So why exactly did they include sorceries?

So why exactly did they include sorceries?
They require:

1. Intelligence/faith (Damage)
2. Attunement (mana cost/number of spells)
3. Endurance (huge stamina costs)
4. Dexterity (attspeed)

So after 4 vital stats, we must also have some vigor to not be 1 or two shotted by everything and we cannot wear any armor so we still sometimes do get 2 shotted.



- Front directional 9/10, lazily strafe to avoid or roll right through for faster win
- Start/end spell animation 2-3 seconds - please stand still and do not roll through them.
- Damage without 300hp abysmal - just let me refill that mana ba-
- 0 hit stun, enjoy dying at every trade ever

- Blue/Black
- Fax-level telegraphed attacks without variation
- No invincibilty on anything or poise (trade hit without interruption)

What do you think regarding DS3 sorceries in PvP?

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You have to really be a special kind of autistic tryhard to give a shit about Souls PvP

I'm a casual, I think it's fun, especially invasions can be really exciting.


Made up for because PvP is never a serious competitive thing in Dark Souls, and because the main game itself is MUCH easier with sorceries than with martial weapons.

Is it really all that different from the first game? Also there's a ring that completely fulfills the dex req in this game.

how much dex + ring?

That because tt's meant for your third or fourth playthrough of the game.

The Sorcerer class starts with a parrying shield and a riposting dagger for a reason, its for players who are already familiar with the games mechanics.

In one-on-one PvP you will never outdamage the melee weapons. That's not where the strenght of the intelligence class lies.

You're a RANGED class. The game gives you a ring which makes you fucking invisible. With the right build you can one-shot unembered phantoms in invasions. In brawls you can two-shot everyone, including embered hosts with 40 vig.

If they buffed magic even slightly people like you would start complaining about it being too overpowered. Currently its more difficult than a 40/40 shitter-build with a straight sword but its also inherently more rewarding.

The japs have their own little magic duel meta, and you do not want to fight against these guys:

>t. user with 700 hours in DS3 with magic builds

"gives", ranking covenants and still having visible magic while invisible = useless, one shotting is super boring and catered to one spell.

700 hours is nothing dude, comeback later without a gimp build

Nigger does this look like a gimped build?

>he says while spamming the same 2 spells over an over in a predictable pattern

Use your fucking imagination for once. Sorcerer is one of the top-tier classes if you know your shit.

It's a lot more feasible to make a sorcerer for PvP thanks to the Prisoner's Chain, but I think it's retarded that you require not one, but TWO, damage-boosting rings in order to compete with melee damage as a sorcerer. It's pretty ridiculous.

I also forgot that the Sage's Ring is practically a requirement for magic dudes who aren't investing in DEX. That's also very silly. ATT should have increased casting speed like in DSII. That way casters have more ring variety.

Yeah, until you have to get to Irithyll, the land of unlimited magic resistance.

pure staff-sorcerer meta is

great farron dart
farron hail
souls arrows

soul spears and homing soulmass is pure garbage unless the guy you're fighting is clinically retarded

also heysel pick is severely underrated

>homing soulmass is pure garbage

They're great in combination with farron hail to force your opponent away from you to chug mana estus.

magic is 4 pussies. kill things with metal objects

It can't be worse than DS2 magic. Faith was nerfed it carried over to the next game, sorcery only has like 3 good spells that will never hit anybody with a brain, hexes are the same and pyromancy hits like a wet noodle. Fuck man i hate magic in DS2 they ruined it.

Go away Pat

I tried a pure sorc run in SotFS, it was a fucking nightmare, respecced for tank and had a modicum of enjoyment then

It's impossible with the DLC on top of it being shit everything in ALL the DLCs have ridiculous magic resistance to every school. I gave up and rerolled a different character.

>Reached supposed "pvp level cap" at SL125 and thinking of respec to pyro/magic to spice things up
>mfw this thread

Kinda stressed right now.

The sage ring allows you to cast as if you had 30 dex at +0, 35 dex at +1, and 40 at +2

You really don't need much stamina. Yeah, some spells cost a lot, but they also cast slow meaning you don't need to be full when you start anyway. Similar situation with attunement, where there's little point in getting a higher FP pool than a single ashen estus flask restores. Sage ring makes up for cast speed, and investing in dex wouldn't be worth the animation difference even if the ring didn't exist.

Yeah, the build is very specific and restrictive for pvp, but very effective if you have decent experience playing a caster without locking on.

That said, I think it's a real travesty in PVE, but I'm not sure the fundamental problem is really fixable within the confines of Dark Souls systems. You either end up with something busted like Demon's Souls or DS1, or you end up with mostly dogshit in DS2 and DS3.