Describe the EA conference with one pic

describe the EA conference with one pic



>we don't have enough threads about this shit already

>imperial march plays
>half expecting Satan to walk on stage






I would hire Satan if I had a corporation. He runs a pretty tight ship of evil.



Shit was terrible

Who are the two white men all turned towards the white woman on the middle?

That's not a girl


Please tell me English isn't your first language.
Also your questions makes no sense. Who cares who they are.


right is the cuck, left is the bull

Literally a waste of time. Worst conference I've seen


You sit there, in the comfort of your own home.
Now imagine how terrible it was for the people actually present at the conference.

A Way Out looks interesting, Battlefront looks okay but I probably won't be getting it, literally couldn't give less of a shit about anything else.

Star wars

>just give everyone food bro, what could go wrong


There was a guy talking from behind the audience, what the fuck were they thinking.

>Not understanding that the more advanced a civilization gets the less likely they are to reproduce.



source homie?

I like how the majority of those "easily preventable deaths" are just African niggers. Remove them and that number suddenly is less impressive.

I stopped watching when they started the half hour Star Wars segment

did I miss surprises after that?

They even paid for it.

It ended after that. They had NOTHING to show. Worst conference ever.





>The apex of human civilization will be its death

Giving someone food does not advance them. That just gives them the bare minimum resources to pop out 6 other people that you will then also need to feed. And this isn't even taking into account the fact that on Africa's road to "advancement" you're going to have a second China polluting the atmosphere.


>the EA conference was shit

what a twist

pants on head retarded non argument kys



>the eternal nigger continent
>ever advancing


Commies are pure cringe, my god, i can ignore these tumblrtards and Sup Forumstards but commies just kills my braincells trying to emulate the kind of idiot that would believe in such nonsenses, its like advocating that by feeding the bears they would stop overbreeding.

The time they use to hunt would all be used for baby making, its like you lack the basic understand of how animals work, oh by the way, humans are also animals, i feel like even though its obvious i should mention it just in case.


E3 is where Ubisoft and EA shows you the upgraded game of the downgrade they sell you.


>ywn have this sexy maid as your personal property

