself

I'm going to buy it and play it and have fun and there's nothing OP can do about it.


I was legitimately angry the way they hyped up Droids as if it was this brand new thing you could never play before

>20 vs 20

hahahahaha oh man EA, way to fuck over everyone

Imagine getting this asshurt for a series that wasn't all that amazing to begin with.

>it's literally unreal tounaments assault mode with improved graphics and star wars themed

Yeah, they're doing what the old Battlefront 2 did, but that's not necessarily bad.
Battlefront 2 was one of the most exciting-sounding games ever, it had everything that anybody could ask for in an online multiplayer game, but when you actually played it online, it felt really shallow and spammy, and it's just gotten worse over time.

If they can recreate the original precedent of Battlefront 2, and make the gameplay the old one had in single-player also feel as good online, then it'll be a much better game.

>That filename

Jesus Christ, OP. Fucking kill yourself.

why dont you just kill yourself if you dont have any standard you pig

As someone who played the first Battlefront on PC when it came out and played Battlefront II first on the Xbox hueg, the PSP, and then the PC, I think it looks alright. Some things definitely need improvement, but the only thing I'm really hoping for right now is better map design because that Naboo map looked fucking awful. All of the class abilities and different weapons look like they could make up for this game's shortcomings if DICE doesn't fuck them up.

>128 vs 128

No it fucking didn't.


Learn to read, retard.

That's the first thing I thought when I glossed through the replay.
>we took our shitty copy of OG BF2 and just took MORE IDEAS from it
sainde seiane dor
chary ka

Great. Not my problem that you like to waste your money. Enjoy being poor.

>vehicles still don't spawn on the fucking map
>buy everything with points
Fuck it

Ok, then don't buy it and keep playing the old BF2 with Tunngle, what's the problem?

Did that ever even happen during OG BF2? Sounds like one of those things you could never get together but goddamn it would've been amazing if you could.

>60 bucks will break the bank

Sounds like you're the poor faggot here.

>posting on a internet Taiwanese cartoon message board

>all these ea shills


It was a fucking corridor.

In the original BF, you assaulted the Gungans in the fields with a shitload of droids and tanks and blew their fields. Then you went over to fight non-linearly in Theed.

Believe it or not, that was in OG BG2. Mustafar in the GCW era got you Obi-Wan (Rebels) & Anakin (Empire)

I was actually considering getting the new BFII before the conference considering free dlc and stuff, but now... not at all.

It's the same FUCKING GAME

>I make poor financial decisions
>But I'm totally rich guys, trust me!!
A $7 coffee isn't going to kill your finances, except when you do it twice a day. It sets a pattern of stupid that will hurt you.

>As someone


>BFII had 128 Vs 128

Not even close. It was 12 vs 12.

>Spending money on something you want is a poor financial decision
>Having more than $60 to your name = being rich

You really are a poor nigger.

>Reddit spacing
You first, champ.

Actually no, PC could go much, much higher.

It just never happened because how the fuck are you going to get 128 people together for one game

It's game mode specific. God forbid you be given the choice. What next, you bitch about hero brawl in the OG games where Boba Fett was gutting Qui-Gon?

well online is was 24 vs 24

and like battlefield 2, i "could" support 128 v 128 but its harder to get 256 people together

No I'm not. Because I wouldn't spend $60 or $80 (deluxe version) on trash.

Just bring back Hero Assault mode on Mos Eisley. Conquest was fun and all, but Hero Vs Villians was awesome.

>Game hasn't come out yet
>My opinion is objectively true

Sup Forums...Sup Forums never changes.

Won't make it a good game.

I have a friend who bought and was disappointed by the first EA Battlefront. He's hyped for the second.

I don't know what is wrong with some people.

>AAA EA yearly sequel trash

that was a hack to be able to have the mustafar duel

it doesn't make any sense for obi-wan to lead the separatists

everything else was era appropriate

can someone explain to me why darth maul is killing clone troopers on Taboo in the battlefront 2 trailer? I thought the clones were from Episode 2 after maul died

then prove your point right retard lol

because if you stick to the canon he can't be in the war and he's a fan favorite

Not as pissed off as you are, but I really want a reboot of the Galactic Conquest mode. Personally gives BFII much more replay value.

>ciatation needed

Canon has Maul alive during the Clone Wars, all the way until 2 years before RO/ANH.

>battle droids have the clone wars retard voices
>not the proper phantom menace voices

unironically the thing I hate the most


Screenshot this so I can told you all I called it.

>the company that is know for doing yearly rehash for everything they have without any real improvements does nothing for their latest game

What did you expect? BF died after 1942.


>t. Consolecuck

but from the clone war series, half of his body was robotic? in the trailer he was normal.

Yeah, when they did modern warfare four years before Call of Duty that was so unoriginal.

>No retort
>"W-well you're still wrong, retard! LMAO!!"

Pathetic and predictable. My point was that spending 60 bucks on something you want to spend 60 bucks on isn't inherently a bad investment. Your "point" was that Battlefront 2 is bad. Your opinion is not an objective fact, which you're already aware of.

Find a window to jump out of, faggot.

they had a lot of cool voices and sounds for the droids back then

It's gonna sell 20 million you retard

I guess you just aren't a Star Wars fan.

Being half-robotic would literally just be a skin change. Like how we saw TLJ Rey's costume in the behind the scenes video prior to the 15 minute gameplay, but during the gameplay itself, Rey had her TFA skin instead.

>it's an 'user doesn't understand SW canon, still' episode

you're not talking to the same guy lol you should invest your time in something better instead of being wrong on the internet

I doubt it will be that good.

>I don't know what is wrong with some people.

Goldfish memory and "Hype" trailers. People forgot about all the past lies and mistakes in a few weeks. It's really that bad.

Even though people get disappointed time after time after time again, they say "I will NEVER buy another EA game again!", all EA has to do is put out one mildly good-looking trailer or game footage, even if it's a complete lie from the actual game, and people will eat it right up, because they completely forgot the last game and its faults.

It goes the same for many other things in life. Why do you think people keep voting in the same crooked politicians and keep accepting the same lies time after time again? People have short-term memory.

BF2 already cut half of the stuff BF 1942 had.

it doesn't matter if it is, everyone and their grandma has heard of this shit by now

the star wars canon is

movies > novelizations > radio plays > scripts

Not him, but people are going based of previous evidence like the first EA Battlefront's failure.

I'm not expecting much from this one, and I don't plan to buy it unless I really hear otherwise. Anyone that's smart would probably do the same.

Admit it, Sup Forums. You just hate EA because they're popular.

not to mention it just wasn't fun to play
>mfw underage are nostalgic for bf2
>they will never beach a carrier
>they will never coordinate with scouts for artillery
>they will never know the secret weapons feel

That's the amazing thing too. Who gets excited by trailers?

I mean, they're neat to see and all but they're just eye candy ESPECIALLY if there's no gameplay.

>user still believes this
RO had a cartoon-only character show up in person, and other things that are cartoon-only show up as well. The Last Jedi is literally using something teased/introduced in a comic as a main plot point.
Disney SW canon doesn't work like it did pre-Disney.

go look at the comments for the trailers right now and see the hordes of niglets and half baked white boys literally shitting themselves

>release battlefront reboot
>wtf you guys changed stuff, change it back!

>change stuff back for sequel
>wtf you're just rehashing the originals!

literally kys

Damn dude chill the fuck out.

Not anymore!

Canon is Movies, the CG Clone Wars and pretty much everything produced after April 2014.

SWBFEA1 is unironically a good game. it's a simple straightforward shooter. you got one gun, don't need to reload it. simple objectives that everyone can understand so everyone can into teamplay even normie retards.

simplicity of design is important and all they're doing to SWBFEA2 is loading it up with garbage just like recent battlefields

so diverse

The issue is they didn't change anything, retard

>changed stuff back
>vehicles and heroes require points to use

>Change stuff back for the sequel

Except they didnt you retard, they changed it to the bare minumum. The point is to make it BETTER than the old ones, not WORSE.

>Disney SW


>buying video games
>rationalization of bad financial decisions

yep it checks out. its poverty

T. brain dead shooter fan

yes you needed to get a certain amount of points to unlock powerful classes and heroes in battlefront 2



>I don't actually like FPS I just want to pretend to be shack tacticoolâ„¢
>mommy look I'm a real soldier

get outskilled

Not unlock user, USE. As in iot requires points just to USE the character. if you die, you have to spend POINTS again to USE the character AGAIN

Quality = 1 / Popularity

It's often true because things become needlessly more complex, casualized to appease a broader audience, more idiots involved, etc.

Yes but you didn't get fucking Han Solo while playing as clones.

>BFII had 128 Vs 128
Wait, how?

>Pandemic makes a proper Star Wars shooter on ancient PS2, Xbox, and PC hardware with tons of content twice
>Dice can barely make a butchered version of it on modern hardware

which is objectively a better way of gating the power characters

PC, but that never happened
Just like you can play EYE with 32 players